# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Code for calling ClustalW and parsing its output (DEPRECATED). This module has been superseded by the Bio.AlignIO framework for alignment parsing, and the ClustalW command line wrapper in Bio.Align.Applications for calling the tool. These are both described in the current version of the Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook. This means Bio.Clustalw is now deprecated and likely to be removed in future releases of Biopython. A set of classes to interact with the multiple alignment command line program clustalw. Clustalw is the command line version of the graphical Clustalx aligment program. This requires clustalw available from: ftp://ftp-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/ClustalW/. functions: o read o parse_file o do_alignment classes: o ClustalAlignment o MultipleAlignCL""" import warnings warnings.warn("Bio.Clustalw is deprecated. Please use the Bio.AlignIO framework for alignment parsing, and the ClustalW command line wrapper in Bio.Align.Applications for calling the tool. These are both described in the current version of the Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook.", DeprecationWarning) # standard library import os import sys import subprocess # biopython from Bio import Alphabet from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC from Bio.Align.Generic import Alignment from Bio.Application import _escape_filename def parse_file(file_name, alphabet = IUPAC.unambiguous_dna, debug_level = 0): """Parse the given file into a clustal aligment object (OBSOLETE). Arguments: o file_name - The name of the file to parse. o alphabet - The type of alphabet to use for the alignment sequences. This should correspond to the type of information contained in the file. Defaults to be unambiguous_dna sequence. There is a deprecated optional argument debug_level which has no effect. This function is obsolete, and any new code should call Bio.AlignIO instead. For example using Bio.Clustalw, you might have: >>> from Bio import Clustalw >>> from Bio import Alphabet >>> filename = "Clustalw/protein.aln" >>> alpha = Alphabet.Gapped(Alphabet.generic_protein) >>> align = Clustalw.parse_file(filename, alphabet=alpha) >>> print align.get_alignment_length() 411 >>> clustalw_string = str(align) This becomes: >>> from Bio import AlignIO >>> from Bio import Alphabet >>> filename = "Clustalw/protein.aln" >>> alpha = Alphabet.Gapped(Alphabet.generic_protein) >>> align = AlignIO.read(open(filename), "clustal", alphabet=alpha) >>> print align.get_alignment_length() 411 >>> assert clustalw_string == align.format("clustal") """ # Avoid code duplication by calling Bio.AlignIO to do this for us. handle = open(file_name, 'r') from Bio import AlignIO generic_alignment = AlignIO.read(handle, "clustal") handle.close() #Force this generic alignment into a ClustalAlignment... nasty hack if isinstance(alphabet, Alphabet.Gapped): alpha = alphabet else: alpha = Alphabet.Gapped(alphabet) clustal_alignment = ClustalAlignment(alpha) clustal_alignment._records = generic_alignment._records for record in clustal_alignment._records: record.seq.alphabet = alpha try: clustal_alignment._version = generic_alignment._version except AttributeError: #Missing the version, could be a 3rd party tool's output pass try : clustal_alignment._star_info = generic_alignment._star_info except AttributeError: #Missing the consensus, again, this is not always present pass return clustal_alignment def do_alignment(command_line, alphabet=None): """Perform an alignment with the given command line (OBSOLETE). Arguments: o command_line - A command line object that can give out the command line we will input into clustalw. o alphabet - the alphabet to use in the created alignment. If not specified IUPAC.unambiguous_dna and IUPAC.protein will be used for dna and protein alignment respectively. Returns: o A clustal alignment object corresponding to the created alignment. If the alignment type was not a clustal object, None is returned. This function (and the associated command line object) are now obsolete. Please use the Bio.Align.Applications.ClustalwCommandline wrapper with the Python subprocess module (and Bio.AlignIO for parsing) as described in the tutorial. """ #We don't need to supply any piped input, but we setup the #standard input pipe anyway as a work around for a python #bug if this is called from a Windows GUI program. For #details, see http://bugs.python.org/issue1124861 child_process = subprocess.Popen(str(command_line), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=(sys.platform!