#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2002 by Michael Hoffman. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Access to General Feature Format databases created with BioPerl (DEPRECATED). This is the "old" Bio.GFF module by Michael Hoffman, which offers access to a MySQL database holding GFF data loaded by BioPerl. This code has now been deprecated, and will be removed (or at best, relocated) in order to free the Bio.GFF namespace for a new GFF parser in Biopython (including GFF3 support). Based on documentation for Lincoln Stein's Perl Bio::DB::GFF >>> import os >>> import Bio.GFF >>> PASSWORD = os.environ['MYSQLPASS'] >>> DATABASE_GFF = 'wormbase_ws93' >>> FASTADIR = '/local/wormbase_ws93/' >>> gff = Bio.GFF.Connection(passwd=PASSWORD, db=DATABASE_GFF, fastadir=FASTADIR) """ import warnings warnings.warn("The old Bio.GFF module for access to a MySQL GFF database " "created with BioPerl is deprecated, and will be removed (or " "possibly just moved) in a future release of Biopython. If you " "want to continue to use this code, please get in contact with " "the developers via the mailing lists to avoid its permanent " "removal from Biopython. The plan is to re-use the Bio.GFF " "namespace for a new GFF parsing module.", DeprecationWarning) __version__ = "$Revision: 1.10 $" # $Source: /home/bartek/cvs2bzr/biopython_fastimport/cvs_repo/biopython/Bio/GFF/__init__.py,v $ import operator import os.path import sys import types from Bio import MissingExternalDependencyError try: import MySQLdb except: raise MissingExternalDependencyError("Install MySQLdb if you want to use Bio.GFF.") from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC from Bio import DocSQL from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord import binning import easy import GenericTools DEFAULT_ALPHABET = IUPAC.unambiguous_dna class Segment(object): """ this will only work for the simplest of easy.Location objects """ def __init__(self, gff, location=None): self.gff = gff if location is None: self.seqname = None self.coords = None self.complement = None else: self.seqname = location.seqname self.coords = [location.start(), location.end()] self.complement = location.complement def features(self, *args, **keywds): return FeatureQuery(self.seqname, self.coords, self.complement, connection=self.gff.db, *args, **keywds) def single_feature(self, *args, **keywds): features = self.features(*args, **keywds) all_features = GenericTools.all(features) assert len(all_features) == 1 return all_features[0] class Connection(Segment): """ Connection to GFF database also functions as whole segment """ def __init__(self, *args, **keywds): try: RetrieveSeqname._dir = keywds['fastadir'] del keywds['fastadir'] except KeyError: RetrieveSeqname._dir = '.' self.db = MySQLdb.connect(*args, **keywds) Segment.__init__(self, self) def segment(self, *args, **keywds): return Segment(self, *args, **keywds) class RetrieveSeqname(GenericTools.Surrogate, SeqRecord): """ Singleton: contain records of loaded FASTA files >>> RetrieveSeqname._dir = 'GFF' >>> RetrieveSeqname._diagnostics = 1 >>> sys.stderr = sys.stdout # dump diagnostics to stdout so doctest can see them >>> record1 = RetrieveSeqname('NC_001802.fna') Loading GFF/NC_001802.fna... Done. >>> record1.id 'gi|9629357|ref|NC_001802.1|' >>> record2 = RetrieveSeqname('NC_001802.fna') >>> record1.seq is record2.seq # should be same space in memory 1 """ __records = {} _diagnostics = 0 def __init__(self, seqname): try: GenericTools.Surrogate.__init__(self, self.__records[seqname]) except KeyError: filename = os.path.join(self._dir, seqname) if self._diagnostics: sys.stderr.write("Loading %s..." % filename) record = easy.fasta_single(filename) self.__records[seqname] = record GenericTools.Surrogate.__init__(self, self.