# Copyright (C) 2002, Thomas Hamelryck (thamelry@binf.ku.dk) # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Calculation of residue depth using command line tool MSMS. This module uses Michel Sanner's MSMS program for the surface calculation (specifically commands msms and pdb_to_xyzr). See: http://mgltools.scripps.edu/packages/MSMS Residue depth is the average distance of the atoms of a residue from the solvent accessible surface. Residue Depth: >>> rd = ResidueDepth(model, pdb_file) >>> print(rd[(chain_id, res_id)]) Direct MSMS interface: Typical use: >>> surface = get_surface("1FAT.pdb") Surface is a Numeric array with all the surface vertices. Distance to surface: >>> dist = min_dist(coord, surface) where coord is the coord of an atom within the volume bound by the surface (ie. atom depth). To calculate the residue depth (average atom depth of the atoms in a residue): >>> rd = residue_depth(residue, surface) """ from __future__ import print_function import os import tempfile import numpy from Bio.PDB import Selection from Bio.PDB.AbstractPropertyMap import AbstractPropertyMap from Bio.PDB.Polypeptide import is_aa def _read_vertex_array(filename): """ Read the vertex list into a Numeric array. """ with open(filename, "r") as fp: vertex_list=[] for l in fp.readlines(): sl=l.split() if not len(sl)==9: # skip header continue vl = [float(x) for x in sl[0:3]] vertex_list.append(vl) return numpy.array(vertex_list) def get_surface(pdb_file, PDB_TO_XYZR="pdb_to_xyzr", MSMS="msms"): """ Return a Numeric array that represents the vertex list of the molecular surface. PDB_TO_XYZR --- pdb_to_xyzr executable (arg. to os.system) MSMS --- msms executable (arg. to os.system) """ # extract xyz and set radii xyz_tmp=tempfile.mktemp() PDB_TO_XYZR=PDB_TO_XYZR+" %s > %s" make_xyz=PDB_TO_XYZR % (pdb_file, xyz_tmp) os.system(make_xyz) assert os.path.isfile(xyz_tmp), \ "Failed to generate XYZR file using command:\n%s" % make_xyz # make surface surface_tmp=tempfile.mktemp() MSMS=MSMS+" -probe_radius 1.5 -if %s -of %s > "+tempfile.mktemp() make_surface=MSMS % (xyz_tmp, surface_tmp) os.system(make_surface) surface_file=surface_tmp+".vert" assert os.path.isfile(surface_file), \ "Failed to generate surface file using command:\n%s" % make_surface # read surface vertices from vertex file surface=_read_vertex_array(surface_file) # clean up tmp files # ...this is dangerous #os.system("rm "+xyz_tmp) #os.system("rm "+surface_tmp+".vert") #os.system("rm "+surface_tmp+".face") return surface def min_dist(coord, surface): """ Return minimum distance between coord and surface. """ d=surface-coord d2=numpy.sum(d*d, 1) return numpy.sqrt(min(d2)) def residue_depth(residue, surface): """ Return average distance to surface for all atoms in a residue, ie. the residue depth. """ atom_list=residue.get_unpacked_list() length=len(atom_list) d=0 for atom in atom_list: coord=atom.get_coord() d=d+min_dist(coord, surface) return d/length def ca_depth(residue, surface): if not residue.has_id("CA"): return None ca=residue["CA"] coord=ca.get_coord() return min_dist(coord, surface) class ResidueDepth(AbstractPropertyMap): """ Calculate residue and CA depth for all residues. """ def __init__(self, model, pdb_file): depth_dict={} depth_list=[] depth_keys=[] # get_residue residue_list=Selection.unfold_entities(model, 'R') # make surface from PDB file surface=get_surface(pdb_file) # calculate rdepth for each residue for residue in residue_list: if not is_aa(residue): continue rd=residue_depth(residue, surface) ca_rd=ca_depth(residue, surface) # Get the key res_id=residue.get_id() chain_id=residue.get_parent().get_id() depth_dict[(chain_id, res_id)]=(rd, ca_rd) depth_list.append((residue, (rd, ca_rd))) depth_keys.append((chain_id, res_id)) # Update xtra information residue.xtra['EXP_RD']=rd residue.xtra['EXP_RD_CA']=ca_rd AbstractPropertyMap.__init__(self, depth_dict, depth_keys, depth_list) if __name__=="__main__": import sys from Bio.PDB import PDBParser p=PDBParser() s=p.get_structure("X", sys.argv[1]) model=s[0] rd=ResidueDepth(model, sys.argv[1]) for item in rd: print(item)