#!/usr/bin/env perl # # This program converts PDB-file into a list of Ca # If no chain is specified the first one only is taken # The Ca position always starts at 1 # # The call syntax is: # pdb2ca infile (chain) > outfile # %onelett=('ALA','A', 'CYS','C', 'ASP','D', 'GLU','E', 'PHE','F', 'GLY','G', 'HIS','H', 'ILE','I', 'LYS','K', 'LEU','L', 'MET','M', 'ASN','N', 'PRO','P', 'GLN','Q', 'ARG','R', 'SER','S', 'THR','T', 'VAL','V', 'TRP','W', 'TYR','Y', 'CSX','c', 'XXX','x'); # test command line arguments and open files: if($ARGV[0]=~/help/ ||$ARGV[0]=~/man/ || $ARGV[0]=~/HELP/ || $ARGV[0]=~/Man/ || $ARGV[0] eq "-h" || $ARGV[0] eq "-H" ) {die "SYNTAX: Minimum: [extract_from_pdb file] OR [... | extract_from_pdb] Flags (Default setting is on the first line) -infile.....file...........[Flag can be omited] [File must be pdb or from this pgm] -netfile...................[File will be fetch from the net using wget] [wget must be installed] [ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/wget/] -netaddress................[Address used for the retrieving the netfile] [http://www.expasy.ch/cgi-bin/get-pdb-entry.pl?] -chain......FIRST..........[Extract the first chain only] A B C..........[Extract Several chains if needed] ALL............[Extract all the chains] -coor.......<start>..<end>.[Coordinates of the fragment to extract] [Omit end to include the Cter] -num........absolute.......[absolute: relative to the seq] file...........[file: relative to file] -num_out....new............[new: start 1->L] old............[old: keep the file coordinates] -delete.....<start>..<end>.[Delete from residue start to residue end] -atom.......CA.............[Atoms to include, ALL for all of them] CA O N.........[Indicate several atoms if needed] -code.......3..............[Use the 1 letter code or the 3 letters code] -mode.......pdb............[Output something that looks like pdb] fasta..........[Output the sequences in fasta format] simple.........[Output a format easy to parse in C ] -seq_field..ATOM...........[Field used to extract the sequence] SEQRES.........[Use the complete sequence] -seq.......................[Equivalent to -mode fasta] -model......1..............[Chosen Model in an NMR file] -nodiagnostic..............[Switches Error Messages off] PROBLEMS: please contact cedric.notredame\@europe.com\n"; } #Defaults $np=0; $n_para=$#ARGV; $model=1; $netaddress="http://www.expasy.ch/cgi-bin/get-pdb-entry.pl?"; foreach ($np=0; $np<=$n_para; $np++) { $value=$ARGV[$np]; if ($np==0 && !($value=~/^-.*/)) { $pdb_file= $ARGV[$np]; } elsif ( !($value=~/^-.*/)){die;} elsif ($value eq "-nodiagnostic"){$nodiagnostic=1;} elsif ( $value eq "-infile") { $pdb_file= $ARGV[++$np]; } elsif ( $value eq "-num") { $numbering= $ARGV[++$np]; } elsif ( $value eq "-num_out") { $numbering_out= $ARGV[++$np]; } elsif ($value eq "-netfile") { $netfile=1; if ( !($ARGV[$np+1]=~/^-.