# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # """Model a single layer in a nueral network. These classes deal with a layers in the neural network (ie. the input layer, hidden layers and the output layer). """ # standard library import math import random from Bio._py3k import range def logistic_function(value): """Transform the value with the logistic function. XXX This is in the wrong place -- I need to find a place to put it that makes sense. """ return 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-value)) class AbstractLayer(object): """Abstract base class for all layers. """ def __init__(self, num_nodes, has_bias_node): """Initialize the layer. Arguments: o num_nodes -- The number of nodes that are contained in this layer. o has_bias_node -- Specify whether or not this node has a bias node. This node is not included in the number of nodes in the network, but is used in constructing and dealing with the network. """ # specify all of the nodes in the network if has_bias_node: lower_range = 0 else: lower_range = 1 self.nodes = list(range(lower_range, num_nodes + 1)) self.weights = {} def __str__(self): """Debugging output. """ return "weights: %s" % self.weights def set_weight(self, this_node, next_node, value): """Set a weight value from one node to the next. If weights are not explicitly set, they will be initialized to random values to start with. """ if (this_node, next_node) not in self.weights: raise ValueError("Invalid node values passed.") self.weights[(this_node, next_node)] = value class InputLayer(AbstractLayer): def __init__(self, num_nodes, next_layer): """Initialize the input layer. Arguments: o num_nodes -- The number of nodes in the input layer. o next_layer -- The next layer in the neural network this is connected to. """ AbstractLayer.__init__(self, num_nodes, 1) self._next_layer = next_layer # set up the weights self.weights = {} for own_node in self.nodes: for other_node in self._next_layer.nodes: self.weights[(own_node, other_node)] = \ random.randrange(-2.0, 2.0) # set up the weight changes self.weight_changes = {} for own_node in self.nodes: for other_node in self._next_layer.nodes: self.weight_changes[(own_node, other_node)] = 0.0 # set up the calculated values for each node -- these will # actually just be set from inputs into the network. self.values = {} for node in self.nodes: # set the bias node -- always has a value of 1 if node == 0: self.values[0] = 1 else: self.values[node] = 0 def update(self, inputs): """Update the values of the nodes using given inputs. Arguments: o inputs -- A list of inputs into the network -- this must be equal to the number of nodes in the layer. """ if len(inputs) != len(self.values) - 1: raise ValueError("Inputs do not match input layer nodes.") # set the node values from the inputs for input_num in range(len(inputs)): self.values[input_num + 1] = inputs[input_num] # propagate the update to the next layer self._next_layer.update(self) def backpropagate(self, outputs, learning_rate, momentum): """Recalculate all weights based on the last round of prediction. Arguments: o learning_rate -- The learning rate of the network o momentum - The amount of weight to place on the previous weight change. o outputs - The output info we are using to calculate error. """ # first backpropagate to the next layers next_errors = self._next_layer.backpropagate(outputs, learning_rate, momentum) for this_node in self.nodes: for next_node in self._next_layer.nodes: error_deriv = (next_errors[next_node] * self.values[this_node]) delta = (learning_rate * error_deriv + momentum * self.weight_changes[(this_node, next_node)]) # apply the change to the weight self.weights[(this_node, next_node)] += delta # remember the weight change for next time self.weight_changes[(this_node, next_node)] = delta class HiddenLayer(AbstractLayer): def __init__(self, num_nodes, next_layer, activation=logistic_function): """Initialize a hidden layer. Arguments: o num_nodes -- The number of nodes in this hidden layer. o next_layer -- The next layer in the neural network that this is connected to. o activation -- The transformation function used to transform predicted values. """ AbstractLayer.__init__(self, num_nodes, 1) self._next_layer = next_layer self._activation = activation # set up the weights self.weights = {} for own_node in self.nodes: for other_node in self._next_layer.nodes: self.weights[(own_node, other_node)] = \ random.randrange(-2.0, 2.0) # set up the weight changes self.weight_changes = {} for own_node in self.nodes: for other_node in self._next_layer.nodes: self.weight_changes[(own_node, other_node)] = 0.0 # set up the calculated values for each node self.values = {} for node in self.nodes: # bias node if node == 0: self.values[node] = 1 else: self.values[node] = 0 def update(self, previous_layer): """Update the values of nodes from the previous layer info. Arguments: o previous_layer -- The previous layer in the network. """ # update each node in this network for update_node in self.nodes[1:]: # sum up the weighted inputs from the previous network sum = 0.0 for node in previous_layer.nodes: sum += (previous_layer.values[node] * previous_layer.weights[(node, update_node)]) self.values[update_node] = self._activation(sum) # propagate the update to the next layer self._next_layer.update(self) def backpropagate(self, outputs, learning_rate, momentum): """Recalculate all weights based on the last round of prediction. Arguments: o learning_rate -- The learning rate of the network o momentum - The amount of weight to place on the previous weight change. o outputs - The output values we are using to see how good our network is at predicting things. """ # first backpropagate to the next layers next_errors = self._next_layer.backpropagate(outputs, learning_rate, momentum) # --- update the weights for this_node in self.nodes: for next_node in self._next_layer.nodes: error_deriv = (next_errors[next_node] * self.values[this_node]) delta = (learning_rate * error_deriv + momentum * self.weight_changes[(this_node, next_node)]) # apply the change to the weight self.weights[(this_node, next_node)] += delta # remember the weight change for next time self.weight_changes[(this_node, next_node)] = delta # --- calculate error terms errors = {} for error_node in self.nodes: # get the error info propagated from the next layer previous_error = 0.0 for next_node in self._next_layer.nodes: previous_error += (next_errors[next_node] * self.weights[(error_node, next_node)]) # get the correction factor corr_factor = (self.values[error_node] * (1 - self.values[error_node])) # calculate the error errors[error_node] = previous_error * corr_factor return errors class OutputLayer(AbstractLayer): def __init__(self, num_nodes, activation=logistic_function): """Initialize the Output Layer. Arguments: o num_nodes -- The number of nodes in this layer. This corresponds to the number of outputs in the neural network. o activation -- The transformation function used to transform predicted values. """ AbstractLayer.__init__(self, num_nodes, 0) self._activation = activation self.values = {} for node in self.nodes: self.values[node] = 0 def update(self, previous_layer): """Update the value of output nodes from the previous layers. Arguments: o previous_layer -- The hidden layer preceding this. """ # update all of the nodes in this layer for update_node in self.nodes: # sum up the contribution from all of the previous inputs sum = 0.0 for node in previous_layer.nodes: sum += (previous_layer.values[node] * previous_layer.weights[(node, update_node)]) self.values[update_node] = self._activation(sum) def backpropagate(self, outputs, learning_rate, momentum): """Calculate the backpropagation error at a given node. This calculates the error term using the formula: p = (z - t) z (1 - z) where z is the calculated value for the node, and t is the real value. Arguments: o outputs - The list of output values we use to calculate the errors in our predictions. """ errors = {} for node in self.nodes: calculated_value = self.values[node] real_value = outputs[node - 1] errors[node] = ((real_value - calculated_value) * calculated_value * (1 - calculated_value)) return errors def get_error(self, real_value, node_number): """Return the error value at a particular node. """ predicted_value = self.values[node_number] return 0.5 * math.pow((real_value - predicted_value), 2) def set_weight(self, this_node, next_node, value): raise NotImplementedError("Can't set weights for the output layer")