# Copyright 2001-2004 Brad Chapman. # Revisions copyright 2009-2010 by Peter Cock. # All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """General mechanisms to access applications in Biopython. This module is not intended for direct use. It provides the basic objects which are subclassed by our command line wrappers, such as: - Bio.Align.Applications - Bio.Blast.Applications - Bio.Emboss.Applications - Bio.Sequencing.Applications These modules provide wrapper classes for command line tools to help you construct command line strings by setting the values of each parameter. The finished command line strings are then normally invoked via the built-in Python module subprocess. This module also includes some deprecated functionality (function generic_run and class ApplicationResult) which should not be used anymore. """ import os, sys import StringIO import subprocess import re from Bio import File #Use this regular expresion to test the property names are going to #be valid as Python properties or arguments _re_prop_name = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*") assert _re_prop_name.match("t") assert _re_prop_name.match("test") assert _re_prop_name.match("_test") is None # we don't want private names assert _re_prop_name.match("-test") is None assert _re_prop_name.match("test_name") assert _re_prop_name.match("test2") #These are reserved names in Python itself, _reserved_names = ["and", "del", "from", "not", "while", "as", "elif", "global", "or", "with", "assert", "else", "if", "pass", "yield", "break", "except", "import", "print", "class", "exec", "in", "raise", "continue", "finally", "is", "return", "def", "for", "lambda", "try"] #These are reserved names due to the way the wrappers work _local_reserved_names = ["set_parameter"] def generic_run(commandline): """Run an application with the given commandline (DEPRECATED). This expects a pre-built commandline that derives from AbstractCommandline, and returns a ApplicationResult object to get results from a program, along with handles of the standard output and standard error. WARNING - This will read in the full program output into memory! This may be in issue when the program writes a large amount of data to standard output. NOTE - This function is considered to be obsolete, and we intend to deprecate it and then remove it in future releases of Biopython. We now recommend you invoke subprocess directly, using str(commandline) to turn an AbstractCommandline wrapper into a command line string. This will give you full control of the tool's input and output as well. """ import warnings warnings.warn("Bio.Application.generic_run and the associated " "Bio.Application.ApplicationResult are deprecated. " "Please use the Bio.Application based wrappers with " "the built in Python module subprocess instead, as " "described in the Biopython Tutorial.", DeprecationWarning) #We don't need to supply any piped input, but we setup the #standard input pipe anyway as a work around for a python #bug if this is called from a Windows GUI program. For #details, see http://bugs.python.org/issue1124861 child = subprocess.Popen(str(commandline), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=(sys.platform!="win32")) #Use .communicate as might get deadlocks with .wait(), see Bug 2804/2806 r_out, e_out = child.communicate() # capture error code: error_code = child.returncode return ApplicationResult(commandline, error_code), \ File.UndoHandle(StringIO.StringIO(r_out)), \ File.UndoHandle(StringIO.StringIO(e_out)) class ApplicationResult: """Make results of a program available through a standard interface (DEPRECATED). This tries to pick up output information available from the program and make it available programmatically. NOTE - This class hase been deprecated and we intend to remove it in a future release of Biopython. """ def __init__(self, application_cl, return_code): """Intialize with the commandline from the program. """ import warnings warnings.warn("Bio.Application.ApplicationResult and the " "associated function Bio.Application.generic_run " "are deprecated. Please use the Bio.Application " "based wrappers with the built in Python module " "subprocess instead, as described in the Biopython " "Tutorial.", DeprecationWarning) self._cl = application_cl # provide the return code of the application self.return_code = return_code # get the application dependent results we can provide # right now the only results we handle are output files self._results = {} for parameter in self._cl.parameters: if "file" in parameter.param_types and \ "output" in parameter.param_types: if parameter.is_set: self._results[parameter.names[-1]] = parameter.value def get_result(self, output_name): """Retrieve result information for the given output. Supports any of the defined parameters aliases (assuming the parameter is defined as an output). """ try: return self._results[output_name] except KeyError, err: #Try the aliases... for parameter in self._cl.parameters: if output_name in parameter.names: return self._results[parameter.names[-1]] #No, really was a key error: raise err def available_results(self): """Retrieve a list of all available results. """ result_names = self._results.keys() result_names.sort() return result_names class AbstractCommandline(object): """Generic interface for constructing command line strings. This class shouldn't be called directly; it should be subclassed to provide an implementation for a specific application. For a usage example we'll show one of the EMBOSS wrappers. You can set options when creating the wrapper object using keyword arguments - or later using their corresponding properties: >>> from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline >>> cline = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5) >>> cline WaterCommandline(cmd='water', gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5) You can instead manipulate the parameters via their properties, e.g. >>> cline.gapopen 10 >>> cline.gapopen = 20 >>> cline