# Copyright (C) 2002, Thomas Hamelryck (thamelry@binf.ku.dk) # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Polypeptide-related classes (construction and representation). Simple example with multiple chains, >>> from Bio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser >>> from Bio.PDB.Polypeptide import PPBuilder >>> structure = PDBParser().get_structure('2BEG', 'PDB/2BEG.pdb') >>> ppb=PPBuilder() >>> for pp in ppb.build_peptides(structure): ... print(pp.get_sequence()) LVFFAEDVGSNKGAIIGLMVGGVVIA LVFFAEDVGSNKGAIIGLMVGGVVIA LVFFAEDVGSNKGAIIGLMVGGVVIA LVFFAEDVGSNKGAIIGLMVGGVVIA LVFFAEDVGSNKGAIIGLMVGGVVIA Example with non-standard amino acids using HETATM lines in the PDB file, in this case selenomethionine (MSE): >>> from Bio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser >>> from Bio.PDB.Polypeptide import PPBuilder >>> structure = PDBParser().get_structure('1A8O', 'PDB/1A8O.pdb') >>> ppb=PPBuilder() >>> for pp in ppb.build_peptides(structure): ... print(pp.get_sequence()) DIRQGPKEPFRDYVDRFYKTLRAEQASQEVKNW TETLLVQNANPDCKTILKALGPGATLEE TACQG If you want to, you can include non-standard amino acids in the peptides: >>> for pp in ppb.build_peptides(structure, aa_only=False): ... print(pp.get_sequence()) ... print("%s %s" % (pp.get_sequence()[0], pp[0].get_resname())) ... print("%s %s" % (pp.get_sequence()[-7], pp[-7].get_resname())) ... print("%s %s" % (pp.get_sequence()[-6], pp[-6].get_resname())) MDIRQGPKEPFRDYVDRFYKTLRAEQASQEVKNWMTETLLVQNANPDCKTILKALGPGATLEEMMTACQG M MSE M MSE M MSE In this case the selenomethionines (the first and also seventh and sixth from last residues) have been shown as M (methionine) by the get_sequence method. """ from __future__ import print_function from Bio._py3k import basestring import warnings from Bio.Alphabet import generic_protein from Bio.Data import SCOPData from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.PDB.PDBExceptions import PDBException from Bio.PDB.Vector import calc_dihedral, calc_angle standard_aa_names=["ALA", "CYS", "ASP", "GLU", "PHE", "GLY", "HIS", "ILE", "LYS", "LEU", "MET", "ASN", "PRO", "GLN", "ARG", "SER", "THR", "VAL", "TRP", "TYR"] aa1="ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" aa3=standard_aa_names d1_to_index={} dindex_to_1={} d3_to_index={} dindex_to_3={} # Create some lookup tables for i in range(0, 20): n1=aa1[i] n3=aa3[i] d1_to_index[n1]=i dindex_to_1[i]=n1 d3_to_index[n3]=i dindex_to_3[i]=n3 def index_to_one(index): """Index to corresponding one letter amino acid name. >>> index_to_one(0) 'A' >>> index_to_one(19) 'Y' """ return dindex_to_1[index] def one_to_index(s): """One letter code to index. >>> one_to_index('A') 0 >>> one_to_index('Y') 19 """ return d1_to_index[s] def index_to_three(i): """Index to corresponding three letter amino acid name. >>> index_to_three(0) 'ALA' >>> index_to_three(19) 'TYR' """ return dindex_to_3[i] def three_to_index(s): """Three letter code to index. >>> three_to_index('ALA') 0 >>> three_to_index('TYR') 19 """ return d3_to_index[s] def three_to_one(s): """Three letter code to one letter code. >>> three_to_one('ALA') 'A' >>> three_to_one('TYR') 'Y' For non-standard amino acids, you get a KeyError: >>> three_to_one('MSE') Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'MSE' """ i=d3_to_index[s] return dindex_to_1[i] def one_to_three(s): """One letter code to three letter code. >>> one_to_three('A') 'ALA' >>> one_to_three('Y') 'TYR' """ i=d1_to_index[s] return dindex_to_3[i] def is_aa(residue, standard=False): """Return True if residue object/string is an amino acid. @param residue: a L{Residue} object OR a three letter amino acid code @type residue: L{Residue} or string @param standard: flag to check for the 20 AA (default false) @type standard: boolean >>> is_aa('ALA') True Known three letter codes for modified amino acids are supported, >>> is_aa('FME') True >>> is_aa('FME', standard=True) False """ #TODO - What about special cases like XXX, can they appear in PDB files? if not isinstance(residue, basestring): residue=residue.get_resname() residue=residue.upper() if standard: return residue in d3_to_index else: return residue in SCOPData.protein_letters_3to1 class Polypeptide(list): """A polypeptide is simply a list of L{Residue} objects.""" def get_ca_list(self): """Get list of C-alpha atoms in the polypeptide. @return: the list of C-alpha atoms @rtype: [L{Atom}, L{Atom}, ...] """ ca_list=[] for res in self: ca=res["CA"] ca_list.append(ca) return ca_list def get_phi_psi_list(self): """Return the list of phi/psi dihedral angles.""" ppl=[] lng=len(self) for