# Copyright 2002 by Andrew Dalke. All rights reserved. # Revisions 2007-2014 copyright by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # Revisions 2009 copyright by Cymon J. Cox. All rights reserved. # Revisions 2013-2014 copyright by Tiago Antao. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # # Note that BioSQL (including the database schema and scripts) is # available and licensed separately. Please consult www.biosql.org """Connect with a BioSQL database and load Biopython like objects from it. This provides interfaces for loading biological objects from a relational database, and is compatible with the BioSQL standards. """ import os import sys from Bio._py3k import _universal_read_mode from Bio import BiopythonDeprecationWarning from . import BioSeq from . import Loader from . import DBUtils _POSTGRES_RULES_PRESENT = False # Hack for BioSQL Bug 2839 def open_database(driver="MySQLdb", **kwargs): """Main interface for loading a existing BioSQL-style database. This function is the easiest way to retrieve a connection to a database, doing something like: >>> from BioSeq import BioSeqDatabase >>> server = BioSeqDatabase.open_database(user="root", db="minidb") the various options are: driver -> The name of the database driver to use for connecting. The driver should implement the python DB API. By default, the MySQLdb driver is used. user -> the username to connect to the database with. password, passwd -> the password to connect with host -> the hostname of the database database or db -> the name of the database """ if driver == "psycopg": raise ValueError("Using BioSQL with psycopg (version one) is no " "longer supported. Use psycopg2 instead.") if os.name == "java": from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC module = zxJDBC if driver in ["MySQLdb"]: jdbc_driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url_pref = "jdbc:mysql://" + kwargs["host"] + "/" elif driver in ["psycopg2"]: jdbc_driver = "org.postgresql.Driver" url_pref = "jdbc:postgresql://" + kwargs["host"] + "/" else: module = __import__(driver, fromlist=["connect"]) connect = module.connect # Different drivers use different keywords... kw = kwargs.copy() if driver in ["MySQLdb", "mysql.connector"] and os.name != "java": if "database" in kw: kw["db"] = kw["database"] del kw["database"] if "password" in kw: kw["passwd"] = kw["password"] del kw["password"] #kw["charset"] = "utf8" #kw["use_unicode"] = True else: # DB-API recommendations if "db" in kw: kw["database"] = kw["db"] del kw["db"] if "passwd" in kw: kw["password"] = kw["passwd"] del kw["passwd"] if driver in ["psycopg2", "pgdb"] and not kw.get("database"): kw["database"] = "template1" # SQLite connect takes the database name as input if os.name == "java": if driver in ["MySQLdb"]: conn = connect(url_pref + kw.get("database", "mysql"), kw["user"], kw["password"], jdbc_driver) elif driver in ["psycopg2"]: conn = connect(url_pref + kw.get("database", "postgresql") + "?stringtype=unspecified", kw["user"], kw["password"], jdbc_driver) elif driver in ["sqlite3"]: conn = connect(kw["database"]) else: conn = connect(**kw) if os.name == "java": server = DBServer(conn, module, driver) else: server = DBServer(conn, module) # TODO - Remove the following once BioSQL Bug 2839 is fixed. # Test for RULES in PostgreSQL schema, see also Bug 2833. if driver in ["psycopg2", "pgdb"]: sql = "SELECT ev_class FROM pg_rewrite WHERE " + \ "rulename='rule_bioentry_i1' OR " + \ "rulename='rule_bioentry_i2';" if server.adaptor.execute_and_fetchall(sql): import warnings from Bio import BiopythonWarning warnings.warn("Your BioSQL PostgreSQL schema includes some " "rules currently required for bioperl-db but " "which may cause problems loading data using " "Biopython (see BioSQL Bug 2839). If you do not " "use BioPerl, please remove these rules. " "Biopython should cope with the rules present, " "but with a performance penalty when loading " "new records.", BiopythonWarning) global _POSTGRES_RULES_PRESENT _POSTGRES_RULES_PRESENT = True return server class DBServer: """Represents a BioSQL database continaing namespaces (sub-databases). This acts like a Python dictionary, giving access to each namespace (defined by a row in the biodatabase table) as a BioSeqDatabase object. """ def __init__(self, conn, module, module_name=None): self.module = module if module_name is None: module_name = module.