#!/usr/bin/env python # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # # Bio.Wise contains modules for running and processing the output of # some of the models in the Wise2 package by Ewan Birney available from: # ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/software/unix/wise2/ # http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Wise2/ # # Bio.Wise.psw is for protein Smith-Waterman alignments # Bio.Wise.dnal is for Smith-Waterman DNA alignments from __future__ import print_function import os import re import sys from Bio import Wise _CMDLINE_PSW = ["psw", "-l", "-F"] _OPTION_GAP_START = "-g" _OPTION_GAP_EXTENSION = "-e" _OPTION_SCORES = "-m" class AlignmentColumnFullException(Exception): pass class Alignment(list): def append(self, column_unit): try: self[-1].append(column_unit) except AlignmentColumnFullException: list.append(self, AlignmentColumn(column_unit)) except IndexError: list.append(self, AlignmentColumn(column_unit)) class AlignmentColumn(list): def _set_kind(self, column_unit): if self.kind == "SEQUENCE": self.kind = column_unit.kind def __init__(self, column_unit): assert column_unit.unit == 0 self.kind = column_unit.kind list.__init__(self, [column_unit.column, None]) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.kind, self[0], self[1]) def append(self, column_unit): if self[1] is not None: raise AlignmentColumnFullException assert column_unit.unit == 1 self._set_kind(column_unit) self[1] = column_unit.column class ColumnUnit(object): def __init__(self, unit, column, kind): self.unit = unit self.column = column self.kind = kind def __str__(self): return "ColumnUnit(unit=%s, column=%s, %s)" % (self.unit, self.column, self.kind) __repr__ = __str__ _re_unit = re.compile(r"^Unit +([01])- \[ *(-?\d+)- *(-?\d+)\] \[(\w+)\]$") def parse_line(line): """ >>> print(parse_line("Column 0:")) None >>> parse_line("Unit 0- [ -1- 0] [SEQUENCE]") ColumnUnit(unit=0, column=0, SEQUENCE) >>> parse_line("Unit 1- [ 85- 86] [SEQUENCE]") ColumnUnit(unit=1, column=86, SEQUENCE) """ match = _re_unit.match(line.rstrip()) if not match: return return ColumnUnit(int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(3)), match.group(4)) def parse(iterable): """ format Column 0: Unit 0- [ -1- 0] [SEQUENCE] Unit 1- [ 85- 86] [SEQUENCE] means that seq1[0] == seq2[86] (0-based) """ alignment = Alignment() for line in iterable: try: if os.environ["WISE_PY_DEBUG"]: print(line) except KeyError: pass column_unit = parse_line(line) if column_unit: alignment.append(column_unit) return alignment def align(pair, scores=None, gap_start=None, gap_extension=None, *args, **keywds): cmdline = _CMDLINE_PSW[:] if scores: cmdline.extend((_OPTION_SCORES, scores)) if gap_start: cmdline.extend((_OPTION_GAP_START, str(gap_start))) if gap_extension: cmdline.extend((_OPTION_GAP_EXTENSION, str(gap_extension))) temp_file = Wise.align(cmdline, pair, *args, **keywds) return parse(temp_file) def main(): print(align(sys.argv[1:3])) def _test(*args, **keywds): import doctest doctest.testmod(sys.modules[__name__], *args, **keywds) if __name__ == "__main__": if __debug__: _test() main()