release 0.2: Made 0-length excluded region legal, and adjusted tests. Tweaked error reporting of negative-length excluded regions, internal oligo excluded regions, and target. release 0.2a: Tweaks to formated output to make it more more complete (inluded complementarity measures); ajusted tests. release 0.2b (10/11/96) Added PRIMER_WARNING tag. Made it legal for excluded regions and targets to lie outside of included region. Documentation fixes (especially to PRIMER_DNA_CONC). release 0.3 Changes to dpal to make it substantially faster on the maxgap=1 case for local and end-anchored complementarity measuers. Removed restriction on maximum sequence length (by removing ftar, fexcl, fexcl_int, fnn, fn, fgc arrays, which necessitated internal changes to methods for calculating overlap with excluded regions and targets and to calculate spanning of targets. Modified 'primer list' format (clean up and hopefully got rid of spurious regression test discrepency on some systems due to differences in rounding). Exit codes for some errors changed. Text of error messages for PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE -> PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE. Some errors that should have been global (fatal) were not. These were fixed and error handling rationalized somewhat. An error in the display of the start position of targets, and excluded regions in formated output was corrected. An error in which overlapping product size ranges caused primer3 to return duplicate primer pairs was corrected. Made regression tests more complete. Made the maximum number of primer pairs to return a parameter (PRIMER_NUM_RETURN). Added optional n-based indexing in input and output (PRIMER_FIRST_BASE_INDEX=n). Has not been testeed for n < 0.