# Copyright 2002 by Katharine Lindner. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Code for dealing with lists of URLs (DEPRECATED). This module is now deprecated, and will be removed in a future release of Biopython. NetCatch enables the user to scan a list of labelled urls and select a subset to read into a file. Functions: get_urls_by_label get_urls_by_index get_urls_by_range select_output_file """ import warnings warnings.warn("Bio.NetCatch is deprecated, and will be removed in a future"\ " release of Biopython. If you want to continue to use this"\ " code, please get in contact with the Biopython developers"\ " via the mailing lists to avoid its permanent removal from"\ " Biopython.", DeprecationWarning) import os import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import sgmllib from Bio import File def is_absolute_url( candidate ): ( url_type, url ) = urllib.parse.splittype( candidate ) if( url_type == None ): return 0 ( url_host, url ) = urllib.parse.splithost( url ) if( url_host == None ): return 0 return 1 """ ExtractUrls.py Scans a file in http format and builds a dictionary of urls """ class ExtractUrls( sgmllib.SGMLParser ): def __init__( self ): sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__( self ) self.reset() def reset( self ): sgmllib.SGMLParser.reset( self ) self.urls = {} self._inlink = 0 self._pending_url = '' self.text = '' def __str__( self ): output = '' for key in list(self.urls.keys()): val = self.urls[ key ] output = output + '%s : %s\n' % ( key, val ) return output def extract_urls(self, handle): self.feed(handle) return self.urls def feed(self, handle): """feed(self, handle ) Feed in data for scanning. handle is a file-like object containing html. """ if isinstance(handle, File.UndoHandle): uhandle = handle else: uhandle = File.UndoHandle(handle) text = uhandle.read() sgmllib.SGMLParser.feed( self, text ) def handle_data(self, data): if( self._inlink ): self.text = self.text + data def start_a( self, attrs ): self._inlink = 1 for key, val in attrs: if key.lower() == 'href': self._pending_url = val def end_a( self ): self._inlink = 0 key = self.text self.text = '' if not key == '': key = key.replace( ' ', '_' ) self.urls[ key ] = self._pending_url class Url: def __init__( self, label, url ): assert is_absolute_url( url ) assert type( label ) == type( '' ) self.label = label self.url = url class NetCatch: """ Decorator for a dictionary of links. Each link is indexed by its label. Allows the user to select links of interest and read each selection into its own file. The filename is contructed by appending the label with an extension of html. Files can be selected by index, range or label. The destination directory defaults to the current directory. The user can specify another dictionary by passing a list of path segments to the constructor. net_catch = NetCatch() net_catch = NetCatch( [ 'amylase', 'species' ] ) net_catch.get_all_urls() net_catch.get_urls_by_label( [ 'pig', 'dog', 'cow' ] ) net_catch.get_urls_by_index( [ 1, 4, 6, 9 ] ) net_catch.get_urls_by_range( 2, 5 ) """ def __init__( self, path_segments = [] ): self._urls = {} self._labels = [] assert type( path_segments ) == type( [] ) self.path_segments = path_segments self._build_path() def _build_path( self ): base_path = os.path.join( '' ) for segment in self.path_segments: base_path = os.path.join( base_path, segment ) self.base_path = base_path def __str__( self ): i = 0 output = '' for label in self._labels: output = output + '%d %s: %s\n' % ( i, label, self._urls[ label ] ) i = i + 1 return output def import_dict( self, href_dict ): for ( key, val ) in list(href_dict.items()): self.add_url( key, val ) def add_url( self, label, url ): assert is_absolute_url( url ) assert type( label ) == type( '' ) self._labels.append( label ) self._urls[ label ] = url def get_all_urls( self ): url_opener = urllib.request.URLopener() i = 0 for label in self._labels: base_path = self.base_path name = '%s%d.htm' % ( label, i ) full_path = os.path.join( base_path, name ) out_handle = open( full_path , "wb" ) i = i + 1 url = self._urls[ label ] url_handle = url_opener.open( url ) contents = url_handle.read() out_handle.write( contents ) url_opener.close( ) out_handle.close() def get_urls_by_label( self, labels ): url_opener = urllib.request.URLopener() for label in labels: base_path = self.base_path name = '%s.htm' % ( label ) full_path = os.path.join( base_path, name ) out_handle = open( full_path , "wb" ) url = self._urls[ label ] url_handle = url_opener.open( url ) contents = url_handle.read() out_handle.write( contents ) url_opener.close( ) out_handle.close( ) def get_urls_by_index( self, indices ): url_opener = urllib.request.URLopener() for index in indices: base_path = self.base_path name = '%s.htm' % self._labels[ index ] full_path = os.path.join( base_path, name ) out_handle = open( full_path , "wb" ) label = self._labels[ index ] url = self._urls[ label ] url_handle = url_opener.open( url ) contents = url_handle.read() out_handle.write( contents ) url_opener.close( ) out_handle.close( ) def get_urls_by_range( self, low, hi ): url_opener = urllib.request.URLopener( ) for index in range( low, hi ): base_path = self.base_path name = '%s.htm' % self._labels[ index ] full_path = os.path.join( base_path, name ) out_handle = open( full_path , "wb" ) label = self._labels[ index ] url = self._urls[ label ] url_handle = url_opener.open( url ) contents = url_handle.read() out_handle.write( contents ) url_opener.close( ) out_handle.close( )