="win32") ) #Use .communicate as can get deadlocks with .wait(), see Bug 2804 child_process.communicate() #ignore the stdout and strerr data value = child_process.returncode # check the return value for errors, as on 1.81 the return value # from Clustalw is actually helpful for figuring out errors # TODO - Update this for new error codes using in clustalw 2 # 1 => bad command line option if value == 1: raise ValueError("Bad command line option in the command: %s" % str(command_line)) # 2 => can't open sequence file elif value == 2: raise IOError("Cannot open sequence file %s" % command_line.sequence_file) # 3 => wrong format in sequence file elif value == 3: raise IOError("Sequence file %s has an invalid format." % command_line.sequence_file) # 4 => sequence file only has one sequence elif value == 4: raise IOError("Sequence file %s has only one sequence present." % command_line.sequence_file) # if an output file was specified, we need to grab it if command_line.output_file: out_file = command_line.output_file else: out_file = os.path.splitext(command_line.sequence_file)[0] + '.aln' # if we can't deal with the format, just return None if command_line.output_type and command_line.output_type != 'CLUSTAL': return None # otherwise parse it into a ClustalAlignment object else: if not alphabet: alphabet = (IUPAC.unambiguous_dna, IUPAC.protein)[ command_line.type == 'PROTEIN'] # check if the outfile exists before parsing if not(os.path.exists(out_file)): raise IOError("Output .aln file %s not produced, commandline: %s" % (out_file, command_line)) return parse_file(out_file, alphabet) class ClustalAlignment(Alignment): """Work with the clustal aligment format (OBSOLETE). This format is the default output from clustal -- these files normally have an extension of .aln. This obsolete alignment object is a subclass of the more general alignment object used in Bio.AlignIO. The old practical difference is here str(align) would give the alignment as a string in clustal format, whereas in general you must do align.format("clustal"), which supports other formats too. """ # the default version to use if one isn't set DEFAULT_VERSION = '1.81' def __init__(self, alphabet = Alphabet.Gapped(IUPAC.ambiguous_dna)): Alignment.__init__(self, alphabet) # represent all of those stars in the aln output format self._star_info = '' self._version = '' def __str__(self): """Print out the alignment so it looks pretty. The output produced from this should also be formatted in valid clustal format. """ return self.format("clustal") class MultipleAlignCL: """Represent a clustalw multiple alignment command line (OBSOLETE). This command line wrapper is considerd obsolete. Please use the replacement Bio.Align.Applications.ClustalwCommandline wrapper instead, which uses the standardised Bio.Application style interface. This is described in the tutorial, with examples using ClustalW. """ # set the valid options for different parameters OUTPUT_TYPES = ['GCG', 'GDE', 'PHYLIP', 'PIR', 'NEXUS', 'FASTA'] OUTPUT_ORDER = ['INPUT', 'ALIGNED'] OUTPUT_CASE = ['LOWER', 'UPPER'] OUTPUT_SEQNOS = ['OFF', 'ON'] RESIDUE_TYPES = ['PROTEIN', 'DNA'] PROTEIN_MATRIX = ['BLOSUM', 'PAM', 'GONNET', 'ID'] DNA_MATRIX = ['IUB', 'CLUSTALW'] def __init__(self, sequence_file, command = 'clustalw'): """Initialize some general parameters that can be set as attributes. Arguments: o sequence_file - The file to read the sequences for alignment from. o command - The command used to run clustalw. This defaults to just 'clustalw' (ie. assumes you have it on your path somewhere). General attributes that can be set: o is_quick - if