# Copyright (C) 2002, Thomas Hamelryck (thamelry@binf.ku.dk) # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # My Stuff from Bio.PDB.PDBExceptions import PDBConstructionException from Bio.PDB.Entity import Entity, DisorderedEntityWrapper """Residue class, used by Structure objects.""" _atom_name_dict={} _atom_name_dict["N"]=1 _atom_name_dict["CA"]=2 _atom_name_dict["C"]=3 _atom_name_dict["O"]=4 class Residue(Entity): """ Represents a residue. A Residue object stores atoms. """ def __init__(self, id, resname, segid): self.level="R" self.disordered=0 self.resname=resname self.segid=segid Entity.__init__(self, id) # Special methods def __repr__(self): resname=self.get_resname() hetflag, resseq, icode=self.get_id() full_id=(resname, hetflag, resseq, icode) return "" % full_id # Private methods def _sort(self, a1, a2): """Sort the Atom objects. Atoms are sorted alphabetically according to their name, but N, CA, C, O always come first. Arguments: o a1, a2 - Atom objects """ name1=a1.get_name() name2=a2.get_name() if name1==name2: return(cmp(a1.get_altloc(), a2.get_altloc())) if name1 in _atom_name_dict: index1=_atom_name_dict[name1] else: index1=None if name2 in _atom_name_dict: index2=_atom_name_dict[name2] else: index2=None if index1 and index2: return cmp(index1, index2) if index1: return -1 if index2: return 1 return cmp(name1, name2) # Public methods def add(self, atom): """Add an Atom object. Checks for adding duplicate atoms, and raises a PDBConstructionException if so. """ atom_id=atom.get_id() if self.has_id(atom_id): raise PDBConstructionException( "Atom %s defined twice in residue %s" % (atom_id, self)) Entity.add(self, atom) def sort(self): self.child_list.sort(self._sort) def flag_disordered(self): "Set the disordered flag." self.disordered=1 def is_disordered(self): "Return 1 if the residue contains disordered atoms." return self.disordered def get_resname(self): return self.resname def get_unpacked_list(self): """ Returns the list of all atoms, unpack DisorderedAtoms." """ atom_list=self.get_list() undisordered_atom_list=[] for atom in atom_list: if atom.is_disordered(): undisordered_atom_list=(undisordered_atom_list+ atom.disordered_get_list()) else: undisordered_atom_list.append(atom) return undisordered_atom_list def get_segid(self): return self.segid class DisorderedResidue(DisorderedEntityWrapper): """ DisorderedResidue is a wrapper around two or more Residue objects. It is used to represent point mutations (e.g. there is a Ser 60 and a Cys 60 residue, each with 50 % occupancy). """ def __init__(self, id): DisorderedEntityWrapper.__init__(self, id) def __repr__(self): resname=self.get_resname() hetflag, resseq, icode=self.get_id() full_id=(resname, hetflag, resseq, icode) return "" % full_id def add(self, atom): residue=self.disordered_get() if not atom.is_disordered()==2: # Atoms in disordered residues should have non-blank # altlocs, and are thus represented by DisorderedAtom objects. resname=residue.get_resname() het, resseq, icode=residue.get_id() # add atom anyway, if PDBParser ignores exception the atom will be part of the residue residue.add(atom) raise PDBConstructionException( "Blank altlocs in duplicate residue %s (%s, %i, %s)" % (resname, het, resseq, icode) ) residue.add(atom) def sort(self): "Sort the atoms in the child Residue objects." for residue in self.disordered_get_list(): residue.sort() def disordered_add(self, residue): """Add a residue object and use its resname as key. Arguments: o residue - Residue object """ resname=residue.get_resname() # add chain parent to residue chain=self.get_parent() residue.set_parent(chain) assert(not self.disordered_has_id(resname)) self[resname]=residue self.disordered_select(resname)