# Copyright 2000-2002 Andrew Dalke. # Copyright 2002-2004 Brad Chapman. # Copyright 2006-2009 by Peter Cock. # All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Represent a Sequence Record, a sequence with annotation.""" __docformat__ = "epytext en" #Simple markup to show doctests nicely # NEEDS TO BE SYNCH WITH THE REST OF BIOPYTHON AND BIOPERL # In particular, the SeqRecord and BioSQL.BioSeq.DBSeqRecord classes # need to be in sync (this is the BioSQL "Database SeqRecord", see # also BioSQL.BioSeq.DBSeq which is the "Database Seq" class) class _RestrictedDict(dict): """Dict which only allows sequences of given length as values (PRIVATE). This simple subclass of the Python dictionary is used in the SeqRecord object for holding per-letter-annotations. This class is intended to prevent simple errors by only allowing python sequences (e.g. lists, strings and tuples) to be stored, and only if their length matches that expected (the length of the SeqRecord's seq object). It cannot however prevent the entries being edited in situ (for example appending entries to a list). """ def __init__(self, length): """Create an EMPTY restricted dictionary.""" dict.__init__(self) self._length = int(length) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not hasattr(value,"__len__") or not hasattr(value,"__getitem__") \ or len(value) != self._length: raise TypeError("We only allow python sequences (lists, tuples or " "strings) of length %i." % self._length) dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def update(self, new_dict): #Force this to go via our strict __setitem__ method for (key, value) in new_dict.iteritems(): self[key] = value class SeqRecord(object): """A SeqRecord object holds a sequence and information about it. Main attributes: - id - Identifier such as a locus tag (string) - seq - The sequence itself (Seq object or similar) Additional attributes: - name - Sequence name, e.g. gene name (string) - description - Additional text (string) - dbxrefs - List of database cross references (list of strings) - features - Any (sub)features defined (list of SeqFeature objects) - annotations - Further information about the whole sequence (dictionary) Most entries are strings, or lists of strings. - letter_annotations - Per letter/symbol annotation (restricted dictionary). This holds Python sequences (lists, strings or tuples) whose length matches that of the sequence. A typical use would be to hold a list of integers representing sequencing quality scores, or a string representing the secondary structure. You will typically use Bio.SeqIO to read in sequences from files as SeqRecord objects. However, you may want to create your own SeqRecord objects directly (see the __init__ method for further details): >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord >>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC >>> record = SeqRecord(Seq("MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF", ... IUPAC.protein), ... id="YP_025292.1", name="HokC", ... description="toxic membrane protein") >>> print record ID: YP_025292.1 Name: HokC Description: toxic membrane protein Number of features: 0 Seq('MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF', IUPACProtein()) If you want to save SeqRecord objects to a sequence file, use Bio.SeqIO for this. For the special case where you want the SeqRecord turned into a string in a particular file format there is a format method which uses Bio.SeqIO internally: >>> print record.format("fasta") >YP_025292.1 toxic membrane protein MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF You can also do things like slicing a SeqRecord, checking its length, etc >>> len(record) 44 >>> edited = record[:10] + record[11:] >>> print edited.seq MKQHKAMIVAIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF >>> print record.seq MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF """ def __init__(self, seq, id = "", name = "", description = "", dbxrefs = None, features = None, annotations = None, letter_annotations = None): """Create a SeqRecord. Arguments: - seq - Sequence, required (Seq, MutableSeq or UnknownSeq) - id - Sequence identifier, recommended (string) - name - Sequence name, optional (string) - description - Sequence description, optional (string) - dbxrefs - Database cross references, optional (list of strings) - features - Any (sub)features, optional (list of SeqFeature objects) - annotations - Dictionary of annotations