set as 1, will use a fast algorithm to create the alignment guide tree. o allow_negative - allow negative values in the alignment matrix. Multiple alignment attributes that can be set as attributes: o gap_open_pen - Gap opening penalty o gap_ext_pen - Gap extension penalty o is_no_end_pen - A flag as to whether or not there should be a gap separation penalty for the ends. o gap_sep_range - The gap separation penalty range. o is_no_pgap - A flag to turn off residue specific gaps o is_no_hgap - A flag to turn off hydrophilic gaps o h_gap_residues - A list of residues to count a hydrophilic o max_div - A percent identity to use for delay (? - I don't undertand this!) o trans_weight - The weight to use for transitions """ self.sequence_file = sequence_file self.command = command self.is_quick = None self.allow_negative = None self.gap_open_pen = None self.gap_ext_pen = None self.is_no_end_pen = None self.gap_sep_range = None self.is_no_pgap = None self.is_no_hgap = None self.h_gap_residues = [] self.max_div = None self.trans_weight = None # other attributes that should be set via various functions # 1. output parameters self.output_file = None self.output_type = None self.output_order = None self.change_case = None self.add_seqnos = None # 2. a guide tree to use self.guide_tree = None self.new_tree = None # 3. matrices self.protein_matrix = None self.dna_matrix = None # 4. type of residues self.type = None def __str__(self): """Write out the command line as a string.""" #On Linux with clustalw 1.83, you can do: #clustalw input.faa #clustalw /full/path/input.faa #clustalw -INFILE=input.faa #clustalw -INFILE=/full/path/input.faa # #Note these fail (using DOS style slashes): # #clustalw /INFILE=input.faa #clustalw /INFILE=/full/path/input.faa # #On Windows XP with clustalw.exe 1.83, these work at #the command prompt: # #clustalw.exe input.faa #clustalw.exe /INFILE=input.faa #clustalw.exe /INFILE="input.faa" #clustalw.exe /INFILE="with space.faa" #clustalw.exe /INFILE=C:\full\path\input.faa #clustalw.exe /INFILE="C:\full path\with spaces.faa" # #Sadly these fail: #clustalw.exe "input.faa" #clustalw.exe "with space.faa" #clustalw.exe C:\full\path\input.faa #clustalw.exe "C:\full path\with spaces.faa" # #Testing today (using a different binary of clustalw.exe 1.83), #using -INFILE as follows seems to work. However I had once noted: #These also fail but a minus/dash does seem to #work with other options (!): #clustalw.exe -INFILE=input.faa #clustalw.exe -INFILE=C:\full\path\input.faa # #Also these fail: #clustalw.exe "/INFILE=input.faa" #clustalw.exe "/INFILE=C:\full\path\input.faa" # #Thanks to Emanuel Hey for flagging this on the mailing list. # #In addition, both self.command and self.sequence_file #may contain spaces, so should be quoted. But clustalw #is fussy. cline = _escape_filename(self.command) cline += ' -INFILE=%s' % _escape_filename(self.sequence_file) # general options if self.type: cline += " -TYPE=%s" % self.type if self.is_quick == 1: #Some versions of clustalw are case sensitive, #and require -quicktree rather than -QUICKTREE cline += " -quicktree" if self.allow_negative == 1: cline += " -NEGATIVE" # output options if self.output_file: cline += " -OUTFILE=%s" % _escape_filename(self.output_file) if self.output_type: cline += " -OUTPUT=%s" % self.output_type if self.output_order: cline += " -OUTORDER=%s" % self.output_order if self.change_case: cline += " -CASE=%s" % self.change_case if self.add_seqnos: cline += " -SEQNOS=%s" % self.add_seqnos if self.new_tree: # clustal does not work if -align is written -ALIGN cline += " -NEWTREE=%s -align" % _escape_filename(self.new_tree) # multiple alignment options if self.guide_tree: cline += " -USETREE=%s" % _escape_filename(self.guide_tree) if self.protein_matrix: cline += " -MATRIX=%s" % self.protein_matrix if self.dna_matrix: cline += " -DNAMATRIX=%s" % self.dna_matrix if self.gap_open_pen: cline += " -GAPOPEN=%s" % self.gap_open_pen if self.gap_ext_pen: cline += " -GAPEXT=%s" % self.gap_ext_pen if self.is_no_end_pen == 1: cline += " -ENDGAPS" if self.gap_sep_range: cline += " -GAPDIST=%s" % self.gap_sep_range