# Copyright 2005 by Jonathan Taylor. # All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """This module deals with CAPS markers. A CAPS marker is a location a DifferentialCutsite as described below and a set of primers that can be used to visualize this. More information can be found in the paper located at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8106085&dopt=Abstract Copyright Jonathan Taylor 2005 """ class DifferentialCutsite(object): """A differential cutsite is a location in an alignment where an enzyme cuts at least one sequence and also cannot cut at least one other sequence. Members: start Where it lives in the alignment. enzyme The enzyme that causes this. cuts_in A list of sequences (as indexes into the alignment) the enzyme cuts in. blocked_in A list of sequences (as indexes into the alignment) the enzyme is blocked in. """ def __init__(self, **kwds): """Initialize a DifferentialCutsite. Each member (as listed in the class description) should be included as a keyword. """ self.start = int(kwds["start"]) self.enzyme = kwds["enzyme"] self.cuts_in = kwds["cuts_in"] self.blocked_in = kwds["blocked_in"] class AlignmentHasDifferentLengthsError(Exception): pass class CAPSMap(object): """A map of an alignment showing all possible dcuts. Members: alignment The alignment that is mapped. dcuts A list of possible CAPS markers in the form of DifferentialCutsites. """ def __init__(self, alignment, enzymes = []): """Initialize the CAPSMap Required: alignment The alignment to be mapped. Optional: enzymes The enzymes to be used to create the map. """ self.sequences = [rec.seq for rec in alignment] self.size = len(self.sequences) self.length = len(self.sequences[0]) for seq in self.sequences: if len(seq) != self.length: raise AlignmentHasDifferentLengthsError self.alignment = alignment self.enzymes = enzymes # look for dcuts self._digest() def _digest_with(self, enzyme): cuts = [] # list of lists, one per sequence all = [] # go through each sequence for seq in self.sequences: # grab all the cuts in the sequence seq_cuts = [cut - enzyme.fst5 for cut in enzyme.search(seq)] # maintain a list of all cuts in all sequences all.extend(seq_cuts) cuts.append(seq_cuts) # we sort the all list and remove duplicates all.sort() last = -999 new = [] for cut in all: if cut != last: new.append(cut) last = cut all = new # all now has indices for all sequences in the alignment for cut in all: # test for dcuts cuts_in = [] blocked_in = [] for i in range(0, self.size): seq = self.sequences[i] if cut in cuts[i]: cuts_in.append(i) else: blocked_in.append(i) if cuts_in != [] and blocked_in != []: self.dcuts.append(DifferentialCutsite(start = cut, enzyme = enzyme, cuts_in = cuts_in, blocked_in = blocked_in)) def _digest(self): self.dcuts = [] for enzyme in self.enzymes: self._digest_with(enzyme)