for the whole sequence - letter_annotations - Dictionary of per-letter-annotations, values should be strings, list or tuples of the same length as the full sequence. You will typically use Bio.SeqIO to read in sequences from files as SeqRecord objects. However, you may want to create your own SeqRecord objects directly. Note that while an id is optional, we strongly recommend you supply a unique id string for each record. This is especially important if you wish to write your sequences to a file. If you don't have the actual sequence, but you do know its length, then using the UnknownSeq object from Bio.Seq is appropriate. You can create a 'blank' SeqRecord object, and then populate the attributes later. """ if id is not None and not isinstance(id, basestring): #Lots of existing code uses id=None... this may be a bad idea. raise TypeError("id argument should be a string") if not isinstance(name, basestring): raise TypeError("name argument should be a string") if not isinstance(description, basestring): raise TypeError("description argument should be a string") self._seq = seq self.id = id self.name = name self.description = description # database cross references (for the whole sequence) if dbxrefs is None: dbxrefs = [] elif not isinstance(dbxrefs, list): raise TypeError("dbxrefs argument should be a list (of strings)") self.dbxrefs = dbxrefs # annotations about the whole sequence if annotations is None: annotations = {} elif not isinstance(annotations, dict): raise TypeError("annotations argument should be a dict") self.annotations = annotations if letter_annotations is None: # annotations about each letter in the sequence if seq is None: #Should we allow this and use a normal unrestricted dict? self._per_letter_annotations = _RestrictedDict(length=0) else: try: self._per_letter_annotations = \ _RestrictedDict(length=len(seq)) except: raise TypeError("seq argument should be a Seq object or similar") else: #This will be handled via the property set function, which will #turn this into a _RestrictedDict and thus ensure all the values #in the dict are the right length self.letter_annotations = letter_annotations # annotations about parts of the sequence if features is None: features = [] elif not isinstance(features, list): raise TypeError("features argument should be a list (of SeqFeature objects)") self.features = features #TODO - Just make this a read only property? def _set_per_letter_annotations(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("The per-letter-annotations should be a " "(restricted) dictionary.") #Turn this into a restricted-dictionary (and check the entries) try: self._per_letter_annotations = _RestrictedDict(length=len(self.seq)) except AttributeError: #e.g. seq is None self._per_letter_annotations = _RestrictedDict(length=0) self._per_letter_annotations.update(value) letter_annotations = property( \ fget=lambda self : self._per_letter_annotations, fset=_set_per_letter_annotations, doc="""Dictionary of per-letter-annotation for the sequence. For example, this can hold quality scores used in FASTQ or QUAL files. Consider this example using Bio.SeqIO to read in an example Solexa variant FASTQ file as a SeqRecord: >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> handle = open("Quality/solexa_faked.fastq", "rU") >>> record = SeqIO.read(handle, "fastq-solexa") >>> handle.close() >>> print record.id, record.seq slxa_0001_1_0001_01 ACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTNNNNNN >>> print record.letter_annotations.keys() ['solexa_quality'] >>> print record.letter_annotations["solexa_quality"] [40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5] The letter_annotations get sliced automatically if you slice the parent SeqRecord, for example taking the last ten bases: >>> sub_record = record[-10:] >>> print sub_record.id, sub_record.seq slxa_0001_1_0001_01 ACGTNNNNNN >>> print sub_record.letter_annotations["solexa_quality"] [4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5] Any python sequence (i.e. list, tuple or string) can be recorded in the SeqRecord's letter_annotations dictionary as long as the length matches that of the SeqRecord's sequence. e.g. >>> len(sub_record.letter_annotations) 1 >>> sub_record.letter_annotations["dummy"] = "abcdefghij" >>> len(sub_record.letter_annotations) 2 You can delete entries from the letter_annotations dictionary as usual: >>> del sub_record.letter_annotations["solexa_quality"] >>> sub_record.letter_annotations {'dummy': 'abcdefghij'} You can completely clear the dictionary easily as follows: >>> sub_record.letter_annotations = {} >>> sub_record.letter_annotations {} """) def _set_seq(self, value): #TODO - Add a deprecation warning that the seq should be write only? if self._per_letter_annotations: #TODO - Make this a warning? Silently empty the dictionary? raise ValueError("You must empty the letter annotations first!") self._seq = value try: self._per_letter_annotations = _RestrictedDict(length=len(self.seq)) except AttributeError: #e.g. seq is None self._per_letter_annotations = _RestrictedDict(length=0) seq = property(fget=lambda self : self._seq, fset=_set_seq, doc="The sequence itself, as a Seq or MutableSeq object.") def __getitem__(self, index): """Returns a sub-sequence or an individual letter. Slicing, e.g. my_record[5:10], returns a new SeqRecord for that sub-sequence with approriate annotation preserved. The name, id and description are kept. Any per-letter-annotations are sliced to match the requested sub-sequence. Unless a stride is used, all those features which fall fully within the subsequence are included (with their locations adjusted accordingly). However, the annotations dictionary and the dbxrefs list are not used for the new SeqRecord, as in general they may not apply to the subsequence. If you want to preserve them, you must explictly copy them to the new SeqRecord yourself. Using an integer index, e.g. my_record[5] is shorthand for extracting that letter from the sequence, my_record.seq[5]. For example, consider this short protein and its secondary structure as encoded by the PDB (e.g. H for alpha helices), plus a simple feature for its histidine self phosphorylation site: >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord >>> from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation >>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC >>> rec = SeqRecord(Seq("MAAGVKQLADDRTLLMAGVSHDLRTPLTRIRLAT" ... "EMMSEQDGYLAESINKDIEECNAIIEQFIDYLR", ... IUPAC.protein), ... id="1JOY", name="EnvZ", ... description="Homodimeric domain of EnvZ from E. coli") >>> rec.letter_annotations["secondary_structure"] = " S SSSSSSHHHHHTTTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTT " >>> rec.features.append(SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(20,21), ... type = "Site")) Now let's have a quick look at the full record, >>> print rec ID: 1JOY Name: EnvZ Description: Homodimeric domain of EnvZ from E. coli Number of features: 1 Per letter annotation for: secondary_structure Seq('MAAGVKQLADDRTLLMAGVSHDLRTPLTRIRLATEMMSEQDGYLAESINKDIEE...YLR', IUPACProtein()) >>> print rec.letter_annotations["secondary_structure"] S SSSSSSHHHHHTTTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTT >>> print rec.features[0].location [20:21] Now let's take a sub sequence, here chosen as the first (fractured) alpha helix which includes the histidine phosphorylation site: >>> sub = rec[11:41] >>> print sub ID: 1JOY Name: EnvZ Description: Homodimeric domain of EnvZ from E. coli Number of features: 1 Per letter annotation for: secondary_structure Seq('RTLLMAGVSHDLRTPLTRIRLATEMMSEQD', IUPACProtein()) >>> print sub.letter_annotations["secondary_structure"] HHHHHTTTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH >>> print sub.features[0].location [9:10] You can also of course omit the start or end values, for example to get the first ten letters only: >>> print rec[:10] ID: 1JOY Name: EnvZ Description: Homodimeric domain of EnvZ from E. coli Number of features: 0 Per letter annotation for: secondary_structure Seq('MAAGVKQLAD', IUPACProtein()) Or for the last ten letters: >>> print rec[-10:] ID: 1JOY Name: EnvZ Description: Homodimeric domain of EnvZ from E. coli Number of features: 0 Per letter annotation for: secondary_structure Seq('IIEQFIDYLR', IUPACProtein()) If you omit both, then you get a copy of the original record (although lacking the annotations and dbxrefs): >>> print rec[:] ID: 1JOY Name: EnvZ Description: Homodimeric domain of EnvZ from E. coli Number of features: 1 Per letter annotation for: secondary_structure Seq('MAAGVKQLADDRTLLMAGVSHDLRTPLTRIRLATEMMSEQDGYLAESINKDIEE...YLR', IUPACProtein()) Finally, indexing with a simple integer is shorthand for pulling out that letter from the sequence directly: >>> rec[5] 'K' >>> rec.seq[5] 'K' """ if isinstance(index, int): #NOTE - The sequence level annotation like the id, name, etc #do not really apply to a single character. However, should #we try and expose any per-letter-annotation here? If so how? return self.seq[index] elif isinstance(index, slice): if self.seq is None: raise ValueError("If the sequence is None, we cannot slice it.") parent_length = len(self) answer = self.