__records[seqname]) if self._diagnostics: print >>sys.stderr, " Done." class Feature(object): """ strand may be: +/0 = Watson -/1 = Crick I propose that we start calling these the Rosalind and Franklin strands >>> RetrieveSeqname._dir = 'GFF' >>> feature = Feature("NC_001802x.fna", 73, 78) # not having the x will interfere with the RetrieveSequence test >>> feature.seq() Seq('AATAAA', Alphabet()) >>> print feature.location() NC_001802x.fna:73..78 >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> record = feature.record() >>> records = [record] >>> SeqIO.write(records, sys.stdout, 'fasta') > NC_001802x.fna:73..78 AATAAA >>> feature2 = Feature(location=easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802x.fna:73..78")) >>> writer.write(feature2.record()) > NC_001802x.fna:73..78 AATAAA >>> location3 = easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802x.fna:complement(73..78)") >>> feature3 = Feature(location=location3) >>> writer.write(feature3.record()) > NC_001802x.fna:complement(73..78) TTTATT >>> location4 = easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802x.fna:336..1631") >>> feature4 = Feature(location=location4, frame=0) >>> feature4.frame 0 >>> feature4.translate()[:7] Seq('MGARASV', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) >>> feature4.frame = 6 # can't happen, but a useful demonstration >>> feature4.translate()[:5] Seq('ARASV', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) >>> feature4.frame = 1 >>> feature4.translate()[:5] Seq('WVRER', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) >>> location5 = easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802lc.fna:336..1631") # lowercase data >>> feature5 = Feature(location=location5, frame=0) >>> feature5.translate()[:7] Seq('MGARASV', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) >>> location6 = easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802lc.fna:335..351") >>> feature6 = Feature(location=location6, frame=1) >>> feature6.translate() Seq('MGARA', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) """ def __init__(self, seqname=None, start=None, end=None, strand="+", frame=None, location=None, alphabet=DEFAULT_ALPHABET): if not isinstance(seqname, (types.StringType, types.NoneType)): raise TypeError("seqname needs to be string") self.frame = frame self.alphabet = alphabet if location is None: self.seqname = seqname self.start = start self.end = end self.strand = strand return else: self.seqname = location.seqname self.start = location.start() + 1 self.end = location.end() + 1 self.strand = location.complement def __hash__(self): return hash((self.seqname, self.start, self.end, self.strand, self.frame, self.alphabet)) def seq(self): rec = RetrieveSeqname(self.seqname) return easy.record_subseq(rec, self.location(), upper=1) def translate(self): seq = self.seq() try: seq = Seq(seq.tostring()[self.frame:], self.alphabet) except TypeError: seq.alphabet = self.alphabet try: return seq.translate() #default table except AssertionError: # if the feature was pickled then we have problems import cPickle if cPickle.dumps(seq.alphabet) == cPickle.dumps(DEFAULT_ALPHABET): seq.alphabet = DEFAULT_ALPHABET return seq.translate() else: raise def location(self): return easy.LocationFromCoords(self.start-1, self.end-1, self.strand, seqname=self.seqname) def target_location(self): if self.target_start <= self.target_end: return easy.LocationFromCoords(self.target_start-1, self.target_end-1, 0, seqname=self.gname) else: # switch start and end and make it complement: return easy.LocationFromCoords(self.target_end-1, self.target_start-1, 1, seqname=self.gname) def id(self): try: return "%s:%s" % (self.gclass, self.gname) except AttributeError: return "" def record(self): return SeqRecord(self.seq(), self.id(), "", self.location()) def xrange(self): return xrange(self.start, self.end) def __str__(self): return "Feature(%s)" % self.location() class FeatureQueryRow(DocSQL.QueryRow, Feature): """ row of FeatureQuery results works like a Feature """ def __init__(self, *args, **keywds): DocSQL.QueryRow.__init__(self, *args, **keywds) try: self.frame = int(self.frame) except ValueError: self.frame = '' except TypeError: self.frame = None self.alphabet = DEFAULT_ALPHABET class FeatureQuery(DocSQL.Query): """ SELECT fdata.fref AS seqname, ftype.fsource AS source, ftype.fmethod AS feature, fdata.fstart AS start, fdata.fstop AS end, fdata.fscore AS score, fdata.fstrand AS strand, fdata.fphase AS frame, fdata.ftarget_start AS target_start, fdata.ftarget_stop AS target_end, fdata.gid, fgroup.gclass, fgroup.gname FROM fdata, ftype, fgroup WHERE fdata.ftypeid = ftype.ftypeid AND fdata.gid = fgroup.gid """ row_class = FeatureQueryRow def __init__(self, seqname=None, coords=None, complement=0, method=None, source=None, object=None, # "class:name" gid=None, *args, **keywds): DocSQL.Query.