#!/bin/csh # Wrapper to run the pathways database. #---------------------------------------------------- # Top directory for your lab database # We can build other environment variables # based on $ACEDB # Uncomment ONE of these setenv lines, depending on # where your database is. # This will only work if you launch pathdb from # the directory that contains your database. #setenv ACEDB . # for use by instructor setenv ACEDB /home/psgendb/local/PLNT4610/pathdemo/pathways # Students in PLNT7690 should uncomment the line below # and change it to correspond to full path of their as5/pathways # directory. #setenv ACEDB /home/plants/frist/public_html/PLNT7690/as5/pathways #----------------------------------------------------- # Directory for executable code specific for your database # The bin directory contains scripts for viewing orlaunching # different types of files, based on their file extension. setenv BINDIR $ACEDB/bin set path = ($BINDIR $path) setenv ACE_FILE_LAUNCHER $BINDIR/aceviewer #----------------------------------------------------- # Run the xace client using your database xace &