#!/bin/sh # Get BioLegato environment variables. if [ -f $BIRCH/admin/setblenv.profile.$BIRCH_PLATFORM.source ] then . $BIRCH/admin/setblenv.profile.$BIRCH_PLATFORM.source fi # User Preferences that override defaults # BIRCHSettingsFile=$HOME/.config/BIRCH/BIRCHsettings.source if [ -f ${BIRCHSettingsFile} ] then . $BIRCHSettingsFile fi BLHelperFile=$HOME/.config/BIRCH/BLHelper.source if [ -f $BLHelperFile ] then . $BLHelperFile fi # NCBI Eutils require user to provide an email address. This should be set in # the BL_EMAIL environment variable. if [ -z "$BL_EMAIL" ] then MESSAGE="NCBI requires email address. In BIRCH, set email using Edit --> Settings."$'\n'"Relaunch blncbi for changes to take effect" echo $MESSAGE java -jar $BIRCH/script/ErrorBox2.jar "$MESSAGE" else #------------------------- Run blncbi --------------------------------------------- BIOLEGATO_HOME=$BIRCH/java/bioLegato export BIOLEGATO_HOME # The location of anciliary data files used by bioLegato. BL_DATA_DIR=$BIRCH/dat/blncbi export BL_DATA_DIR BL_PROPERTIES=$BL_DATA_DIR/blncbi.properties export BL_PROPERTIES # The -dir switch is mainly for launching bioLegato from the birch launcher. By # prompting the user for a working folder, we help enforce good file organization # habits. if [ $# -gt 0 ] then if [ ${1} = "-dir" ] then # Get rid of the -dir switch, and send the remaining command line arguments to bioLegato shift #Prompt the user to choose a working directory #CHANGEDIR=`java -cp "$BIRCH/script" DirChooser "Where do you want to work? Choose a folder."` CHANGEDIR=`java -jar $BIRCH/script/DirChooser2.jar "Where do you want to work? Choose a folder."` if [ -d "$CHANGEDIR" ]; then cd "$CHANGEDIR" fi fi fi # We need to explicitly set the default look and feel. On Mac OSX, the default for the # table canvas has no borders around cells, which detracts from readability. java -Xms6M -Xmx32M -Dswing.defaultlaf=javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel -jar $BIOLEGATO_HOME/table.jar $* # ------------------------ LOGGING ------------------------------ # For future use when we have a secure logging method. #if [ "$BIRCH_LOGGING" -eq "1" ] # then # echo `whoami` `date` >> $BIRCH/local/admin/biolegato.log #fi fi