__class__(self.seq[index], id=self.id, name=self.name, description=self.description) #TODO - The desription may no longer apply. #It would be safer to change it to something #generic like "edited" or the default value. #Don't copy the annotation dict and dbxefs list, #they may not apply to a subsequence. #answer.annotations = dict(self.annotations.iteritems()) #answer.dbxrefs = self.dbxrefs[:] #TODO - Review this in light of adding SeqRecord objects? #TODO - Cope with strides by generating ambiguous locations? if index.step is None or index.step == 1: #Select relevant features, add them with shifted locations if index.start is None: start = 0 else: start = index.start if index.stop is None: stop = -1 else: stop = index.stop if (start < 0 or stop < 0) and parent_length == 0: raise ValueError, \ "Cannot support negative indices without the sequence length" if start < 0: start = parent_length + start if stop < 0: stop = parent_length + stop + 1 #assert str(self.seq)[index] == str(self.seq)[start:stop] for f in self.features: if f.ref or f.ref_db: #TODO - Implement this (with lots of tests)? import warnings warnings.warn("When slicing SeqRecord objects, any " "SeqFeature referencing other sequences (e.g. " "from segmented GenBank records) is ignored.") continue if start <= f.location.nofuzzy_start \ and f.location.nofuzzy_end <= stop: answer.features.append(f._shift(-start)) #Slice all the values to match the sliced sequence #(this should also work with strides, even negative strides): for key, value in self.letter_annotations.iteritems(): answer._per_letter_annotations[key] = value[index] return answer raise ValueError, "Invalid index" def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the letters in the sequence. For example, using Bio.SeqIO to read in a protein FASTA file: >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> record = SeqIO.read(open("Fasta/loveliesbleeding.pro"),"fasta") >>> for amino in record: ... print amino ... if amino == "L" : break X A G L >>> print record.seq[3] L This is just a shortcut for iterating over the sequence directly: >>> for amino in record.seq: ... print amino ... if amino == "L" : break X A G L >>> print record.seq[3] L Note that this does not facilitate iteration together with any per-letter-annotation. However, you can achieve that using the python zip function on the record (or its sequence) and the relevant per-letter-annotation: >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> rec = SeqIO.read(open("Quality/solexa_faked.fastq", "rU"), ... "fastq-solexa") >>> print rec.id, rec.seq slxa_0001_1_0001_01 ACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTNNNNNN >>> print rec.letter_annotations.keys() ['solexa_quality'] >>> for nuc, qual in zip(rec,rec.letter_annotations["solexa_quality"]): ... if qual > 35: ... print nuc, qual A 40 C 39 G 38 T 37 A 36 You may agree that using zip(rec.seq, ...) is more explicit than using zip(rec, ...) as shown above. """ return iter(self.seq) def __contains__(self, char): """Implements the 'in' keyword, searches the sequence. e.g. >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> record = SeqIO.read(open("Fasta/sweetpea.nu"), "fasta") >>> "GAATTC" in record False >>> "AAA" in record True This essentially acts as a proxy for using "in" on the sequence: >>> "GAATTC" in record.seq False >>> "AAA" in record.seq True Note that you can also use Seq objects as the query, >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna >>> Seq("AAA") in record True >>> Seq("AAA", generic_dna) in record True See also the Seq object's __contains__ method. """ return char in self.seq def __str__(self): """A human readable summary of the record and its annotation (string). The python built in function str works by calling the object's ___str__ method. e.g. >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord >>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC >>> record = SeqRecord(Seq("MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF", ... IUPAC.protein), ... id="YP_025292.1", name="HokC", ... description="toxic membrane protein, small") >>> print str(record) ID: YP_025292.1 Name: HokC Description: toxic membrane protein, small Number of features: 0 Seq('MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF', IUPACProtein()) In this example you don't actually need to call str explicity, as the print command does this automatically: >>> print record ID: YP_025292.1 Name: HokC Description: toxic membrane protein, small Number of features: 0 Seq('MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF', IUPACProtein()) Note that long sequences are shown truncated. """ lines = [] if self.id : lines.append("ID: %s" % self.id) if self.name : lines.append("Name: %s" % self.name) if self.description : lines.append("Description: %s" % self.description) if self.dbxrefs : lines.append("Database cross-references: " \ + ", ".join(self.dbxrefs)) lines.append("Number of features: %i" % len(self.features)) for a in self.annotations: lines.append("/%s=%s" % (a, str(self.annotations[a]))) if self.letter_annotations: lines.append("Per letter annotation for: " \ + ", ".join(self.letter_annotations.keys())) #Don't want to include the entire sequence, #and showing the alphabet is useful: lines.append(repr(self.seq)) return "\n".join(lines) def __repr__(self): """A concise summary of the record for debugging (string). The python built in function repr works by calling the object's ___repr__ method. e.g. >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord >>> from Bio.Alphabet import generic_protein >>> rec = SeqRecord(Seq("MASRGVNKVILVGNLGQDPEVRYMPNGGAVANITLATSESWRDKAT" ... +"GEMKEQTEWHRVVLFGKLAEVASEYLRKGSQVYIEGQLRTRKWTDQ" ... +"SGQDRYTTEVVVNVGGTMQMLGGRQGGGAPAGGNIGGGQPQGGWGQ" ... +"PQQPQGGNQFSGGAQSRPQQSAPAAPSNEPPMDFDDDIPF", ... generic_protein), ... id="NP_418483.1", name="b4059", ... description="ssDNA-binding protein", ... dbxrefs=["ASAP:13298", "GI:16131885", "GeneID:948570"]) >>> print repr(rec) SeqRecord(seq=Seq('MASRGVNKVILVGNLGQDPEVRYMPNGGAVANITLATSESWRDKATGEMKEQTE...IPF', ProteinAlphabet()), id='NP_418483.1', name='b4059', description='ssDNA-binding protein', dbxrefs=['ASAP:13298', 'GI:16131885', 'GeneID:948570']) At the python prompt you can also use this shorthand: >>> rec SeqRecord(seq=Seq('MASRGVNKVILVGNLGQDPEVRYMPNGGAVANITLATSESWRDKATGEMKEQTE...IPF', ProteinAlphabet()), id='NP_418483.1', name='b4059', description='ssDNA-binding protein', dbxrefs=['ASAP:13298', 'GI:16131885', 'GeneID:948570']) Note that long sequences are shown truncated. Also note that any annotations, letter_annotations and features are not shown (as they would lead to a very long string). """ return self.__class__.__name__ \ + "(seq=%s, id=%s, name=%s, description=%s, dbxrefs=%s)" \ % tuple(map(repr, (self.seq, self.id, self.name, self.description, self.dbxrefs))) def format(self, format): r"""Returns the record as a string in the specified file format. The format should be a lower case string supported as an output format by Bio.SeqIO, which is used to turn the SeqRecord into a string. e.g. >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord >>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC >>> record = SeqRecord(Seq("MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF", ... IUPAC.protein), ... id="YP_025292.1", name="HokC", ... description="toxic membrane protein") >>> record.format("fasta") '>YP_025292.1 toxic membrane protein\nMKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF\n' >>> print record.format("fasta") >YP_025292.1 toxic membrane protein MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF The python print command automatically appends a new line, meaning in this example a blank line is shown. If you look at the string representation you can see there is a trailing new line (shown as slash n) which is important when writing to a file or if concatenating mutliple sequence strings together. Note that this method will NOT work on every possible file format supported by Bio.SeqIO (e.g. some are for multiple sequences only). """ #See also the __format__ added for Python 2.6 / 3.0, PEP 3101 #See also the Bio.Align.Generic.Alignment class and its format() return self.