# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # """Select individuals into a new population trying to maintain diversity. This selection mechanism seeks to try and get both high fitness levels and high diversity levels in the population. """ # standard modules import random import math # biopython from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq # local modules from .Abstract import AbstractSelection from .Tournament import TournamentSelection class DiversitySelection(AbstractSelection): """Implement diversity selection. Diversity selection is performed by trying to select individuals from the population that aren't already in the new_population. A group of selected individuals is then subjected to selection using a passed selection routine. If new individuals can not be selected, new individuals will be randomly generated and inserted into the population. """ def __init__(self, internal_selector, genome_generator): """Initialize a diversity selector. Arguments: o internal_selector - A selection object that will be used to select individuals based on fitness, perform crossover, mutation and repair. o genome_generator - A function that, when called, will return a genome to be used for a new organism. The genome returned must be a MutableSeq() object. """ self._internal_selector = internal_selector self._genome_generator = genome_generator self.sub_pop_percent = .1 self.random_tries = 10 def _get_new_organism(self, new_pop, old_pop): """Get a new organism from old_pop that isn't in new_pop. This attempts to select an organism from old_pop that isn't in new_pop. If we can't do this in the number of tries specified by the class attribute random_tries, we generate a new random organism and return that. """ # try to pick an organism that isn't in the population new_org = None num_tries = 0 while new_org is None and num_tries < self.random_tries: chance_org = random.choice(old_pop) if chance_org not in new_pop: new_org = chance_org num_tries += 1 # if we don't get an organism, generate a random one if new_org is None: new_org = old_pop[0].copy() random_genome = self._genome_generator() new_org.genome = random_genome new_org.recalculate_fitness() return new_org def select(self, population): """Perform selection on the current population, encouraging diversity. """ new_population = [] while len(new_population) < len(population): # generate a sub population sub_pop_size = int(math.ceil(len(population) * self.sub_pop_percent)) sub_pop = [] for individual in range(sub_pop_size): new_org = self._get_new_organism(new_population, population) sub_pop.append(new_org) # put the new sub population through selection, mutation # and all of that good stuff new_sub_pop = self._internal_selector.select(sub_pop) new_population.extend(new_sub_pop) # return the new population, which should have the same number # of individuals we started with. return new_population[:len(population)]