# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # """Evolution Strategies for a Population. Evolver classes manage a population of individuals, and are responsible for taking care of the transition from one generation to the next. """ # standard modules from __future__ import print_function import sys class SteadyStateEvolver(object): """Evolve a population in place. This implements a Steady State GA, where the population of individuals is evolved in place. """ def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError("Need to code this.") class GenerationEvolver(object): """Evolve a population from generation to generation. This implements a Generational GA, in which the population moves from generation to generation. """ def __init__(self, starting_population, selector): """Initialize the evolver. Arguments: o starting_population -- An initial set of individuals to begin the evolution process from. This should be a list of Organism objects. o selector -- A Selection object that implements selection, along with mutation and crossover to select a new population from a given population. """ self._population = starting_population self._selector = selector def evolve(self, stopping_criteria): """Evolve the population through multiple generations. Arguments: o stoppping_criteria -- A function which, when passed the current individuals in the population, will determine when to stop the evolution process. Returns: o The final evolved population. """ while not(stopping_criteria(self._population)): try: # perform selection, mutation, crossover on the population self._population = self._selector.select(self._population) # update the fitness of the new popultation for organism in self._population: organism.recalculate_fitness() # dump out all of the organisms for debugging if the # evolution process is broken with a Control-C except KeyboardInterrupt: # sort the population so we can look at duplicates self._population.sort() for org in self._population: print(org) sys.exit() return self._population