if self.is_no_pgap == 1: cline += " -NOPGAP" if self.is_no_hgap == 1: cline += " -NOHGAP" if len(self.h_gap_residues) != 0: # stick the list of residues together as one big list o' residues residue_list = '' for residue in self.h_gap_residues: residue_list = residue_list + residue cline += " -HGAPRESIDUES=%s" % residue_list if self.max_div: cline += " -MAXDIV=%s" % self.max_div if self.trans_weight: cline += " -TRANSWEIGHT=%s" % self.trans_weight return cline def set_output(self, output_file, output_type = None, output_order = None, change_case = None, add_seqnos = None): """Set the output parameters for the command line. """ self.output_file = output_file if output_type: output_type = output_type.upper() if output_type not in self.OUTPUT_TYPES: raise ValueError("Invalid output type %s. Valid choices are %s" % (output_type, self.OUTPUT_TYPES)) else: self.output_type = output_type if output_order: output_order = output_order.upper() if output_order not in self.OUTPUT_ORDER: raise ValueError("Invalid output order %s. Valid choices are %s" % (output_order, self.OUTPUT_ORDER)) else: self.output_order = output_order if change_case: change_case = change_case.upper() if output_type != "GDE": raise ValueError("Change case only valid for GDE output.") elif change_case not in self.CHANGE_CASE: raise ValueError("Invalid change case %s. Valid choices are %s" % (change_case, self.CHANGE_CASE)) else: self.change_case = change_case if add_seqnos: add_seqnos = add_seqnos.upper() if output_type: raise ValueError("Add SeqNos only valid for CLUSTAL output.") elif add_seqnos not in self.OUTPUT_SEQNOS: raise ValueError("Invalid seqnos option %s. Valid choices: %s" % (add_seqnos, self.OUTPUT_SEQNOS)) else: self.add_seqnos = add_seqnos def set_guide_tree(self, tree_file): """Provide a file to use as the guide tree for alignment. Raises: o IOError - If the tree_file doesn't exist.""" if not(os.path.exists(tree_file)): raise IOError("Could not find the guide tree file %s." % tree_file) else: self.guide_tree = tree_file def set_new_guide_tree(self, tree_file): """Set the name of the guide tree file generated in the alignment. """ self.new_tree = tree_file def set_protein_matrix(self, protein_matrix): """Set the type of protein matrix to use. Protein matrix can be either one of the defined types (blosum, pam, gonnet or id) or a file with your own defined matrix. """ if protein_matrix.upper() in self.PROTEIN_MATRIX: self.protein_matrix = protein_matrix.upper() elif os.path.exists(protein_matrix): self.protein_matrix = protein_matrix else: raise ValueError("Invalid matrix %s. Options are %s or a file." % (protein_matrix.upper(), self.PROTEIN_MATRIX)) def set_dna_matrix(self, dna_matrix): """Set the type of DNA matrix to use. The dna_matrix can either be one of the defined types (iub or clustalw) or a file with the matrix to use.""" if dna_matrix.upper() in self.DNA_MATRIX: self.dna_matrix = dna_matrix.upper() elif os.path.exists(dna_matrix): self.dna_matrix = dna_matrix else: raise ValueError("Invalid matrix %s. Options are %s or a file." % (dna_matrix, self.DNA_MATRIX)) def set_type(self, residue_type): """Set the type of residues within the file. Clustal tries to guess whether the info is protein or DNA based on the number of GATCs, but this can be wrong if you have a messed up protein or DNA you are working with, so this allows you to set it explicitly. """ residue_type = residue_type.upper() if residue_type in self.RESIDUE_TYPES: self.type = residue_type else: raise ValueError("Invalid residue type %s. Valid choices are %s" % (residue_type, self.RESIDUE_TYPES)) def _test(): """Run the Bio.Clustalw module's doctests (PRIVATE). This will try and locate the unit tests directory, and run the doctests from there in order that the relative paths used in the examples work. """ import doctest import os if os.path.isdir(os.path.join("..","..","Tests")): print "Runing doctests..." cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(os.path.join("..","..","Tests")) doctest.testmod() os.chdir(cur_dir) del cur_dir print "Done" if __name__ == "__main__": _test()