""" Generalized N-Point Crossover. For even values of N, perform N point crossover (select N/2 points each in the two genomes, and alternate) For odd values of N, perform symmetric N+1 point crossover (select N/2 points for both genomes) N-Point introduction (my notation): genome 1: A-----B-----C-----D-----E-----F-----G genome 2: a=====b=====c=====d=====e=====f=====g 2-point, symmetric (points=1): A-----B-----C- 1 -D-----E-----F-----G a=====b=====c= 2 =d=====e=====f=====g returns: (ABCdefg, abcDEFG) 2-point, asymmetric (points=2): A-----B- 1 -C-----D-----E-----F-----G a=====b=====c=====d=====e= 2 =f=====g returns: (ABfg, abcdeCDEFG) and for the drastic (n can be arbitrary to the length of the genome!): 12-point, symmetric (points=11): A- 1 -B- 2 -C- 3 -D- 4 -E- 5 -F- 6 -G a= 7 =b= 8 =c= 9 =d= 10 e= 11 f= 12 g returns: (AbCdEfG, aBcDeFg) (note that points=12 will yield the same result, but 11 may be somewhat faster) """ # standard modules import random class GeneralPointCrossover: """Perform n-point crossover between genomes at some defined rates. Ideas on how to use this class: - Call it directly ( construct, do_crossover ) - Use one of the provided subclasses - Inherit from it: * replace _generate_locs with a more domain specific technique * replace _crossover with a more efficient technique for your point-count """ def __init__(self, points, crossover_prob = .1): """Initialize to do crossovers at the specified probability. """ self._crossover_prob = crossover_prob self._sym = points % 2 # odd n, gets a symmetry flag self._npoints = (points + self._sym)//2 # (N or N+1)//2 def do_crossover(self, org_1, org_2): """Potentially do a crossover between the two organisms. """ new_org = ( org_1.copy(), org_2.copy() ) # determine if we have a crossover crossover_chance = random.random() if crossover_chance <= self._crossover_prob: # pre-compute bounds (len(genome)) bound = (len(new_org[0].genome), len(new_org[1].genome)) mbound = min(bound) # can't have more than 0,x_0...x_n,bound locations if (self._npoints == 0 or self._npoints > mbound-2): self._npoints = mbound-2 y_locs = [] # generate list for the shortest of the genomes x_locs = self._generate_locs( mbound ) if (self._sym != 0): y_locs = x_locs else: # figure out which list we've generated # for, and generate the other if (mbound == bound[0]): y_locs = self._generate_locs( bound[1] ) else: y_locs = x_locs xlocs = self._generate_locs( bound[0] ) # copy new genome strings over tmp = self._crossover(0, new_org, (x_locs,y_locs)) new_org[1].genome = self._crossover(1, new_org, (x_locs,y_locs)) new_org[0].genome = tmp return new_org def _generate_locs(self, bound): """Generalized Location Generator: arguments: bound (int) - upper bound returns: [0]+x_0...x_n+[bound] where n=self._npoints-1 and 0 < x_0 < x_1 ... < bound """ results = [] for increment in range(self._npoints): x = random.randint(1,bound-1) while (x in results): # uniqueness x = random.randint(1,bound-1) results.append( x ) results.sort() # sorted return [0]+results+[bound] # [0, +n points+, bound] def _crossover( self, x, no, locs ): """Generalized Crossover Function: arguments: x (int) - genome number [0|1] no (organism,organism) - new organisms locs (int list, int list) - lists of locations, [0, +n points+, bound] for each genome (sync'd with x) return type: sequence (to replace no[x]) """ s = no[ x ].genome[ :locs[ x ][1] ] for n in range(1,self._npoints): # flipflop between genome_0 and genome_1 mode = (x+n)%2 # _generate_locs gives us [0, +n points+, bound] # so we can iterate: { 0:loc(1) ... loc(n):bound } t = no[ mode ].genome[ locs[mode][n]:locs[mode][n+1] ] if (s): s = s + t else: s = t return s class TwoCrossover(GeneralPointCrossover): """Helper class for Two Point crossovers. Offers more efficient replacements to the GeneralPoint framework for single pivot crossovers """ def _generate_locs(self, bound): """Replacement generation. See GeneralPoint._generate_locs documentation for details """ return [0, random.randint(1,bound-1), bound] def _crossover( self, x, no, locs ): """Replacement crossover see GeneralPoint._crossover documentation for details """ y = (x+1)%2 return no[x].genome[ : locs[x][1] ] + no[y].genome[ locs[y][1] : ] class InterleaveCrossover(GeneralPointCrossover): """Demonstration class for Interleaving crossover. Interleaving: AbCdEfG, aBcDeFg """ def __init__(self,crossover_prob=0.1): GeneralPointCrossover.__init__(self,0,crossover_prob) def _generate_locs(self,bound): return range(-1,bound+1) def _crossover( self, x, no, locs ): s = no[ x ].genome[ 0:1 ] for n in range(1,self._npoints+2): mode = ( x+n )%2 s += no[ mode ].genome[ n:n+1 ] return s+no[mode].genome[self._npoints+3:]