WaterCommandline(cmd='water', gapopen=20, gapextend=0.5) You can clear a parameter you have already added by 'deleting' the corresponding property: >>> del cline.gapopen >>> cline.gapopen >>> cline WaterCommandline(cmd='water', gapextend=0.5) Once you have set the parameters you need, turn the object into a string: >>> str(cline) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: You must either set outfile (output filename), or enable filter or stdout (output to stdout). In this case the wrapper knows certain arguments are required to construct a valid command line for the tool. For a complete example, >>> from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline >>> water_cmd = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5) >>> water_cmd.asequence = "asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT" >>> water_cmd.bsequence = "asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT" >>> water_cmd.outfile = "temp_water.txt" >>> print water_cmd water -outfile=temp_water.txt -asequence=asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT -bsequence=asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT -gapopen=10 -gapextend=0.5 >>> water_cmd WaterCommandline(cmd='water', outfile='temp_water.txt', asequence='asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT', bsequence='asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT', gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5) You would typically run the command line via a standard Python operating system call using the subprocess module for full control. For the simple case where you just want to run the command and get the output: stdout, stderr = water_cmd(capture=Ture) """ #Note the call example above is not a doctest as we can't handle EMBOSS #(or any other tool) being missing in the unit tests. def __init__(self, cmd, **kwargs): """Create a new instance of a command line wrapper object.""" # Init method - should be subclassed! # # The subclass methods should look like this: # # def __init__(self, cmd="muscle", **kwargs): # self.parameters = [...] # AbstractCommandline.__init__(self, cmd, **kwargs) # # i.e. There should have an optional argument "cmd" to set the location # of the executable (with a sensible default which should work if the # command is on the path on Unix), and keyword arguments. It should # then define a list of parameters, all objects derived from the base # class _AbstractParameter. # # The keyword arguments should be any valid parameter name, and will # be used to set the associated parameter. self.program_name = cmd try: parameters = self.parameters except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Subclass should have defined self.parameters") #Create properties for each parameter at run time aliases = set() for p in parameters: for name in p.names: if name in aliases: raise ValueError("Parameter alias %s multiply defined" \ % name) aliases.add(name) name = p.names[-1] if _re_prop_name.match(name) is None: raise ValueError("Final parameter name %s cannot be used as " "an argument or property name in python" % repr(name)) if name in _reserved_names: raise ValueError("Final parameter name %s cannot be used as " "an argument or property name because it is " "a reserved word in python" % repr(name)) if name in _local_reserved_names: raise ValueError("Final parameter name %s cannot be used as " "an argument or property name due to the " "way the AbstractCommandline class works" % repr(name)) #Beware of binding-versus-assignment confusion issues def getter(name): return lambda x : x._get_parameter(name) def setter(name): return lambda x, value : x.set_parameter(name, value) def deleter(name): return lambda x : x._clear_parameter(name) doc = p.description if isinstance(p, _Switch): doc += "\n\nThis property controls the addition of the %s " \ "switch, treat this property as a boolean." % p.names[0] else: doc += "\n\nThis controls the addition of the %s parameter " \ "and its associated value. Set this property to the " \ "argument value required." % p.names[0] prop = property(getter(name), setter(name), deleter(name), doc) setattr(self.__class__, name, prop) #magic! for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): self.set_parameter(key, value) def _validate(self): """Make sure the required parameters have been set (PRIVATE). No return value - it either works or raises a ValueError. This is a separate method (called from __str__) so that subclasses may override it. """ for p in self.parameters: #Check for missing required parameters: if p.is_required and not(p.is_set): raise ValueError("Parameter %s is not set." \ % p.names[-1]) #Also repeat the parameter validation here, just in case? def __str__(self): """Make the commandline string with the currently set options. e.g. >>> from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline >>> cline = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5) >>> cline.asequence = "asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT" >>> cline.bsequence = "asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT" >>> cline.outfile = "temp_water.txt" >>> print cline water -outfile=temp_water.txt -asequence=asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT -bsequence=asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT -gapopen=10 -gapextend=0.5 >>> str(cline) 'water -outfile=temp_water.txt -asequence=asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT -bsequence=asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT -gapopen=10 -gapextend=0.5' """ self._validate() commandline = "%s " % self.program_name for parameter in self.parameters: if parameter.is_set: #This will include a trailing space: commandline += str(parameter) return commandline.strip() # remove trailing space def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of the command line object for debugging. e.g. >>> from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline >>> cline = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5) >>> cline.asequence = "asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT" >>> cline.bsequence = "asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT" >>> cline.outfile = "temp_water.txt" >>> print cline water -outfile=temp_water.txt -asequence=asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT -bsequence=asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT -gapopen=10 -gapextend=0.5 >>> cline WaterCommandline(cmd='water', outfile='temp_water.txt', asequence='asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT', bsequence='asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT', gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5) """ answer = "%s(cmd=%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.program_name)) for parameter in self.parameters: if parameter.is_set: if isinstance(parameter, _Switch): answer += ", %s=True" % parameter.names[-1] else: answer += ", %s=%s" \ % (parameter.names[-1], repr(parameter.value)) answer += ")" return answer def _get_parameter(self, name): """Get a commandline option value.""" for parameter in self.parameters: if name in parameter.names: if isinstance(parameter, _Switch): return parameter.is_set else: return parameter.value raise ValueError("Option name %s was not found." % name) def _clear_parameter(self, name): """Reset or clear a commandline option value.""" cleared_option = False for parameter in self.parameters: if name in parameter.names: parameter.value = None parameter.is_set = False cleared_option = True if not cleared_option: raise ValueError("Option name %s was not found." % name) def set_parameter(self, name, value = None): """Set a commandline option for a program. """ set_option = False for parameter in self.parameters: if name in parameter.names: if isinstance(parameter, _Switch): if value is None: import warnings warnings.warn("For a switch type argument like %s, " "we expect a boolean. None is treated " "as FALSE!" % parameter.names[-1]) parameter.is_set = bool(value) set_option = True else: if value is not None: self._check_value(value, name, parameter.checker_function) parameter.value = value parameter.is_set = True set_option = True if not set_option: raise ValueError("Option name %s was not found." % name) def _check_value(self, value, name, check_function): """Check whether the given value is valid. No return value - it either works or raises a ValueError. This uses the passed function 'check_function', which can either return a [0, 1] (bad, good) value or raise an error. Either way this function will raise an error if the value is not valid, or finish silently otherwise. """ if check_function is not None: is_good = check_function(value) #May raise an exception assert is_good in [0,1,True,False] if not is_good: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter value %r for parameter %s" \ % (value, name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Set attribute name to value (PRIVATE). This code implements a workaround for a user interface issue. Without this __setattr__ attribute-based assignment of parameters will silently accept invalid parameters, leading to known instances of the user assuming that parameters for the application are set, when they are not. >>> from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline >>> cline = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5, stdout=True) >>> cline.asequence = "a.fasta" >>> cline.bsequence = "b.fasta" >>> cline.csequence = "c.fasta" Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Option name csequence was not found. >>> print cline water -stdout -asequence=a.fasta -bsequence=b.fasta -gapopen=10 -gapextend=0.5 This workaround uses a whitelist of object attributes, and sets the object attribute list as normal, for these. Other attributes are assumed to be parameters, and passed to the self.set_parameter method for validation and assignment. """ if name in ['parameters', 'program_name']: # Allowed attributes self.__dict__[name] = value else: self.set_parameter(name, value) # treat as a parameter def __call__(self, stdin=None, stdout=True, stderr=True): """Execute the command and waits for it to finish, returns output. Runs the command line tool and waits for it to finish. If it returns a non-zero error level, an exception is raised. Otherwise two strings are returned containing stdout and stderr. The optional stdin argument should be a string of data which will be passed to the tool as standard input. The optional stdout and stderr argument are treated as a booleans, and control if the output should be captured (True, default), or ignored by sending it to /dev/null to avoid wasting memory (False). In the later case empty string(s) are returned. Default example usage: from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline water_cmd = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5, stdout=True, asequence="a.fasta", bsequence="b.fasta") print "About to run:\n%s" % water_cmd std_output, err_output = water_cmd() This functionality is similar to subprocess.check_output() added in Python 2.7. In general if you require more control over running the command, use subprocess directly. """ if stdout: stdout_arg = subprocess.PIPE else: stdout_arg = open(os.devnull) if stderr: stderr_arg = subprocess.PIPE else: stderr_arg = open(os.devnull) #We may not need to supply any piped input, but we setup the #standard input pipe anyway as a work around for a python #bug if this is called from a Windows GUI program. For #details, see http://bugs.python.org/issue1124861 # #Using universal newlines is important on Python 3, this #gives unicode handles rather than bytes handles. child_process = subprocess.Popen(str(self), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=stdout_arg, stderr=stderr_arg, universal_newlines=True, shell=(sys.platform!