/*$Id: displays.wrm,v 1.44 2001/05/04 15:49:05 edgrif Exp $ */ /* wspec/displays.wrm This file is read only at execution time by graphical acedb applications. Non-graphical applications (e.g. tace) ignore this file. It holds the display definitions necessary to the graphic interface. You can freely edit this file without recompiling but it must remain consistent with the other wspec files. Line starting with _DDisplayType are parsed, they are expected to contain a la Unix a set of -Option parameters. Options for unknown DisplayTypes are ignored without errors. To check the names of available displays, list the members of the class 'Display' with the query 'FIND Display' or 'select all class Display' (in AQL) This query is not guaranteed in non-graphical acedb applications. Options names can be abbreviated, recognized options are -Title text : A default title for that graph, sometimes overridden by the applications. -Width w -Height h -Xposition x -Yposition y : Real numbers in the following range 0 < x,w < 1.3 ; 0 < y,h < 1.0 These fractions are relative to a window 900x900 pixels. for example '-width 1.0 -height 0.5' sets the default window size for the display to 900x450 pixels. -Columns c -Rows r Alternatives to -Width and -Height, the arguments are in units of pixels (PIXEL_* type graphs) or characters (TEXT_*) type graphs. These are most useful for displays whose ideal size depends on the text size. (eg main windows, keyset window...) -Menu Adds this display type, under name , to the "Show as" menu in the KeySet window. The standard options in that menu are 'Graph', which chooses the configured default and 'Text' which forces the tree display. This options adds further items. -Help section : The corresponding Help file in whelp/ (without the .html or .shtml file extension) Displays that aren't configured in this file, the default window size is 0.5 x 0.3 (450x300 pixels), title "acedb" and default "help" is acedb.html, which describes the main-window. The displays can be registered as the preferred display type of a class in the file wspec/options.wrm. */ _DDtMain -t "ACEDB" -c 60 -r 15 -help acedb _DDtChrono -t "Chrono" -x .0125 -y .25 -w 0.6 -height 0.74 -help Chronometer _DDtFile_Chooser -t "File chooser" -w 0.5 -height 0.7 -help File_Chooser _DDtHelp -t "Help" -x .5 -y .15 -w .9 -hei .8 -help Help _DDtAce_Parser -t ".ace file parser" -x 0.4 -w 0.5 -heig 0.3 -help Read_files _DDtDump -t Dump -x .65 -y .04 -w 0.6 -height 0.6 -help Dump _DDtKeySet -t KeySet -x .0001 -y 0.25 -Columns 48 -Rows 30 -help KeySet _DDtSession -t "Session Control" -x 0.41 -w 0.64 -height 0.64 -help "Session_control" _DDtPreferenceEditor -t "Preference Editor" -width 0.5 -height 0.3 -help "Preferences" _DDtLayoutEditor -t "Class Layout Editor" -width 0.5 -height 0.5 -help "Layout" _DDtStatus -t "Status" -x .25 -y .4 -w 1.0 -heig .7 -help Status _DDtUpdate -t "Update" -x .65 -y .04 -w 0.6 -hei 0.6 -help "Official_Update" _DDtLongText -t "Text" - y 0.3 -w 0.75 -height 0.68 \ -help "Long-Text" _DDtQuery -t "Query" -w .65 -height 0.35 -help Query _DDtQueryBuilder -t "Query, by Gary Aochi" -w .73 -height 0.35 -help GaryQuery _DDtQueryByExample -t "Query by Example" -w .55 -height 0.35 -help Query_By_Example _DDtSpreadSheet -t "Table Maker" -w .60 -height 0.35 -help Table_Maker _DDtTableResult -t "Table Results" -w .60 -height 0.8 -help Table_Maker_Data _DDtMULTIMAP -t "Multi-map" -w 1.15 -height 0.65 -help Multi_Map _DDtAction -t "Action" -w .45 -height 0.65 -help Action _DTREE -w 0.55 -height 0.35 -x .2 -y .3 -help Tree _DDtBiblio -t Biblio -x 0.72 -y 0.22 -w 0.7 -height 0.75 -help Bibliography _DCMAP -t Chromosome -y 0.3 -w 0.6 -height 0.75 -help Chromosome-map _DFMAP -t Features -y 0.3 -w 0.80 -height 0.93 \ -help Feature-map _DPEPMAP -t Protein -y 0.3 -w 0.80 -height 0.93 \ -help Protein-map _DDtColControl -t "Column Control" -w .75 -height .5 \ -help Column-control _DDtGel -t "Agarose Gel" -y 0.3 -w 0.35 -height 0.68 \ -help Agarose-Gels _DGMAP -y 0.3 -w 0.75 -height 0.68 -help Genetic-map -m Genetic-map _DVMAP -y 0.3 -w 0.75 -height 0.80 -help Vertical-map _DGRID -w 0.54 -height 0.78 -help Grid -m Grid _DPMAP -x 0.41 -w 0.88 -height 0.7 -help Physical-map _DDtPmapFingerprint -t "Fingerprint" -w 0.50 \ -height 0.93 -x .1 -y .03 -help Gel-Patterns _DDtAlign -t "Align Maps" -y .64 -w 0.55 -height 0.40 \ -help Make_maps _DDtCodons -t "Codon Usage" -x .1 -y .5 -w .7 \ -height .85 -help Codon_usage _DDtDnaTool -t "DNA Analysis" -y .61 -w 0.32 \ -height 0.68 -help DNA_analysis _DDtAlias -t "Add/Delete/Rename/Alias Objects" -w 0.5 \ -height 0.25 -help Add_New_Objects _DDtHistogram -t "Histogram" -x .01 -y .33 -w .5 \ -height .33 -help Histogram _DDtMultiTrace -t "Traces" -x .01 -y .03 -w .9 \ -height .93 -help Traces _DDtImage -t "Image" -width .6 -height .4 -help Image _DMETAB -t "Pathways" -width .6 -height .4 \ -help Pathways _DDtAlignment -t "Alignment" -width .6 -height .4 \ -help Alignment _DDtForest -x 0.05 -y 0.05 -w 1.2 -height 0.92 -help forest _DDtDendrogram -x 0.1 -y 0.01 -w 0.8 -height 0.5 -help dendrogram /** next two are pseudo-displays: must declare but no graph needed **/ _DWWW _DDISPLAY_AS /*********** all below added by jld for comparative maps *********/ _DOXGRID -t "Oxford Grid" -w 0.9 -height 0.9 -help Comparative_Maps _DPAIRMAP -t "PairMap"-w 0.8 -height 0.9 -help Comparative_Maps _DO2MMAP -t "One-to-ManyMap" -w 1.10 -height 1.0 -help Comparative_Maps _DOxgridChoose -t "Comparative Map Chooser" -w 0.5 -height 0.35 -help Comparative_Maps _DSPECGRID -t "Species Grid" -w 1.0 -height 0.95 -help Comparative_Maps /******** special display for WinAce (Richard Bruskiewich) ********/ _DSCRIPT /*********************** end of file ***************************/