from Bio import Alphabet COUNT = 1 FREQ = 2 ################################################################## # A class to handle frequency tables # Copyright Iddo Friedberg # Biopython ( license applies # Methods to read a letter frequency or a letter count file: # Example files for a DNA alphabet: # # A count file (whitespace seperated): # # A 50 # C 37 # G 23 # T 58 # # The same info as a frequency file: # # A 0.2976 # C 0.2202 # G 0.1369 # T 0.3452 # # Functions: # read_count(f): read a count file from stream f. Then convert to # frequencies # read_freq(f): read a frequency data file from stream f. Of course, we then # don't have the counts, but it is usually the letter frquencies which are # interesting. # # Methods: # (all internal) # Attributes: # alphabet: The IUPAC alphabet set (or any other) whose letters you are # using. Common sets are: IUPAC.protein (20-letter protein), # IUPAC.unambiguous_dna (4-letter DNA). See Bio/alphabet for more. # data: frequency dictionary. # count: count dictionary. Empty if no counts are provided. # # Example of use: # >>> from SubsMat import FreqTable # >>> ftab = FreqTable.FreqTable(my_frequency_dictionary,FreqTable.FREQ) # >>> ftab = FreqTable.FreqTable(my_count_dictionary,FreqTable.COUNT) # >>> ftab = FreqTable.read_count(open('myDNACountFile')) # # ################################################################## class FreqTable(dict): def _freq_from_count(self): total = float(sum(self.count.values())) for i, v in self.count.items(): self[i] = v / total def _alphabet_from_input(self): s = '' for i in sorted(self): s += i return s def __init__(self,in_dict,dict_type,alphabet=None): self.alphabet = alphabet if dict_type == COUNT: self.count = in_dict self._freq_from_count() elif dict_type == FREQ: self.count = {} self.update(in_dict) else: raise ValueError("bad dict_type") if not alphabet: self.alphabet = Alphabet.Alphabet() self.alphabet.letters = self._alphabet_from_input() def read_count(f): count = {} for line in f: key, value = line.strip().split() count[key] = int(value) freq_table = FreqTable(count,COUNT) return freq_table def read_freq(f): freq_dict = {} for line in f: key, value = line.strip().split() freq_dict[key] = float(value) return FreqTable(freq_dict,FREQ)