*/)){$pdb_file= $ARGV[++$np];} } elsif ( $value eq "-netaddress") { $netadress=$ARGV[++$np]; } elsif ( $value eq "-model") { $model= $ARGV[++$np]; } elsif ($value eq "-seq_field" ) { $seq_field= $ARGV[++$np]; } elsif ($value eq "-coor" ) { $start= $ARGV[++$np]; if (($ARGV[$np+1] eq "") ||($ARGV[$np+1]=~/^-.*/)){$end="*";} else {$end= $ARGV[++$np];} $coor_set=1; } elsif ($value eq "-delete" ) { $delete_start= $ARGV[++$np]; $delete_end= $ARGV[++$np]; $delete_set=1; } elsif ($value eq "-code") { $code= $ARGV[++$np]; } elsif ($value eq "-chain") { $chosen_chain_set=1; while (!($ARGV[$np+1] eq "") &&!($ARGV[$np+1]=~/^-.*/)) { ++$np; $chain[$n_chain++]= $ARGV[$np]; $chain_list{$ARGV[$np]}=1; } } elsif ($value eq "-atom") { while (!($ARGV[$np+1] eq "") && !($ARGV[$np+1]=~/^-.*/)) { ++$np; $atom[$n_atom++]= $ARGV[$np]; $atom_list{$ARGV[$np]}=1; } } elsif ($value eq "-mode") { $MODE=$ARGV[++$np];; } elsif ($value eq "-seq") { $MODE="fasta"; } } if ( $pdb_file ne "" && !$netfile) { unless (-T $pdb_file) {die "$pdb_file is not a valid input file\n"}; } else { $x++; $tmp_file_name="tmp_file_for_extract_from_pdb$$_$x"; $tmp_file_list[$ntmp_file++]=$tmp_file_name; if ( $netfile){system ( "wget -O$tmp_file_name -q $netaddress$pdb_file");} else {$pdb_file="stdin"; open ( TMP, ">$tmp_file_name"); while (<STDIN>) { print TMP $_; } close (TMP); } $pdb_file="$tmp_file_name"; } $pdb_name=$pdb_file; $pdb_name=~s/\.[^\.]*$//; $pdb_name=~s/.*\///; # Make the structure file that contains only one model $x++; $structure_file="tmp_file_for_extract_from_pdb$$_$x"; $tmp_file_list[$ntmp_file++]=$structure_file; open (INFILE, "$pdb_file") || die "can't open $pdb_file: $!\n"; open (TMP, ">$structure_file"); $print_model=1; $in_model=0; while ( <INFILE>) { $line=$_; if ($line =~/^MODEL\s*(\d*)/) { if ($1==$model) { $in_model=1; $print_model=1; $is_nmr=1; } elsif ( $in_model==0) { $print_model=0; } elsif ( $in_model==1) { last; } } if ($print_model){print TMP $line;} } close (TMP); close (INFILE); #set the default if ($numbering eq ""){$numbering="absolute";} if ($numbering_out eq ""){$numbering_out="new";} if ( $delete_set && $coor_set) {die "-delete and -coor are mutually exclusive, sorry\n";} if ( $n_atom==0){$atom_list[$n_atom++]="CA";$atom_list{$atom_list[0]}=1;} if ( $seq_field eq ""){$seq_field="ATOM";} if ( $MODE eq ""){$MODE="pdb";} elsif ( $MODE eq "simple" && $code==0){$code=1;} if ( $code==0){$code=3;} #prepare header open (INFILE, "$structure_file"); if ( $MODE eq "raw_pdb" || $MODE eq "raw") { while (<INFILE>){print "$_";} &clean(@tmp_file_list); exit } if ( $MODE eq "pdb") { while (<INFILE>) { $line=$_; if ($line =~ /^HEADER/){print "$line";} elsif ($line =~ /^COMPND/){print "$line";} } close (INFILE); open(INFILE,"$structure_file"); print "REMARK This is not a pdb file but the output of the program extract_from_pdb\n"; print "REMARK This format is not meant to be used in place of the PDB format\n"; print "REMARK The header refers to the original entry\n"; print "REMARK The sequence from the original file has been taken in the field: $seq_field\n"; if ( $coor_set) { print "REMARK Partial chain: Start $start End $end\n"; } if ( $is_nmr) { print "REMARK NMR structure: MODEL $model\n"; } if ( $n_chain!