# Copyright 2008-2010 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Bio.SeqIO support for the "ace" file format. You are expected to use this module via the Bio.SeqIO functions. See also the Bio.Sequencing.Ace module which offers more than just accessing the contig consensus sequences in an ACE file as SeqRecord objects. """ from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord from Bio.Alphabet import generic_nucleotide, generic_dna, generic_rna, Gapped from Bio.Sequencing import Ace #This is a generator function! def AceIterator(handle): """Returns SeqRecord objects from an ACE file. This uses the Bio.Sequencing.Ace module to do the hard work. Note that by iterating over the file in a single pass, we are forced to ignore any WA, CT, RT or WR footer tags. Ace files include the base quality for each position, which are taken to be PHRED style scores. Just as if you had read in a FASTQ or QUAL file using PHRED scores using Bio.SeqIO, these are stored in the SeqRecord's letter_annotations dictionary under the "phred_quality" key. >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> handle = open("Ace/consed_sample.ace", "rU") >>> for record in SeqIO.parse(handle, "ace"): ... print record.id, record.seq[:10]+"...", len(record) ... print max(record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"]) Contig1 agccccgggc... 1475 90 However, ACE files do not include a base quality for any gaps in the consensus sequence, and these are represented in Biopython with a quality of zero. Using zero is perhaps misleading as there may be very strong evidence to support the gap in the consensus. Previous versions of Biopython therefore used None instead, but this complicated usage, and prevented output of the gapped sequence as FASTQ format. >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> handle = open("Ace/contig1.ace", "rU") >>> for record in SeqIO.parse(handle, "ace"): ... print record.id, "..." + record.seq[85:95]+"..." ... print record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"][85:95] ... print max(record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"]) Contig1 ...AGAGG-ATGC... [57, 57, 54, 57, 57, 0, 57, 72, 72, 72] 90 Contig2 ...GAATTACTAT... [68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68] 90 """ for ace_contig in Ace.parse(handle): #Convert the ACE contig record into a SeqRecord... consensus_seq_str = ace_contig.sequence #Assume its DNA unless there is a U in it, if "U" in consensus_seq_str: if "T" in consensus_seq_str: #Very odd! Error? alpha = generic_nucleotide else: alpha = generic_rna else: alpha = generic_dna if "*" in consensus_seq_str: #For consistency with most other file formats, map #any * gaps into - gaps. assert "-" not in consensus_seq_str consensus_seq = Seq(consensus_seq_str.replace("*","-"), Gapped(alpha, gap_char="-")) else: consensus_seq = Seq(consensus_seq_str, alpha) #TODO? - Base segments (BS lines) which indicates which read #phrap has chosen to be the consensus at a particular position. #Perhaps as SeqFeature objects? #TODO - Supporting reads (RD lines, plus perhaps QA and DS lines) #Perhaps as SeqFeature objects? seq_record = SeqRecord(consensus_seq, id = ace_contig.name, name = ace_contig.name) #Consensus base quality (BQ lines). Note that any gaps (originally #as * characters) in the consensus do not get a quality entry, so #we assign a quality of None (zero would be missleading as there may #be excelent support for having a gap here). quals = [] i = 0 for base in consensus_seq: if base == "-": quals.append(0) else: quals.append(ace_contig.quality[i]) i += 1 assert i == len(ace_contig.quality) seq_record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"] = quals yield seq_record #All done def _test(): """Run the Bio.SeqIO module's doctests. This will try and locate the unit tests directory, and run the doctests from there in order that the relative paths used in the examples work. """ import doctest import os if os.path.isdir(os.path.join("..", "..", "Tests", "Ace")): print("Runing doctests...") cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(os.path.join("..", "..", "Tests")) assert os.path.isfile("Ace/consed_sample.ace") doctest.testmod() os.chdir(cur_dir) del cur_dir print("Done") elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join("Tests", "Ace")): print("Runing doctests...") cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(os.path.join("Tests")) doctest.testmod() os.chdir(cur_dir) del cur_dir print("Done") if __name__ == "__main__": _test()