i in range(0, lng): res=self[i] try: n=res['N'].get_vector() ca=res['CA'].get_vector() c=res['C'].get_vector() except: # Some atoms are missing # Phi/Psi cannot be calculated for this residue ppl.append((None, None)) res.xtra["PHI"]=None res.xtra["PSI"]=None continue # Phi if i>0: rp=self[i-1] try: cp=rp['C'].get_vector() phi=calc_dihedral(cp, n, ca, c) except: phi=None else: # No phi for residue 0! phi=None # Psi if i<(lng-1): rn=self[i+1] try: nn=rn['N'].get_vector() psi=calc_dihedral(n, ca, c, nn) except: psi=None else: # No psi for last residue! psi=None ppl.append((phi, psi)) # Add Phi/Psi to xtra dict of residue res.xtra["PHI"]=phi res.xtra["PSI"]=psi return ppl def get_tau_list(self): """List of tau torsions angles for all 4 consecutive Calpha atoms.""" ca_list=self.get_ca_list() tau_list=[] for i in range(0, len(ca_list)-3): atom_list = (ca_list[i], ca_list[i+1], ca_list[i+2], ca_list[i+3]) v1, v2, v3, v4 = [a.get_vector() for a in atom_list] tau=calc_dihedral(v1, v2, v3, v4) tau_list.append(tau) # Put tau in xtra dict of residue res=ca_list[i+2].get_parent() res.xtra["TAU"]=tau return tau_list def get_theta_list(self): """List of theta angles for all 3 consecutive Calpha atoms.""" theta_list=[] ca_list=self.get_ca_list() for i in range(0, len(ca_list)-2): atom_list = (ca_list[i], ca_list[i+1], ca_list[i+2]) v1, v2, v3 = [a.get_vector() for a in atom_list] theta=calc_angle(v1, v2, v3) theta_list.append(theta) # Put tau in xtra dict of residue res=ca_list[i+1].get_parent() res.xtra["THETA"]=theta return theta_list def get_sequence(self): """Return the AA sequence as a Seq object. @return: polypeptide sequence @rtype: L{Seq} """ s="" for res in self: s += SCOPData.protein_letters_3to1.get(res.get_resname(), 'X') seq=Seq(s, generic_protein) return seq def __repr__(self): """Return string representation of the polypeptide. Return , where START and END are sequence identifiers of the outer residues. """ start=self[0].get_id()[1] end=self[-1].get_id()[1] s="" % (start, end) return s class _PPBuilder: """Base class to extract polypeptides. It checks if two consecutive residues in a chain are connected. The connectivity test is implemented by a subclass. This assumes you want both standard and non-standard amino acids. """ def __init__(self, radius): """ @param radius: distance @type radius: float """ self.radius=radius def _accept(self, residue, standard_aa_only): """Check if the residue is an amino acid (PRIVATE).""" if is_aa(residue, standard=standard_aa_only): return True elif not standard_aa_only and "CA" in residue.child_dict: #It has an alpha carbon... #We probably need to update the hard coded list of #non-standard residues, see function is_aa for details. warnings.warn("Assuming residue %s is an unknown modified " "amino acid" % residue.get_resname()) return True else: # not a standard AA so skip return False def build_peptides(self, entity, aa_only=1): """Build and return a list of Polypeptide objects. @param entity: polypeptides are searched for in this object @type entity: L{Structure}, L{Model} or L{Chain} @param aa_only: if 1, the residue needs to be a standard AA @type aa_only: int """ is_connected=self._is_connected accept=self._accept level=entity.get_level() # Decide which entity we are dealing with if level=="S": model=entity[0] chain_list=model.get_list() elif level=="M": chain_list=entity.get_list() elif level=="C": chain_list=[entity] else: raise PDBException("Entity should be Structure, Model or Chain.") pp_list=[] for chain in chain_list: chain_it=iter(chain) try: prev_res = next(chain_it) while not accept(prev_res, aa_only): prev_res = next(chain_it) except StopIteration: #No interesting residues at all in this chain continue pp=None for next_res in chain_it: if accept(prev_res, aa_only) \ and accept(next_res, aa_only) \ and is_connected(prev_res, next_res): if pp is None: pp=Polypeptide() pp.append(prev_res) pp_list.append(pp) pp.append(next_res) else: #Either too far apart, or one of the residues is unwanted. #End the current peptide pp=None prev_res=next_res return pp_list class CaPPBuilder(_PPBuilder): """Use CA--CA distance to find polypeptides.""" def __init__(self, radius=4.3): _PPBuilder.__init__(self, radius) def _is_connected(self, prev_res, next_res): for r in [prev_res, next_res]: if not r.has_id("CA"): return False n=next_res["CA"] p=prev_res["CA"] # Unpack disordered if n.is_disordered(): nlist=n.disordered_get_list() else: nlist=[n] if p.is_disordered(): plist=p.disordered_get_list() else: plist=[p] for nn in nlist: for pp in plist: if (nn-pp)