=0) { print "REMARK chain(s): "; foreach $a (@chain){print "$a ";} print "\n"; } if ( $n_atom!=0) { print "REMARK Contains Coordinates of: "; foreach $a (@atom){print "$a ";} print "\n"; } } #2 READ THE SEQUENCES IN THE SEQRES FIELD AND IN THE ATOM FIELD while (<INFILE>) { $line=$_; if ($line =~ /^SEQRES/) { @field=/(\S*)\s*/g; if ($onelett{$field[3]}) { $c="A"; } else { $c=$field[2]; } $l=$#field; for ($a=0; $a<$#field ;) { if (!$onelett{$field[$a]}) { splice @field, $a, 1; } else { $a++; } } if ( $c ne $in_chain) { $pdb_chain_list[$n_pdb_chains]=$c; $pdb_chain_len [$n_pdb_chains]=$len; $in_chain=$c; $n_pdb_chains++; } for ( $a=0; $a<$#field;$a++){@{$complete_seq{$c}}->[$complete_seq_len{$c}++]=$field[$a];} } elsif ( $line=~/^ATOM/) { $AT_ID=substr($line,13,4); $RES_ID=substr($line,17,3); $CHAIN=substr($line,20,2); $RES_NO=substr($line,22,4); $TEMP=~s/\s//g; $AT_ID=~s/\s//g; $CHAIN=~s/\s//g; $RES_ID=~s/\s//g; $RES_NO=~s/\s//g; if ( $CHAIN eq ""){$CHAIN="A";} if ($coor_set && $numbering eq "file" && $AT_ID eq "CA") { if ( $RES_NO<=$start){$real_start{$CHAIN}++;} if ( $RES_NO<=$end){$real_end{$CHAIN}++;} } elsif ($numbering eq "absolute") { $real_start{$CHAIN}=$start; $real_end{$CHAIN}=$end; } $KEY="ALL"; if ( $CHAIN ne $in_atom_chain) { $pdb_atom_chain_list[$n_pdb_atom_chains]=$c; $pdb_atom_chain_len [$n_pdb_atom_chains]=$len; $in_atom_chain=$c; $n_pdb_atom_chains++; } if ( $AT_ID eq "CA") { @{$atom_seq{$CHAIN}}->[$atom_seq_len{$CHAIN}++]=$RES_ID; } } } close (INFILE); #output the sequences #SEQRES LOOP #3-Chose the chains that will be used if ( $chosen_chain_set==0){$chain_list{FIRST}=1;$chain[$n_chain++]="FIRST";$chosen_chain_set=1;} if ($chain_list{ALL}) { @chain=@pdb_chain_list; foreach $e (@chain){$chain_list {$e}=1;} } elsif($chain_list{FIRST}==1) {$chain[0]=$pdb_chain_list[0];$chain_list{$chain[0]}=1;$n_chain=1;} #reset #4-WRITE OUT THE SEQUENCES open(INFILE,"$structure_file"); foreach $c (@chain) { if ( $seq_field eq "SEQRES"){@pdb_seq=@{$complete_seq{$c}};} elsif ( $seq_field eq "ATOM") {@pdb_seq=@{$atom_seq{$c}};} $full_length=$l=$#pdb_seq+1; if ( $real_end{$c}=="*"){$real_end{$c}=$full_length;} if ( $coor_set) { if ( $real_end{$c} < $l){splice @pdb_seq, $real_end{$c}, $l;} if ( $real_start{$c} < $l){splice @pdb_seq, 0, $real_start{$c}-1;} $l=$#pdb_seq; } elsif ( $delete_set) { splice @pdb_seq, $delete_start, $delete_end-$delete_start+1; $l=$#pdb_seq; } $new_fasta_name="$pdb_name"; if ( $n_pdb_chains>1){$new_fasta_name="$new_fasta_name\_$c";} if ( $coor_set) { if ( $n_pdb_chains==0){$new_fasta_name="$new_fasta_name\_$c";} $new_fasta_name= $new_fasta_name."\_$start\_$end"; } if ( $MODE eq "pdb") { $nl=1; $n=0; foreach $res ( @pdb_seq) { if ( !