="win32")) #Use .communicate as can get deadlocks with .wait(), see Bug 2804 stdout_str, stderr_str = child_process.communicate(stdin) #any stderr output should be merged with stdout or sent to dev null if not stdout: assert not stdout_str if not stderr: assert not stderr_str return_code = child_process.returncode if return_code: try: #Mimic what subprocess.call_check() and output_check() do, raise subprocess.ProcessCalledError(return_code, str(self)) except AttributeError: #Python 2.5+ needed for subprocess.CalledProcessError raise RuntimeError( \ "Command %s returned non-zero exit status %i" \ % (str(self), return_code)) return stdout_str, stderr_str class _AbstractParameter: """A class to hold information about a parameter for a commandline. Do not use this directly, instead use one of the subclasses. """ def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): raise NotImplementedError class _Option(_AbstractParameter): """Represent an option that can be set for a program. This holds UNIXish options like --append=yes and -a yes, where a value (here "yes") is generally expected. For UNIXish options like -kimura in clustalw which don't take a value, use the _Switch object instead. Attributes: o names -- a list of string names by which the parameter can be referenced (ie. ["-a", "--append", "append"]). The first name in the list is considered to be the one that goes on the commandline, for those parameters that print the option. The last name in the list is assumed to be a "human readable" name describing the option in one word. o param_types -- a list of string describing the type of parameter, which can help let programs know how to use it. Example descriptions include 'input', 'output', 'file'. Note that if 'file' is included, these argument values will automatically be escaped if the filename contains spaces. o checker_function -- a reference to a function that will determine if a given value is valid for this parameter. This function can either raise an error when given a bad value, or return a [0, 1] decision on whether the value is correct. o equate -- should an equals sign be inserted if a value is used? o description -- a description of the option. o is_required -- a flag to indicate if the parameter must be set for the program to be run. o is_set -- if the parameter has been set o value -- the value of a parameter """ def __init__(self, names = [], types = [], checker_function = None, is_required = False, description = "", equate=True): self.names = names self.param_types = types self.checker_function = checker_function self.description = description self.equate = equate self.is_required = is_required self.is_set = False self.value = None def __str__(self): """Return the value of this option for the commandline. Includes a trailing space. """ # Note: Before equate was handled explicitly, the old # code would do either "--name " or "--name=value ", # or " -name " or " -name value ". This choice is now # now made explicitly when setting up the option. if self.value is None: return "%s " % self.names[0] if "file" in self.param_types: v = _escape_filename(self.value) else: v = str(self.value) if self.equate: return "%s=%s " % (self.names[0], v) else: return "%s %s " % (self.names[0], v) class _Switch(_AbstractParameter): """Represent an optional argument switch for a program. This holds UNIXish options like -kimura in clustalw which don't take a value, they are either included in the command string or omitted. o names -- a list of string names by which the parameter can be referenced (ie. ["-a", "--append", "append"]). The first name in the list is considered to be the one that goes on the commandline, for those parameters that print the option. The last name in the list is assumed to be a "human readable" name describing the option in one word. o param_types -- a list of string describing the type of parameter, which can help let programs know how to use it. Example descriptions include 'input', 'output', 'file'. Note that if 'file' is included, these argument values will automatically be escaped if the filename contains spaces. o description -- a description of the option. o is_set -- if the parameter has been set NOTE - There is no value attribute, see is_set instead, """ def __init__(self, names = [], types = [], description = ""): self.names = names self.param_types = types self.description = description self.is_set = False self.is_required = False def __str__(self): """Return the value of this option for the commandline. Includes a trailing space. """ assert not hasattr(self, "value") if self.is_set: return "%s " % self.names[0] else: return "" class _Argument(_AbstractParameter): """Represent an argument on a commandline. """ def __init__(self, names = [], types = [], checker_function = None, is_required = False, description = ""): self.names = names self.param_types = types self.checker_function = checker_function self.description = description self.is_required = is_required self.is_set = False self.value = None def __str__(self): if self.value is None: return " " else: return "%s " % self.value def _escape_filename(filename): """Escape filenames with spaces by adding quotes (PRIVATE). Note this will not add quotes if they are already included: >>> print _escape_filename('example with spaces') "example with spaces" >>> print _escape_filename('"example with spaces"') "example with spaces" """ #Is adding the following helpful #if os.path.isfile(filename): # #On Windows, if the file exists, we can ask for # #its alternative short name (DOS style 8.3 format) # #which has no spaces in it. Note that this name # #is not portable between machines, or even folder! # try: # import win32api # short = win32api.GetShortPathName(filename) # assert os.path.isfile(short) # return short # except ImportError: # pass if " " not in filename: return filename #We'll just quote it - works on Windows, Mac OS X etc if filename.startswith('"') and filename.endswith('"'): #Its already quoted return filename else: return '"%s"' % filename def _test(): """Run the Bio.Application module's doctests.""" import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose=1) if __name__ == "__main__": #Run the doctests _test()