;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FEATURES/GDE Expression File Instructions 8/7/95 ; ; 1. Type in one or more GenBank expressions below, ; or ; Place cursor at end of this file and choose 'Include File' in the FILE ; menu to read in a file of feature keys. ; or ; Copy expressions from another window and Paste into this window. ; 2. Choose 'Save Current File' in the File menu ; 3. Quit this window ; ; NOTES: ; 1) FEATURES will then extract the appropriate sequences. ; YOU DON'T NEED TO EDIT OUT THESE COMMENT LINES. ; 2) All expressions referring to GenBank entries must begin with a '@' ; Literals (ie. sequences to be embedded in the final output) ; do NOT begin with a '@'. ; 3) Put each expression on a separate line. ; ; SAMPLE EXPRESSION FILE: ; ; @J05635:83..1813 ; ; EcoRI/NotI adaptor {this is a comment line} ; AATTGCGGCCGC ; @J05635:/product="flagellin A" ; @x17548:singed_trans ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------