__name__ if module_name == "mysql.connector" and sys.version_info[0] == 3: wrap_cursor = True else: wrap_cursor = False self.adaptor = Adaptor(conn, DBUtils.get_dbutils(module_name), wrap_cursor=wrap_cursor) self.module_name = module_name def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(%r)" % self.adaptor.conn def __getitem__(self, name): return BioSeqDatabase(self.adaptor, name) def __len__(self): """Number of namespaces (sub-databases) in this database.""" sql = "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM biodatabase;" return int(self.adaptor.execute_and_fetch_col0(sql)[0]) def __contains__(self, value): """Check if a namespace (sub-database) in this database.""" sql = "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM biodatabase WHERE name=%s;" return bool(self.adaptor.execute_and_fetch_col0(sql, (value,))[0]) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over namespaces (sub-databases) in the database.""" #TODO - Iterate over the cursor, much more efficient return iter(self.adaptor.list_biodatabase_names()) if hasattr(dict, "iteritems"): #Python 2, use iteritems etc def keys(self): """List of namespaces (sub-databases) in the database.""" return self.adaptor.list_biodatabase_names() def values(self): """List of BioSeqDatabase objects in the database.""" return [self[key] for key in self] def items(self): """List of (namespace, BioSeqDatabase) for entries in the database.""" return [(key, self[key]) for key in self] def iterkeys(self): """Iterate over namespaces (sub-databases) in the database.""" return iter(self) def itervalues(self): """Iterate over BioSeqDatabase objects in the database.""" for key in self: yield self[key] def iteritems(self): """Iterate over (namespace, BioSeqDatabase) in the database.""" for key in self: yield key, self[key] else: #Python 3, items etc are all iterators def keys(self): """Iterate over namespaces (sub-databases) in the database.""" return iter(self) def values(self): """Iterate over BioSeqDatabase objects in the database.""" for key in self: yield self[key] def items(self): """Iterate over (namespace, BioSeqDatabase) in the database.""" for key in self: yield key, self[key] def __delitem__(self, name): """Remove a namespace and all its entries.""" if name not in self: raise KeyError(name) db_id = self.adaptor.fetch_dbid_by_dbname(name) remover = Loader.DatabaseRemover(self.adaptor, db_id) remover.remove() def remove_database(self, db_name): """Remove a namespace and all its entries (OBSOLETE). Try to remove all references to items in a database. server.remove_database(name) In keeping with the dictionary interface, you can now do this: del server[name] """ import warnings warnings.warn("This method is deprecated. In keeping with the " "dictionary interface, you can now use 'del " "server[name]' instead", BiopythonDeprecationWarning) self.__delitem__(db_name) def new_database(self, db_name, authority=None, description=None): """Add a new database to the server and return it. """ # make the database sql = r"INSERT INTO biodatabase (name, authority, description)" \ r" VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" self.adaptor.execute(sql, (db_name, authority, description)) return BioSeqDatabase(self.adaptor, db_name) def load_database_sql(self, sql_file): """Load a database schema into the given database. This is used to create tables, etc when a database is first created. sql_file should specify the complete path to a file containing SQL entries for building the tables. """ # Not sophisticated enough for PG schema. Is it needed by MySQL? # Looks like we need this more complicated way for both. Leaving it # the default and removing the simple-minded approach. # read the file with all comment lines removed sql = "" with open(sql_file, _universal_read_mode) as sql_handle: for line in sql_handle: if line.startswith("--"): # don't include comment lines pass elif line.startswith("#"): # ditto for MySQL comments pass elif line.strip(): # only include non-blank lines sql += line.strip() + " " # two ways to load the SQL # 1. PostgreSQL can load it all at once and actually needs to # due to FUNCTION defines at the end of the SQL which mess up # the splitting by semicolons if self.module_name in ["psycopg2", "pgdb"]: self.adaptor.cursor.execute(sql) # 2. MySQL needs the database loading split up into single lines of # SQL executed one at a time elif self.module_name in ["mysql.connector", "MySQLdb", "sqlite3"]: sql_parts = sql.split(";") # one line per sql command for sql_line in sql_parts[:-1]: # don't use the last item, it's blank self.adaptor.cursor.execute(sql_line) else: raise ValueError("Module %s not supported