#include #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION #include #include "KDTree.h" /* Must define Py_TYPE for Python 2.5 or older */ #ifndef Py_TYPE # define Py_TYPE(o) ((o)->ob_type) #endif /* Must define PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT for Python 2.5 or older */ #ifndef PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT #define PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(type, size) \ PyObject_HEAD_INIT(type) size, #endif typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD struct Neighbor neighbor; } PyNeighbor; static int PyNeighbor_init(PyNeighbor *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { long int index1, index2; float radius = 0.0; static char *kwlist[] = {"index1", "index2", "radius", NULL}; if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "ii|d", kwlist, &index1, &index2, &radius)) return -1; self->neighbor.index1 = index1; self->neighbor.index2 = index2; self->neighbor.radius = radius; return 0; } static PyObject* PyNeighbor_repr(PyNeighbor* self) { char string[64]; sprintf(string, "(%ld, %ld): %g", self->neighbor.index1, self->neighbor.index2, self->neighbor.radius); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return PyUnicode_FromString(string); #else return PyString_FromString(string); #endif } static char PyNeighbor_index1__doc__[] = "index of the first neighbor"; static PyObject* PyNeighbor_getindex1(PyNeighbor* self, void* closure) { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return PyLong_FromLong(self->neighbor.index1); #else return PyInt_FromLong(self->neighbor.index1); #endif } static int PyNeighbor_setindex1(PyNeighbor* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 long index1 = PyLong_AsLong(value); #else long index1 = PyInt_AsLong(value); #endif if (PyErr_Occurred()) return -1; self->neighbor.index1 = index1; return 0; } static char PyNeighbor_index2__doc__[] = "index of the second neighbor"; static PyObject* PyNeighbor_getindex2(PyNeighbor* self, void* closure) { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return PyLong_FromLong(self->neighbor.index2); #else return PyInt_FromLong(self->neighbor.index2); #endif } static int PyNeighbor_setindex2(PyNeighbor* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 long index2 = PyLong_AsLong(value); #else long index2 = PyInt_AsLong(value); #endif if (PyErr_Occurred()) return -1; self->neighbor.index2 = index2; return 0; } static PyObject* PyNeighbor_getradius(PyNeighbor* self, void* closure) { float value = self->neighbor.radius; return PyFloat_FromDouble((double)value); } static int PyNeighbor_setradius(PyNeighbor* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) { const double radius = PyFloat_AsDouble(value); if (PyErr_Occurred()) return -1; self->neighbor.radius = (float)radius; return 0; } static char PyNeighbor_radius__doc__[] = "the radius\n"; static PyGetSetDef PyNeighbor_getset[] = { {"index1", (getter)PyNeighbor_getindex1, (setter)PyNeighbor_setindex1, PyNeighbor_index1__doc__, NULL}, {"index2", (getter)PyNeighbor_getindex2, (setter)PyNeighbor_setindex2, PyNeighbor_index2__doc__, NULL}, {"radius", (getter)PyNeighbor_getradius, (setter)PyNeighbor_setradius, PyNeighbor_radius__doc__, NULL}, {NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; static char PyNeighbor_doc[] = "A neighbor pair; members are index1, index2, and radius.\n"; static PyTypeObject PyNeighborType = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) "KDTree.Neighbor", /* tp_name*/ sizeof(PyNeighbor), /* tp_basicsize*/ 0, /* tp_itemsize*/ 0, /* tp_dealloc*/ 0, /* tp_print*/ 0, /* tp_getattr*/ 0, /* tp_setattr*/ 0, /* tp_compare*/ (reprfunc)PyNeighbor_repr, /* tp_repr*/ 0, /* tp_as_number*/ 0, /* tp_as_sequence*/ 0, /* tp_as_mapping*/ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call*/ 0, /* tp_str*/ 0, /* tp_getattro*/ 0, /* tp_setattro*/ 0, /* tp_as_buffer*/ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags*/ PyNeighbor_doc, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ 0, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ 0, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ PyNeighbor_getset, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ (initproc)PyNeighbor_init, /* tp_init */ }; typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD struct KDTree* tree; } PyTree; static void PyTree_dealloc(PyTree* self) { KDTree_destroy(self->tree); Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject*)self); } static int PyTree_init(PyTree* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) { int dim; int bucket_size; struct KDTree* tree; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii:KDTree_init" ,&dim, &bucket_size)) return -1; if (dim <= 0 || bucket_size <= 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Both arguments should be positive"); return -1; } tree = KDTree_init(dim, bucket_size); if (tree==NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "Insufficient memory for tree"); return -1; } self->tree = tree; return 0; } static PyObject* PyTree_get_count(PyTree* self) { long count; struct KDTree* tree = self->tree; PyObject* result; count = KDTree_get_count(tree); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 result = PyLong_FromLong(count); #else result = PyInt_FromLong(count); #endif if (!result) { PyErr_SetString (PyExc_MemoryError, "Failed to allocate memory for object."); return NULL; } return result; } static PyObject* PyTree_neighbor_get_count(PyTree* self) { long count; struct KDTree* tree = self->tree; PyObject* result; count = KDTree_neighbor_get_count(tree); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 result = PyLong_FromLong(count); #else result = PyInt_FromLong(count); #endif if (!result) { PyErr_SetString (PyExc_MemoryError, "Failed to allocate memory for object."); return NULL; } return result; } static PyObject* PyTree_set_data(PyTree* self, PyObject* args) { float* coords; long int n, m, i; PyObject *obj; PyArrayObject *array; struct KDTree* tree = self->tree; int ok; npy_intp rowstride, colstride; const char* p; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:KDTree_set_data",&obj)) return NULL; /* Check if it is an array */ if (!PyArray_Check(obj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "First argument must be an array."); return NULL; } array=(PyArrayObject *) obj; if(PyArray_NDIM(array)!=2) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Array must be two dimensional."); return NULL; } if (PyArray_TYPE(array) == NPY_DOUBLE) { Py_INCREF(obj); } else { /* Cast to type double */ obj = PyArray_Cast(array, NPY_DOUBLE); if (!obj) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "coordinates cannot be cast to needed type."); return NULL; } array = (PyArrayObject*) obj; } n = (long int) PyArray_DIM(array, 0); m = (long int) PyArray_DIM(array, 1); /* coord_data is deleted by the KDTree object */ coords= malloc(m*n*sizeof(float)); if (!coords) { Py_DECREF(obj); PyErr_SetString (PyExc_MemoryError, "Failed to allocate memory for coordinates."); return NULL; } rowstride = PyArray_STRIDE(array, 0); colstride = PyArray_STRIDE(array, 1); p = PyArray_BYTES(array); for (i=0; itree; int ok; npy_intp stride; const char* p; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Od:KDTree_search_center_radius", &obj ,&radius)) return NULL; if(radius <= 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Radius must be positive."); return NULL; } /* Check if it is an array */ if (!PyArray_Check(obj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "First argument must be an array."); return NULL; } array=(PyArrayObject *) obj; if(PyArray_NDIM(array)!=1) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Array must be one dimensional."); return NULL; } if (PyArray_TYPE(array) == NPY_DOUBLE) { Py_INCREF(obj); } else { /* Cast to type double */ obj = PyArray_Cast(array, NPY_DOUBLE); if (!obj) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "coordinates cannot be cast to needed type."); return NULL; } array = (PyArrayObject*) obj; } n = (long int) PyArray_DIM(array, 0); /* coord_data is deleted by the KDTree object */ coords= malloc(n*sizeof(float)); if (!coords) { Py_DECREF(obj); PyErr_SetString (PyExc_MemoryError, "Failed to allocate memory for coordinates."); return NULL; } stride = PyArray_STRIDE(array, 0); p = PyArray_BYTES(array); for (i=0; itree; struct Neighbor* neighbors; struct Neighbor* pp, *qq; PyObject* list; Py_ssize_t i, n; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d:KDTree_neighbor_search", &radius)) return NULL; if(radius <= 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Radius must be positive."); return NULL; } ok = KDTree_neighbor_search(tree, radius, &neighbors); if (!ok) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "calculation failed due to lack of memory"); return NULL; } pp = neighbors; n = 0; while (pp) { n+=1; pp = pp->next; } list = PyList_New(n); if (list) { PyNeighbor* p; pp = neighbors; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { p = (PyNeighbor*) PyNeighborType.tp_alloc(&PyNeighborType, 0); if(!p) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "could not create node for return value"); Py_DECREF(list); return NULL; } p->neighbor = *pp; PyList_SET_ITEM(list, i, (PyObject*)p); qq = pp->next; free(pp); pp = qq; } } return list; } static PyObject* PyTree_neighbor_simple_search(PyTree* self, PyObject* args) { int ok; double radius; struct KDTree* tree = self->tree; struct Neighbor* neighbors; struct Neighbor* pp, *qq; PyObject* list; Py_ssize_t i, n; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d:KDTree_neighbor_simple_search", &radius)) return NULL; if(radius <= 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Radius must be positive."); return NULL; } ok = KDTree_neighbor_simple_search(tree, radius, &neighbors); if (!ok) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "calculation failed due to lack of memory"); return NULL; } pp = neighbors; n = 0; while (pp) { n+=1; pp = pp->next; } list = PyList_New(n); if (list) { PyNeighbor* p; pp = neighbors; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { p = (PyNeighbor*) PyNeighborType.tp_alloc(&PyNeighborType, 0); if(!p) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "could not create node for return value"); Py_DECREF(list); return NULL; } p->neighbor = *pp; PyList_SET_ITEM(list, i, (PyObject*)p); qq = pp->next; free(pp); pp = qq; } } return list; } static char PyTree_get_indices__doc__[] = "returns indices of coordinates within radius as a Numpy array\n"; static PyObject *PyTree_get_indices(PyTree *self) { npy_intp length; PyArrayObject *array; struct KDTree* tree = self->tree; length=KDTree_get_count(tree); if (length==0) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } array=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, &length, NPY_LONG); if (!array) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "Insufficient memory for array"); return NULL; } /* copy the data into the Numpy data pointer */ KDTree_copy_indices(tree, (long int *) PyArray_BYTES(array)); return PyArray_Return(array); } static char PyTree_get_radii__doc__[] = "returns distances of coordinates within radius as a Numpy array.\n"; static PyObject *PyTree_get_radii(PyTree *self) { npy_intp length; PyArrayObject *array; struct KDTree* tree = self->tree; length=KDTree_get_count(tree); if (length==0) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } array=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, &length, NPY_FLOAT32); if (!array) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "Insufficient memory for array"); return NULL; } /* copy the data into the Numpy data pointer */ KDTree_copy_radii(tree, (float *) PyArray_BYTES(array)); return PyArray_Return(array); } static PyMethodDef PyTree_methods[] = { {"get_count", (PyCFunction)PyTree_get_count, METH_NOARGS, NULL}, {"set_data", (PyCFunction)PyTree_set_data, METH_VARARGS, NULL}, {"search_center_radius", (PyCFunction)PyTree_search_center_radius, METH_VARARGS, NULL}, {"neighbor_get_count", (PyCFunction)PyTree_neighbor_get_count, METH_NOARGS, NULL}, {"neighbor_search", (PyCFunction)PyTree_neighbor_search, METH_VARARGS, NULL}, {"neighbor_simple_search", (PyCFunction)PyTree_neighbor_simple_search, METH_VARARGS, NULL}, {"get_indices", (PyCFunction)PyTree_get_indices, METH_NOARGS, PyTree_get_indices__doc__}, {"get_radii", (PyCFunction)PyTree_get_radii, METH_NOARGS, PyTree_get_radii__doc__}, {NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; static char PyTree_doc[] = "C KDTree.\n"; static PyTypeObject PyTreeType = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) "C KDTree", /*tp_name*/ sizeof(PyTree), /*tp_basicsize*/ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ (destructor)PyTree_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ 0, /*tp_print*/ 0, /*tp_getattr*/ 0, /*tp_setattr*/ 0, /*tp_compare*/ 0, /*tp_repr*/ 0, /*tp_as_number*/ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/ 0, /*tp_hash */ 0, /*tp_call*/ 0, /*tp_str*/ 0, /*tp_getattro*/ 0, /*tp_setattro*/ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /*tp_flags*/ PyTree_doc, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ 0, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ PyTree_methods, /* tp_methods */ NULL, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ (initproc)PyTree_init, /* tp_init */ }; /* ========================================================================== */ /* -- Initialization -------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================== */ #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "_CKDTree", NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; PyObject * PyInit__CKDTree(void) #else void init_CKDTree(void) #endif { PyObject *module; import_array(); PyTreeType.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew; PyNeighborType.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew; if (PyType_Ready(&PyTreeType) < 0) #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return NULL; #else return; #endif if (PyType_Ready(&PyNeighborType) < 0) #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return NULL; #else return; #endif #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 module = PyModule_Create(&moduledef); if (module==NULL) return NULL; #else module = Py_InitModule("_CKDTree", NULL); if (module==NULL) return; #endif Py_INCREF(&PyTreeType); Py_INCREF(&PyNeighborType); PyModule_AddObject(module, "KDTree", (PyObject*) &PyTreeType); PyModule_AddObject(module, "Neighbor", (PyObject*) &PyNeighborType); if (PyErr_Occurred()) Py_FatalError("can't initialize module _CKDTree"); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return module; #endif }