# Copyright 2007 by Tiago Antao. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """ This module provides code to work with GenePop. See http://wbiomed.curtin.edu.au/genepop/ , the format is documented here: http://wbiomed.curtin.edu.au/genepop/help_input.html . Classes: Record Holds GenePop data. Functions: read Parses a GenePop record (file) into a Record object. Partially inspired on MedLine Code. """ from copy import deepcopy def get_indiv(line): def int_no_zero(val): v = int(val) if v == 0: return None return v indiv_name, marker_line = line.split(',') markers = marker_line.replace('\t', ' ').split(' ') markers = [marker for marker in markers if marker!=''] if len(markers[0]) in [2, 4]: # 2 digits per allele marker_len = 2 else: marker_len = 3 try: allele_list = [(int_no_zero(marker[0:marker_len]), int_no_zero(marker[marker_len:])) for marker in markers] except ValueError: # Haploid allele_list = [(int_no_zero(marker[0:marker_len]),) for marker in markers] return indiv_name, allele_list, marker_len def read(handle): """Parses a handle containing a GenePop file. handle is a file-like object that contains a GenePop record. """ record = Record() record.comment_line = str(next(handle)).rstrip() #We can now have one loci per line or all loci in a single line #separated by either space or comma+space... #We will remove all commas on loci... that should not be a problem sample_loci_line = str(next(handle)).rstrip().replace(',', '') all_loci = sample_loci_line.split(' ') record.loci_list.extend(all_loci) for line in handle: line = line.rstrip() if line.upper()=='POP': break record.loci_list.append(line) else: raise ValueError('No population data found, file probably not GenePop related') record.populations.append([]) for line in handle: line = line.rstrip() if line.upper()=='POP': record.populations.append([]) else: indiv_name, allele_list, record.marker_len = get_indiv(line) record.populations[-1].append((indiv_name, allele_list)) loci = record.loci_list for pop in record.populations: record.pop_list.append(pop[-1][0]) for indiv in pop: for mk_i in range(len(loci)): mk_orig = indiv[1][mk_i] mk_real = [] for al in mk_orig: if al == 0: mk_real.append(None) else: mk_real.append(al) indiv[1][mk_i] = tuple(mk_real) return record class Record(object): """Holds information from a GenePop record. Members: marker_len The marker length (2 or 3 digit code per allele). comment_line Comment line. loci_list List of loci names. pop_list List of population names. populations List of population data. In most genepop files, the population name is not trustable. It is strongly recommended that populations are referred by index. populations has one element per population. Each element is itself a list of individuals, each individual is a pair composed by individual name and a list of alleles (2 per marker or 1 for haploids): Example [ [ ('Ind1', [(1,2), (3,3), (200,201)], ('Ind2', [(2,None), (3,3), (None,None)], ], [ ('Other1', [(1,1), (4,3), (200,200)], ] ] """ def __init__(self): self.marker_len = 0 self.comment_line = "" self.loci_list = [] self.pop_list = [] self.populations = [] def __str__(self): """Returns (reconstructs) a GenePop textual representation. """ rep = [self.comment_line + '\n'] rep.append('\n'.join(self.loci_list) + '\n') for pop in self.populations: rep.append('Pop\n') for indiv in pop: name, markers = indiv rep.append(name) rep.append(',') for marker in markers: rep.append(' ') for al in marker: if al is None: al = '0' aStr = str(al) while len(aStr)