$n) { printf "SEQRES%4d%2s%5d ", $nl, $c, $l; $nl++; } $res=~s/\s//g; if ($code==1){ printf "%3s ",$onelett{$res};} elsif ($code==3){ printf "%3s ",$res}; $n++; if ( $n==13){$n=0;print "\n";} } if ( $n!=0){print "\n"; $n=0;} } elsif ( $MODE eq "simple") { print ">$new_fasta_name\n"; foreach $res ( @pdb_seq) { print "$onelett{$res}"; } print "\n"; } elsif ( $MODE eq "fasta") { $n=0; print ">$new_fasta_name\n"; foreach $res ( @pdb_seq) { print "$onelett{$res}"; $n++; if ( $n==60){print "\n"; $n=0;} } print "\n"; } } if ( $MODE eq "fasta") { &clean(@tmp_file_list); exit; } #WORK LOOP $charcount=0; $inchain="BEGIN"; $n=0; while (<INFILE>) { $line=$_; if ($line =~ /^ATOM/) { $AT_ID=substr($line,13,4); $RES_ID=substr($line,17,3); $CHAIN=substr($line,20,2); $RES_NO=substr($line,22,4); $X=substr($line,31,8); $Y=substr($line,39,8); $Z=substr($line,47,8); $TEMP=substr($line,60,6); $X=~s/\s//g; $Y=~s/\s//g; $Z=~s/\s//g; $TEMP=~s/\s//g; $AT_ID=~s/\s//g; $CHAIN=~s/\s//g; $RES_ID=~s/\s//g; $RES_NO=~s/\s//g; $KEY="ALL"; if ( $RES_NO ==0){$start_at_zero=1;} $RES_NO+=$start_at_zero; if ( $CHAIN eq ""){$CHAIN = "A";} if ( $current_chain ne $CHAIN) { $current_chain=$CHAIN; $pos=$current_residue=0; $offset=($coor_set)?($real_start{$CHAIN}-1):0; if ( $seq_field eq "SEQRES"){@ref_seq=@{$complete_seq{$CHAIN}};} elsif ( $seq_field eq "ATOM") {@ref_seq=@{$atom_seq{$CHAIN}};} } if ($current_residue != $RES_NO) { $current_residue=$RES_NO; if ( $seq_field eq "SEQRES"){$pos=$current_residue;} elsif ( $seq_field eq "ATOM"){$pos++;} } if ($n_atom==0 || $atom_list{$AT_ID}==1 || $atom_list{$KEY}==1) { if ( ($n_chain==0 || $chain_list{$CHAIN}) && ($coor_set==0 ||($pos>=$real_start{$CHAIN} && $pos<=$real_end{$CHAIN})) && ($delete_set==0 || $pos<$delete_start ||$pos>$delete_end ) ) { $n++; $out_pos=$pos; if ( $delete_set) { if ( $out_pos< $delete_start){;} else {$offset=$delete_end-$delete_start;} } if ( $numbering_out eq "new"){$out_pos-=$offset;} elsif ( $numbering_out eq "old"){$out_pos=$RES_NO;} if ( $ref_seq[$pos-1] ne $RES_ID) {$error=$error."\nERROR: Position $out_pos, $ref_seq[$pos-1] in SEQ $RES_ID in STRUCTURE" ;} if ( $code==1){$RES_ID=$onelett{$RES_ID};} if ( $MODE eq "pdb") { printf "ATOM%7d%5s%4s%2s%4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f 1.00 %6.2f\n",$n, $AT_ID,$RES_ID,$CHAIN,$out_pos, $X, $Y, $Z,$TEMP; } elsif ( $MODE eq "simple") { printf "ATOM %5s %4s %2s %4d %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",$AT_ID, $RES_ID,$CHAIN,$out_pos, $X, $Y, $Z,$TEMP; } } } } } print "\n"; close(INFILE); &clean(@tmp_file_list); #SUMMARIZE if ( $error ne "") {$error=$error."\nDiagnostic: SEQRES and the residues in ATOM are probably Incompatible\n"; $error=$error. "Recomendation: Rerun with '-fix 1' in order to ignore the SEQRES sequences\n"; } if (!$nodiagnostic){print STDERR $error;} #Clean after usage sub clean { my @fl=@_; my $file; foreach $file ( @fl) { if ( -e $file){unlink($file);} } }