# Copyright 2004 by Jason A. Hackney. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """MEME motif search program objects, susperseded by Bio.Motif (DEPRECATED). """ from Bio import Seq from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC from math import sqrt import sys from functools import reduce class Motif: """A generic motif class (DEPRECATED). A Motif has information about the alphabet used in the motif, the length of the motif, the motif name, the number of occurrences, and the individual instances of the motif. Each of the instances is an object of the Instance class. Methods: add_instance(instance): adds a new instance of the motif. get_instance_by_name(name): returns an instance with the specified name. """ def __init__(self): self.instances = [] self.alphabet = None self.length = 0 self.num_occurrences = 0 self.name = "" self.consensus = "" self.pssm = [] def add_instance (self, instance): if isinstance(instance, Instance): if self.length: instance._length(self.length) if self.name: instance._motifname(self.name) self.instances.append(instance) def get_instance_by_name (self,name): for i in set.instances: if i.seqname == name: return i return None def _alphabet (self, alphabet): if alphabet == IUPAC.unambiguous_dna or alphabet == IUPAC.protein or alphabet == IUPAC.ambiguous_dna: self.alphabet = alphabet else: return -1 def _length (self, length): if type(length) == int: self.length = length else: length = int(length) self.length = length def _name (self, name): self.name = name def _consensus (self, consensus): if self.alphabet: self.consensus = Seq.Seq(consensus, self.alphabet) else: self.consensus = consensus def _numoccurrences (self, number): if type(number) == int: self.num_occurrences = number else: number = int(number) self.num_occurrences = number def make_pssm (self): if self.alphabet == None: raise ValueError("Alphabet for motif has not been set") moieties = '' if self.alphabet == IUPAC.unambiguous_dna: moieties = 'ACGT' if self.alphabet == IUPAC.protein: moieties = 'ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY' pssm = [] if self.instances and self.instances[0].sequence: for position in self.instances[0].sequence: pos = [] for m in moieties: pos.append(0.0) pssm.append(pos) for instance in self.instances: for position in range(self.length): my_moiety = instance.sequence[position] try: moiety_index = moieties.index(my_moiety) except ValueError: moiety_index = 0 pssm[position][moiety_index] += 1.0 pssm = [[x/len(self.instances) for x in y] for y in pssm ] pssm = [tuple(x) for x in pssm] self.pssm = pssm else: self.pssm = None def make_consensus (self, minimum_frequency = 0.6): if not self.pssm: self.make_pssm() consensus = '' null_character = 'N' moieties = 'ACGT' if self.alphabet == IUPAC.protein: null_character = 'X' moieties = 'ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY' for position in self.pssm: this_position = null_character vals = list(zip(position,moieties)) good_values = [x for x in vals if x[0] >= minimum_frequency] if good_values: letters = [str(x[1]) for x in good_values] my_letter = '/'.join(letters) else: my_letter = null_character consensus += my_letter self.consensus = consensus class MEMEMotif (Motif): """A subclass of Motif used in parsing MEME (and MAST) output (DEPRECATED). This sublcass defines functions and data specific to MEME motifs. This includes the evalue for a motif and the PSSM of the motif. Methods: add_instance_from_values (name = 'default', pvalue = 1, sequence = 'ATA', start = 0, strand = +): create a new instance of the motif with the specified values. add_to_pssm (position): add a new position to the pssm. The position should be a list of nucleotide/amino acid frequencies add_to_logodds (position): add a new position to the log odds matrix. The position should be a tuple of log odds values for the nucleotide/amino acid at that position. compare_motifs (other_motif): returns the maximum correlation between this motif and other_motif """ def __init__ (self): Motif.__init__(self) self.evalue = 0.0 self.pssm = [] self.logodds = [] def add_instance_from_values (self, name = 'default', pvalue = 1, sequence = 'ATA', start = 0, strand = '+'): inst = Instance() inst._sequence(sequence) inst._pvalue(pvalue) inst._seqname(name) inst._start(start) inst._strand(strand) if self.length: inst._length(self.length) if self.name: inst._motifname(self.name) self.instances.append(inst) def _evalue (self, evalue): if type(evalue) == float: self.evalue = evalue else: evalue = float(evalue) self.evalue = evalue def add_to_pssm (self, thisposition): self.pssm.append(thisposition) def add_to_logodds (self, thisposition): self.logodds.append(thisposition) def compare_motifs (self, motif): if isinstance(motif, MEMEMotif): if not self.pssm: raise ValueError('This motif does not have a PSSM') if not motif.pssm: raise ValueError('The other motif does not have a PSSM') mylen = len(self.pssm) yourlen = len(motif.pssm) myr = None if mylen == yourlen: myr = _corr(self.pssm, motif.pssm) elif mylen < yourlen: diff = yourlen - mylen for i in range(0,diff): yourpssm = motif.pssm[i:mylen+i] r = _corr(self.pssm, yourpssm) if r > myr: myr = r else: diff = mylen - yourlen for i in range(0, diff): mypssm = self.pssm[i:yourlen+i] r = _corr(mypssm, motif.pssm) if r > myr: myr = r return myr else: sys.stderr.write(str(motif)) return None class Instance: """A class describing the instances of a motif, and the data thereof (DEPRECATED). """ def __init__ (self): self.sequence = None self.sequence_name = "" self.start = 0 self.pvalue = 1.0 self.strand = 0 self.length = 0 self.motif_name = "" def _sequence (self, seq): self.sequence = seq def _seqname (self, name): self.sequence_name = name def _motifname (self, name): self.motif_name = name def _start (self,start): start = int(start) self.start = start def _pvalue (self,pval): pval = float(pval) self.pvalue = pval def _score (self, score): score = float(score) self.score = score def _strand (self, strand): self.strand = strand def _length (self, length): self.length = length def _corr (x,y): sx = 0 sy = 0 sxx = 0 syy = 0 sxy = 0 #make the two-dimensional lists one dimensional if type(x[0] == list): x = reduce(lambda a,b: a+b, x) if type(y[0] == list): y = reduce(lambda a,b: a+b, y) sq = lambda t: t*t length = len(x) for a,b in zip(x,y): sx += a sy += b sxx += sq(a) syy += sq(b) sxy += a*b s1 = sxy - sx * sy * 1.0/length s2 = (sxx - sx * sy * 1.0/length) * (syy - sx * sy * 1.0/length) r = s1 / sqrt (s2) return r