# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # """Methods for performing repairs that will Stabilize genomes. These methods perform repair to keep chromosomes from drifting too far in any direction -- ie. bring them back to a stabilizing center. This may be useful in cases where fitness functions alone won't keep chromosomes in check. """ # standard library import random class AmbiguousRepair(object): """Perform repair to reduce the number of Ambiguous genes in a genome. In cases where ambiguous genes are allowed in a genome (for example, where you have a wild card character like '*' that will match anything), these can come to dominate a genome since, really, the best fitness is someting like '*******'. This repair protects against that by changing ambiguous characters into some non-ambiguous gene. """ def __init__(self, ambig_finder, num_ambiguous): """Initialize the repair class. Arguments: o ambig_finder - A class implementing the function find_ambiguous which will return a list of all ambiguous positions in a sequence. It also must have the function all_unambiguous, which will return all allowed unambiguous letters. o num_ambiguous - The minimum number of ambiguous items that are allowed in a genome. If there are more than this present, repair will be performed. """ self._ambig_finder = ambig_finder self._num_ambiguous = num_ambiguous self._alphabet_letters = ambig_finder.all_unambiguous() def repair(self, organism): """Perform a repair to remove excess ambiguous genes. """ new_org = organism.copy() # start getting rid of ambiguous items while True: # first find all of the ambigous items seq_genome = new_org.genome.toseq() all_ambiguous = self._ambig_finder.find_ambiguous(str(seq_genome)) # if we have less then the number of ambiguous allowed, stop if len(all_ambiguous) <= self._num_ambiguous: break # remove an ambiguous item and replace it with a non-ambiguous to_change = random.choice(all_ambiguous) new_gene = random.choice(self._alphabet_letters) new_org.genome[to_change] = new_gene return new_org