by the loader." % (self.module_name)) def commit(self): """Commits the current transaction to the database.""" return self.adaptor.commit() def rollback(self): """Rolls backs the current transaction.""" return self.adaptor.rollback() def close(self): """Close the connection. No further activity possible.""" return self.adaptor.close() class _CursorWrapper: """A wraper for mysql.connector resolving bytestring representations.""" def __init__(self, real_cursor): self.real_cursor = real_cursor def execute(self, operation, params=None, multi=False): self.real_cursor.execute(operation, params, multi) def _convert_tuple(self, tuple_): tuple_list = list(tuple_) for i, elem in enumerate(tuple_list): if type(elem) is bytes: tuple_list[i] = elem.decode("utf-8") return tuple(tuple_list) def _convert_list(self, lst): ret_lst = [] for tuple_ in lst: new_tuple = self._convert_tuple(tuple_) ret_lst.append(new_tuple) return ret_lst def fetchall(self): rv = self.real_cursor.fetchall() return self._convert_list(rv) def fetchone(self): tuple_ = self.real_cursor.fetchone() return self._convert_tuple(tuple_) class Adaptor: def __init__(self, conn, dbutils, wrap_cursor=False): self.conn = conn if wrap_cursor: self.cursor = _CursorWrapper(conn.cursor()) else: self.cursor = conn.cursor() self.dbutils = dbutils def last_id(self, table): return self.dbutils.last_id(self.cursor, table) def autocommit(self, y=True): """Set the autocommit mode. True values enable; False value disable.""" return self.dbutils.autocommit(self.conn, y) def commit(self): """Commits the current transaction.""" return self.conn.commit() def rollback(self): """Rolls backs the current transaction.""" return self.conn.rollback() def close(self): """Close the connection. No further activity possible.""" return self.conn.close() def fetch_dbid_by_dbname(self, dbname): self.execute( r"select biodatabase_id from biodatabase where name = %s", (dbname,)) rv = self.cursor.fetchall() if not rv: raise KeyError("Cannot find biodatabase with name %r" % dbname) # Cannot happen (UK) ## assert len(rv) == 1, "More than one biodatabase with name %r" % dbname return rv[0][0] def fetch_seqid_by_display_id(self, dbid, name): sql = r"select bioentry_id from bioentry where name = %s" fields = [name] if dbid: sql += " and biodatabase_id = %s" fields.append(dbid) self.execute(sql, fields) rv = self.cursor.fetchall() if not rv: raise IndexError("Cannot find display id %r" % name) if len(rv) > 1: raise IndexError("More than one entry with display id %r" % name) return rv[0][0] def fetch_seqid_by_accession(self, dbid, name): sql = r"select bioentry_id from bioentry where accession = %s" fields = [name] if dbid: sql += " and biodatabase_id = %s" fields.append(dbid) self.execute(sql, fields) rv = self.cursor.fetchall() if not rv: raise IndexError("Cannot find accession %r" % name) if len(rv) > 1: raise IndexError("More than one entry with accession %r" % name) return rv[0][0] def fetch_seqids_by_accession(self, dbid, name): sql = r"select bioentry_id from bioentry where accession = %s" fields = [name] if dbid: sql += " and biodatabase_id = %s" fields.append(dbid) return self.execute_and_fetch_col0(sql, fields) def fetch_seqid_by_version(self, dbid, name): acc_version = name.split(".") if len(acc_version) > 2: raise IndexError("Bad version %r" % name) acc = acc_version[0] if len(acc_version) == 2: version = acc_version[1] else: version = "0" sql = r"SELECT bioentry_id FROM bioentry WHERE accession = %s" \ r" AND version = %s" fields = [acc, version] if dbid: sql += " and biodatabase_id = %s" fields.append(dbid) self.execute(sql, fields) rv = self.cursor.fetchall() if not rv: raise IndexError("Cannot find version %r" % name) if len(rv) > 1: raise IndexError("More than one entry with version %r" % name) return rv[0][0] def fetch_seqid_by_identifier(self, dbid, identifier): # YB: was fetch_seqid_by_seqid sql = "SELECT bioentry_id FROM bioentry WHERE identifier = %s" fields = [identifier] if dbid: sql += " and biodatabase_id = %s" fields.append(dbid) self.execute(sql, fields) rv = self.cursor.fetchall() if not rv: raise IndexError("Cannot find display id %r" % identifier) return rv[0][0] def list_biodatabase_names(self): return self.execute_and_fetch_col0( "SELECT name FROM biodatabase") def list_bioentry_ids(self, dbid): return self.execute_and_fetch_col0( "SELECT bioentry_id FROM bioentry WHERE biodatabase_id = %s", (dbid,)) def list_bioentry_display_ids(self, dbid): return self.execute_and_fetch_col0( "SELECT name FROM bioentry WHERE