"""This module contains code to access EZRetrieve (DEPRECATED). This module is now deprecated, and will be removed in a future release of Biopython. This is a very simple interface to the EZRetrieve website described in: Zhang, H., Ramanathan, Y., Soteropoulos, P., Recce, M., and Tolias, P.P. (2002). EZ-Retrieve: A web-server for batch retrieval of coordinate-specified human DNA sequences and underscoring putative transcription factor-binding sites. Nucl. Acids. Res. 2002 30: e121. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gnf120 Functions: retrieve_single Retrieve a single sequence from EZRetrieve. parse_single Parse the results from EZRetrieve into FASTA format. """ import warnings warnings.warn("Bio.EZRetrieve is deprecated, and will be removed in a future"\ " release of Biopython. If you want to continue to use this"\ " code, please get in contact with the Biopython developers"\ " via the mailing lists to avoid its permanent removal from"\ " Biopython.", DeprecationWarning) def retrieve_single(id, from_, to, retrieve_by=None, organism=None, parse_results=1): import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error CGI = "http://siriusb.umdnj.edu:18080/EZRetrieve/single_r_run.jsp" org2value = {"Hs" : "0", "Mm" : "1", "Rn" : 2} organism = organism or "Hs" assert organism in org2value acctype2value = {"genbank":0, "unigene":1, "locuslink":2, "image":3} retrieve_by = retrieve_by or "GenBank" retrieve_by = retrieve_by.lower() assert retrieve_by in acctype2value params = { "input" : str(id), "from" : str(from_), "to" : str(to), "org" : org2value[organism], "AccType" : acctype2value[retrieve_by], } options = urllib.parse.urlencode(params) handle = urllib.request.urlopen(CGI, options) if parse_results: results = parse_single(handle) else: results = handle.read() return results def parse_single(handle): """Return a FASTA-formatted string for the sequence. May raise an AssertionError if there was a problem retrieving the sequence. """ import re results = handle.read() lresults = results.lower() i = results.find("Error: ") if i >= 0: j = lresults.index("
", i) errmsg = results[i:j].strip() raise AssertionError(errmsg) i = lresults.find(">") assert i >= 0, "Couldn't find sequence." j = lresults.find("

", i) seqdata = results[i:j] reobj = re.compile(r"<[^>]*>", re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL) seqdata = reobj.sub("", seqdata) seqdata = re.sub(r"\s+", r"\n", seqdata) seqdata = seqdata.strip() + "\n" return seqdata