__init__(self, *args, **keywds) if seqname is not None: self.statement += ' AND fref="%s"\n' % seqname if coords is not None: self.statement += " AND (%s)\n" % binning.query(coords[0], coords[1]) if coords[0] is not None: self.statement += (" AND fstop >= %s\n" % coords[0]) if coords[1] is not None: self.statement += (" AND fstart <= %s\n" % coords[1]) if method is not None: self.statement += ' AND fmethod LIKE "%s"\n' % method # LIKE allows SQL "%" wildcards if source is not None: self.statement += ' AND fsource LIKE "%s"\n' % source if object is not None: self.statement += ' AND %s\n' % object2fgroup_sql(object) if gid is not None: self.statement += ' AND fgroup.gid = %s\n' % gid if complement: self.statement += " ORDER BY 0-fstart, 0-fstop" else: self.statement += " ORDER BY fstart, fstop" def aggregate(self): return FeatureAggregate(self) def object2fgroup_sql(object): return 'gclass LIKE "%s" AND gname LIKE "%s"' % object_split(object) class FeatureAggregate(list, Feature): """ >>> feature1_1 = Feature(location=easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802x.fna:336..1631"), frame=0) # gag-pol >>> feature1_2 = Feature(location=easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802x.fna:1631..4642"), frame=0) # slippage >>> aggregate = FeatureAggregate([feature1_1, feature1_2]) >>> print aggregate.location() join(NC_001802x.fna:336..1631,NC_001802x.fna:1631..4642) >>> xlate_str = aggregate.translate().tostring() >>> xlate_str[:5], xlate_str[-5:] ('MGARA', 'RQDED') >>> location1 = easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802x.fna:complement(1..6)") >>> location2 = easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802x.fna:complement(7..12)") >>> feature2_1 = Feature(location=location1, frame=0) >>> feature2_2 = Feature(location=location2, frame=0) >>> aggregate2 = FeatureAggregate([feature2_1, feature2_2]) >>> print aggregate2.location() complement(join(NC_001802x.fna:1..6,NC_001802x.fna:7..12)) >>> print aggregate2.translate() Seq('TRET', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) >>> location1.reverse() >>> location2.reverse() >>> aggregate3 = FeatureAggregate([Feature(location=x, frame=0) for x in [location1, location2]]) >>> print aggregate3.location() join(NC_001802x.fna:1..6,NC_001802x.fna:7..12) >>> print aggregate3.translate() Seq('GLSG', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) >>> aggregate3[0].frame = 3 >>> print aggregate3.translate() Seq('LSG', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) >>> aggregate4 = FeatureAggregate() >>> aggregate4.append(Feature(location=easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802x.fna:1..5"), frame=0)) >>> aggregate4.append(Feature(location=easy.LocationFromString("NC_001802x.fna:6..12"), frame=2)) >>> aggregate4.seq() Seq('GGTCTCTCTGGT', Alphabet()) >>> aggregate4.translate() Seq('GLSG', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) """ def __init__(self, feature_query=None): if feature_query is None: list.__init__(self, []) else: list.__init__(self, map(lambda x: x, feature_query)) def location(self): loc = easy.LocationJoin(map(lambda x: x.location(), self)) loc.reorient() return loc def map(self, func): mapped = map(func, self) if self.location().complement: mapped.reverse() return reduce(operator.add, mapped) def seq(self): return self.map(lambda x: x.seq()) def translate(self): attributes = ['alphabet', 'frame'] index = [0, -1][self.location().complement] for attribute in attributes: self.__dict__[attribute] = self[index].__dict__[attribute] translation = Feature.translate(self) try: assert translation.tostring().index("*") == len(translation) - 1 return translation[:translation.tostring().index("*")] except ValueError: return translation def object_split(object): """ >>> object_split("Sequence:F02E9.2a") ('Sequence', 'F02E9.2a') """ return tuple(object.split(":")) def _test(*args, **keywds): import doctest, sys doctest.testmod(sys.modules[__name__], *args, **keywds) if __name__ == "__main__": if __debug__: _test()