__format__(format) def __format__(self, format_spec): """Returns the record as a string in the specified file format. This method supports the python format() function added in Python 2.6/3.0. The format_spec should be a lower case string supported by Bio.SeqIO as an output file format. See also the SeqRecord's format() method. """ if not format_spec: #Follow python convention and default to using __str__ return str(self) from Bio import SeqIO if format_spec in SeqIO._BinaryFormats: #Return bytes on Python 3 try: #This is in Python 2.6+, but we need it on Python 3 from io import BytesIO handle = BytesIO() except ImportError: #Must be on Python 2.5 or older from StringIO import StringIO handle = StringIO() else: from StringIO import StringIO handle = StringIO() SeqIO.write(self, handle, format_spec) return handle.getvalue() def __len__(self): """Returns the length of the sequence. For example, using Bio.SeqIO to read in a FASTA nucleotide file: >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> record = SeqIO.read(open("Fasta/sweetpea.nu"),"fasta") >>> len(record) 309 >>> len(record.seq) 309 """ return len(self.seq) def __nonzero__(self): """Returns True regardless of the length of the sequence. This behaviour is for backwards compatibility, since until the __len__ method was added, a SeqRecord always evaluated as True. Note that in comparison, a Seq object will evaluate to False if it has a zero length sequence. WARNING: The SeqRecord may in future evaluate to False when its sequence is of zero length (in order to better match the Seq object behaviour)! """ return True def __add__(self, other): """Add another sequence or string to this sequence. The other sequence can be a SeqRecord object, a Seq object (or similar, e.g. a MutableSeq) or a plain Python string. If you add a plain string or a Seq (like) object, the new SeqRecord will simply have this appended to the existing data. However, any per letter annotation will be lost: >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> handle = open("Quality/solexa_faked.fastq", "rU") >>> record = SeqIO.read(handle, "fastq-solexa") >>> handle.close() >>> print record.id, record.seq slxa_0001_1_0001_01 ACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTNNNNNN >>> print record.letter_annotations.keys() ['solexa_quality'] >>> new = record + "ACT" >>> print new.id, new.seq slxa_0001_1_0001_01 ACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTNNNNNNACT >>> print new.letter_annotations.keys() [] The new record will attempt to combine the annotation, but for any ambiguities (e.g. different names) it defaults to omitting that annotation. >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> handle = open("GenBank/pBAD30.gb") >>> plasmid = SeqIO.read(handle, "gb") >>> handle.close() >>> print plasmid.id, len(plasmid) pBAD30 4923 Now let's cut the plasmid into two pieces, and join them back up the other way round (i.e. shift the starting point on this plasmid, have a look at the annotated features in the original file to see why this particular split point might make sense): >>> left = plasmid[:3765] >>> right = plasmid[3765:] >>> new = right + left >>> print new.id, len(new) pBAD30 4923 >>> str(new.seq) == str(right.seq + left.seq) True >>> len(new.features) == len(left.features) + len(right.features) True When we add the left and right SeqRecord objects, their annotation is all consistent, so it is all conserved in the new SeqRecord: >>> new.id == left.id == right.id == plasmid.id True >>> new.name == left.name == right.name == plasmid.name True >>> new.description == plasmid.description True >>> new.annotations == left.annotations == right.annotations True >>> new.letter_annotations == plasmid.letter_annotations True >>> new.dbxrefs == left.dbxrefs == right.dbxrefs True However, we should point out that when we sliced the SeqRecord, any annotations dictionary or dbxrefs list entries were lost. You can explicitly copy them like this: >>> new.annotations = plasmid.annotations.copy() >>> new.dbxrefs = plasmid.dbxrefs[:] """ if not isinstance(other, SeqRecord): #Assume it is a string or a Seq. #Note can't transfer any per-letter-annotations return SeqRecord(self.seq + other, id = self.id, name = self.name, description = self.description, features = self.features[:], annotations = self.annotations.copy(), dbxrefs = self.dbxrefs[:]) #Adding two SeqRecord objects... must merge annotation. answer = SeqRecord(self.seq + other.seq, features = self.features[:], dbxrefs = self.dbxrefs[:]) #Will take all the features and all the db cross refs, l = len(self) for f in other.features: answer.features.append(f._shift(l)) del l for ref in other.dbxrefs: if ref not in answer.dbxrefs: answer.append(ref) #Take common id/name/description/annotation if self.id == other.id: answer.id = self.id if self.name == other.name: