#NEXUS [ NEXUS test file. Weird, but NEXUS standard compatible.] begin data; dimensions ntax=9 nchar=48; format datatype=dna gap=- missing=? interleave=yes; options gapmode=newstate; taxlabels t1 't2 the name' 'isn''that [a] strange name?' 'one should be punished, for (that)!' t5 t6 t7 t8 t9; charlabels 1 'a', 2 'b', 3 'c', 5 'f', 10 'A', 11 'B', 23 'x', 24 'y', 30 '1,2,3 can''t decide for a name?!', 48 final; matrix [interleaved matrix: secont taxon name is spelled either with quotes or with underscores, but must be treated as the same name] t1 A-C-G-Tc-gtgtgtgctct-t-t 't2 the name' A-C-GcTc-gtg-----tct-t-t 'isn''that [a] strange name?' A-CcGcTc-gtgtgtgct------ 'one should be punished, for (that)!' A-C-G-T----------------- t5 A-C?G-T?--acgt??-???-??? t6 AcCaGtTc-?--aaaaaaaa-a-a t7 A?C-GgTg-ggggggggggg-g-g t8 AtCtGtTt-ttttttttttt-?-? [last taxon of the matrix] t9 cccccccc-cccccccccccNc-c t1 ------ac-gtgtgtgctct-t-t t2_the_name ----acac-gtg-----tct-t-t 'isn''that [a] strange name?' --acacac-gtgtgtgct------ 'one should be punished, for (that)!' ------------------------ t5 --??---?--acgt??-???-??? t6 acgactac-?--aaaaaaaa-a-a t7 ??--?ggg-ggggggggggg-g-g t8 tttttttt-ttttttttttt-?-? [last taxon of the matrix] t9 cccccccc-cccccccccccNc-c ; end; [t5 --??---?--a[last quarter of sequence starts here]cgt??-???-???] [ this is a [nested ] comment] [ a special commend was [& not cut out] here] begin sets; [simple blocks dividing the data into three parts] charset c1=1-8; charset c2= 9-16; charset c3 = 17-24 ; [characters can be specified by their character labels] charset byname= 1 f-'1,2,3 can''t decide for a name?!'; charset pos1=1-48\3; charset pos2=b-final\3; charset pos3=3-11\3 12-48\3; charset mix=pos2 1; charset mux=mix 9 c3 ; [big chinks are nice for testing] charset bigchunk=2-47; charset firsthalf=1-24; charset secondhalf=25-48; charset big=1 3 5 7; [classical subdivision into codon positions] charpartition codons = a : pos1, b: pos2 , c:pos3 ; [some taxon sets] taxset normal=1 3 4-6 8; taxset tbyname1=3 t1-t6; taxset tbyname2 = 't2 the_name' - t7; taxset tbyname3 = t1 - t2_the_name; taxset reference=1 2 tbyname1; [another character partition] charpartition part=one:c1, two:c2, three:c3; [and a taxpartition] taxpartition taxpart=goodnames:1 5-9, badnames: 2 3 4; end; [unknown blocks should be read and ignored] begin spam; this is a unknown block; and should be completely ignored; end; [Some trees] begin trees; translate 3 t1, 4 't2 the name' ,1 'isn''that [a] strange name?', 2 'one should be punished, for (that)!' , 9 t5, 7 t6 , 8 t7, 5 t8, 6 t9; tree tree1 = [&R] [&W3.5] (1,(2,3),(4,(5,6,(7,(8,9))))); tree tree1 = (1,(2,(4,(5,6,(7,(8,(9,3))))))); tree tree1 = (1,(2:0.5,(4:0.3,(5:1.2,6:3.4,(7:1,(8:99.9,(9:99,3:0.98)12:13)33:0.44)1:2.0)3:4.0)0.3:0.4)10:100); end;