# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # """Find and deal with signatures in biological sequence data. In addition to representing sequences according to motifs (see Motif.py for more information), we can also use Signatures, which are conserved regions that are not necessarily consecutive. This may be useful in the case of very diverged sequences, where signatures may pick out important conservation that can't be found by motifs (hopefully!). """ # biopython from Bio.Alphabet import _verify_alphabet from Bio.Seq import Seq # local stuff from .Pattern import PatternRepository class SignatureFinder(object): """Find Signatures in a group of sequence records. In this simple implementation, signatures are just defined as a two motifs separated by a gap. We need something a lot smarter than this to find more complicated signatures. """ def __init__(self, alphabet_strict=1): """Initialize a finder to get signatures. Arguments: o alphabet_strict - Specify whether signatures should be required to have all letters in the signature be consistent with the alphabet of the original sequence. This requires that all Seqs used have a consistent alphabet. This helps protect against getting useless signatures full of ambiguity signals. """ self._alphabet_strict = alphabet_strict def find(self, seq_records, signature_size, max_gap): """Find all signatures in a group of sequences. Arguments: o seq_records - A list of SeqRecord objects we'll use the sequences from to find signatures. o signature_size - The size of each half of a signature (ie. if this is set at 3, then the signature could be AGC-----GAC) o max_gap - The maximum gap size between two parts of a signature. """ sig_info = self._get_signature_dict(seq_records, signature_size, max_gap) return PatternRepository(sig_info) def _get_signature_dict(self, seq_records, sig_size, max_gap): """Return a dictionary with all signatures and their counts. This internal function does all of the hard work for the find_signatures function. """ if self._alphabet_strict: alphabet = seq_records[0].seq.alphabet else: alphabet = None # loop through all records to find signatures all_sigs = {} for seq_record in seq_records: # if we are working with alphabets, make sure we are consistent if alphabet is not None: assert seq_record.seq.alphabet == alphabet, \ "Working with alphabet %s and got %s" % \ (alphabet, seq_record.seq.alphabet) # now start finding signatures in the sequence largest_sig_size = sig_size * 2 + max_gap for start in range(len(seq_record.seq) - (largest_sig_size - 1)): # find the first part of the signature first_sig = str(seq_record.seq[start:start + sig_size]) # now find all of the second parts of the signature for second in range(start + 1, (start + 1) + max_gap): second_sig = str(seq_record.seq[second: second + sig_size]) # if we are being alphabet strict, make sure both parts # of the sig fall within the specified alphabet if alphabet is not None: first_seq = Seq(first_sig, alphabet) second_seq = Seq(second_sig, alphabet) if _verify_alphabet(first_seq) \ and _verify_alphabet(second_seq): all_sigs = self._add_sig(all_sigs, (first_sig, second_sig)) # if we are not being strict, just add the motif else: all_sigs = self._add_sig(all_sigs, (first_sig, second_sig)) return all_sigs def _add_sig(self, sig_dict, sig_to_add): """Add a signature to the given dictionary. """ # incrememt the count of the signature if it is already present if sig_to_add in sig_dict: sig_dict[sig_to_add] += 1 # otherwise add it to the dictionary else: sig_dict[sig_to_add] = 1 return sig_dict class SignatureCoder(object): """Convert a Sequence into its signature representatives. This takes a sequence and a set of signatures, and converts the sequence into a list of numbers representing the relative amounts each signature is seen in the sequence. This allows a sequence to serve as input into a neural network. """ def __init__(self, signatures, max_gap): """Initialize with the signatures to look for. Arguments: o signatures - A complete list of signatures, in order, that are to be searched for in the sequences. The signatures should be represented as a tuple of (first part of the signature, second_part of the signature) -- ('GATC', 'GATC'). o max_gap - The maximum gap we can have between the two elements of the signature. """ self._signatures = signatures self._max_gap = max_gap # check to be sure the signatures are all the same size # only do this if we actually have signatures if len(self._signatures) > 0: first_sig_size = len(self._signatures[0][0]) second_sig_size = len(self._signatures[0][1]) assert first_sig_size == second_sig_size, \ "Ends of the signature do not match: %s" \ % self._signatures[0] for sig in self._signatures: assert len(sig[0]) == first_sig_size, \ "Got first part of signature %s, expected size %s" % \ (sig[0], first_sig_size) assert len(sig[1]) == second_sig_size, \ "Got second part of signature %s, expected size %s" % \ (sig[1], second_sig_size) def representation(self, sequence): """Convert a sequence into a representation of its signatures. Arguments: o sequence - A Seq object we are going to convert into a set of signatures. Returns: A list of relative signature representations. Each item in the list corresponds to the signature passed in to the initializer and is the number of times that the signature was found, divided by the total number of signatures found in the sequence. """ # check to be sure we have signatures to deal with, # otherwise just return an empty list if len(self._signatures) == 0: return [] # initialize a dictionary to hold the signature counts sequence_sigs = {} for sig in self._signatures: sequence_sigs[sig] = 0 # get a list of all of the first parts of the signatures all_first_sigs = [] for sig_start, sig_end in self._signatures: all_first_sigs.append(sig_start) # count all of the signatures we are looking for in the sequence sig_size = len(self._signatures[0][0]) smallest_sig_size = sig_size * 2 for start in range(len(sequence) - (smallest_sig_size - 1)): # if the first part matches any of the signatures we are looking # for, then expand out to look for the second part first_sig = str(sequence[start:start + sig_size]) if first_sig in all_first_sigs: for second in range(start + sig_size, (start + sig_size + 1) + self._max_gap): second_sig = str(sequence[second:second + sig_size]) # if we find the motif, increase the counts for it if (first_sig, second_sig) in sequence_sigs: sequence_sigs[(first_sig, second_sig)] += 1 # -- normalize the signature info to go between zero and one min_count = min(sequence_sigs.values()) max_count = max(sequence_sigs.values()) # as long as we have some signatures present, normalize them # otherwise we'll just return 0 for everything if max_count > 0: for sig in sequence_sigs: sequence_sigs[sig] = (float(sequence_sigs[sig] - min_count) / float(max_count)) # return the relative signature info in the specified order sig_amounts = [] for sig in self._signatures: sig_amounts.append(sequence_sigs[sig]) return sig_amounts