answer.name = self.name if self.description == other.description: answer.description = self.description for k,v in self.annotations.iteritems(): if k in other.annotations and other.annotations[k] == v: answer.annotations[k] = v #Can append matching per-letter-annotation for k,v in self.letter_annotations.iteritems(): if k in other.letter_annotations: answer.letter_annotations[k] = v + other.letter_annotations[k] return answer def __radd__(self, other): """Add another sequence or string to this sequence (from the left). This method handles adding a Seq object (or similar, e.g. MutableSeq) or a plain Python string (on the left) to a SeqRecord (on the right). See the __add__ method for more details, but for example: >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> handle = open("Quality/solexa_faked.fastq", "rU") >>> record = SeqIO.read(handle, "fastq-solexa") >>> handle.close() >>> print record.id, record.seq slxa_0001_1_0001_01 ACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTNNNNNN >>> print record.letter_annotations.keys() ['solexa_quality'] >>> new = "ACT" + record >>> print new.id, new.seq slxa_0001_1_0001_01 ACTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTNNNNNN >>> print new.letter_annotations.keys() [] """ if isinstance(other, SeqRecord): raise RuntimeError("This should have happened via the __add__ of " "the other SeqRecord being added!") #Assume it is a string or a Seq. #Note can't transfer any per-letter-annotations offset = len(other) return SeqRecord(other + self.seq, id = self.id, name = self.name, description = self.description, features = [f._shift(offset) for f in self.features], annotations = self.annotations.copy(), dbxrefs = self.dbxrefs[:]) def upper(self): """Returns a copy of the record with an upper case sequence. All the annotation is preserved unchanged. e.g. >>> from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord >>> record = SeqRecord(Seq("acgtACGT", generic_dna), id="Test", ... description = "Made up for this example") >>> record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] >>> print record.upper().format("fastq") @Test Made up for this example ACGTACGT + "#$%&'() Naturally, there is a matching lower method: >>> print record.lower().format("fastq") @Test Made up for this example acgtacgt + "#$%&'() """ return SeqRecord(self.seq.upper(), id = self.id, name = self.name, description = self.description, dbxrefs = self.dbxrefs[:], features = self.features[:], annotations = self.annotations.copy(), letter_annotations=self.letter_annotations.copy()) def lower(self): """Returns a copy of the record with a lower case sequence. All the annotation is preserved unchanged. e.g. >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> record = SeqIO.read("Fasta/aster.pro", "fasta") >>> print record.format("fasta") >gi|3298468|dbj|BAA31520.1| SAMIPF GGHVNPAVTFGAFVGGNITLLRGIVYIIAQLLGSTVACLLLKFVTNDMAVGVFSLSAGVG VTNALVFEIVMTFGLVYTVYATAIDPKKGSLGTIAPIAIGFIVGANI >>> print record.lower().format("fasta") >gi|3298468|dbj|BAA31520.1| SAMIPF gghvnpavtfgafvggnitllrgivyiiaqllgstvaclllkfvtndmavgvfslsagvg vtnalvfeivmtfglvytvyataidpkkgslgtiapiaigfivgani To take a more annotation rich example, >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> old = SeqIO.read("EMBL/TRBG361.embl", "embl") >>> len(old.features) 3 >>> new = old.lower() >>> len(old.features) == len(new.features) True >>> old.annotations["organism"] == new.annotations["organism"] True >>> old.dbxrefs == new.dbxrefs True """ return SeqRecord(self.seq.lower(), id = self.id, name = self.name, description = self.description, dbxrefs = self.dbxrefs[:], features = self.features[:], annotations = self.annotations.copy(), letter_annotations=self.letter_annotations.copy()) def _test(): """Run the Bio.SeqRecord module's doctests (PRIVATE). This will try and locate the unit tests directory, and run the doctests from there in order that the relative paths used in the examples work. """ import doctest import os if os.path.isdir(os.path.join("..","Tests")): print "Runing doctests..." cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(os.path.join("..","Tests")) doctest.testmod() os.chdir(cur_dir) del cur_dir print "Done" elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join("Tests")) : print "Runing doctests..." cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(os.path.join("Tests")) doctest.testmod() os.chdir(cur_dir) del cur_dir print "Done" if __name__ == "__main__": _test()