biodatabase_id = %s", (dbid,)) def list_any_ids(self, sql, args): """Return ids given a SQL statement to select for them. This assumes that the given SQL does a SELECT statement that returns a list of items. This parses them out of the 2D list they come as and just returns them in a list. """ return self.execute_and_fetch_col0(sql, args) def execute_one(self, sql, args=None): self.execute(sql, args or ()) rv = self.cursor.fetchall() assert len(rv) == 1, "Expected 1 response, got %d" % len(rv) return rv[0] def execute(self, sql, args=None): """Just execute an sql command. """ if os.name == "java": sql = sql.replace("%s", "?") self.dbutils.execute(self.cursor, sql, args) def get_subseq_as_string(self, seqid, start, end): length = end - start # XXX Check this on MySQL and PostgreSQL. substr should be general, # does it need dbutils? #return self.execute_one( # """select SUBSTRING(seq FROM %s FOR %s) # from biosequence where bioentry_id = %s""", # (start+1, length, seqid))[0] # # Convert to a string on returning for databases that give back # unicode. Shouldn't need unicode for sequences so this seems safe. return str(self.execute_one( """select SUBSTR(seq, %s, %s) from biosequence where bioentry_id = %s""", (start + 1, length, seqid))[0]) def execute_and_fetch_col0(self, sql, args=None): self.execute(sql, args or ()) return [field[0] for field in self.cursor.fetchall()] def execute_and_fetchall(self, sql, args=None): self.execute(sql, args or ()) return self.cursor.fetchall() _allowed_lookups = { # Lookup name / function name to get id, function to list all ids 'primary_id': "fetch_seqid_by_identifier", 'gi': "fetch_seqid_by_identifier", 'display_id': "fetch_seqid_by_display_id", 'name': "fetch_seqid_by_display_id", 'accession': "fetch_seqid_by_accession", 'version': "fetch_seqid_by_version", } class BioSeqDatabase: """Represents a namespace (sub-database) within the BioSQL database. i.e. One row in the biodatabase table, and all all rows in the bioentry table associated with it. """ def __init__(self, adaptor, name): self.adaptor = adaptor self.name = name self.dbid = self.adaptor.fetch_dbid_by_dbname(name) def __repr__(self): return "BioSeqDatabase(%r, %r)" % (self.adaptor, self.name) def get_Seq_by_id(self, name): """Gets a DBSeqRecord object by its name Example: seq_rec = db.get_Seq_by_id('ROA1_HUMAN') The name of this method is misleading since it returns a DBSeqRecord rather than a DBSeq ojbect, and presumably was to mirror BioPerl. """ seqid = self.adaptor.fetch_seqid_by_display_id(self.dbid, name) return BioSeq.DBSeqRecord(self.adaptor, seqid) def get_Seq_by_acc(self, name): """Gets a DBSeqRecord object by accession number Example: seq_rec = db.get_Seq_by_acc('X77802') The name of this method is misleading since it returns a DBSeqRecord rather than a DBSeq ojbect, and presumably was to mirror BioPerl. """ seqid = self.adaptor.fetch_seqid_by_accession(self.dbid, name) return BioSeq.DBSeqRecord(self.adaptor, seqid) def get_Seq_by_ver(self, name): """Gets a DBSeqRecord object by version number Example: seq_rec = db.get_Seq_by_ver('X77802.1') The name of this method is misleading since it returns a DBSeqRecord rather than a DBSeq ojbect, and presumably was to mirror BioPerl. """ seqid = self.adaptor.fetch_seqid_by_version(self.dbid, name) return BioSeq.DBSeqRecord(self.adaptor, seqid) def get_Seqs_by_acc(self, name): """Gets a list of DBSeqRecord objects by accession number Example: seq_recs = db.get_Seq_by_acc('X77802') The name of this method is misleading since it returns a list of DBSeqRecord objects rather than a list of DBSeq ojbects, and presumably was to mirror BioPerl. """ seqids = self.adaptor.fetch_seqids_by_accession(self.dbid, name) return [BioSeq.DBSeqRecord(self.adaptor, seqid) for seqid in seqids] def get_all_primary_ids(self): """All the primary_ids of the sequences in the database (OBSOLETE). These maybe ids (display style) or accession numbers or something else completely different - they *are not* meaningful outside of this database implementation. Please use .keys() instead of .get_all_primary_ids() """ import warnings warnings.warn("Use bio_seq_database.keys() instead of " "bio_seq_database.get_all_primary_ids()", BiopythonDeprecationWarning) return list(self.keys()) def __getitem__(self, key): return BioSeq.DBSeqRecord(self.adaptor, key) def __delitem__(self, key): """Remove an entry and all its annotation.""" if key not in self: raise KeyError(key) #Assuming this will automatically cascade to the other tables... sql = "DELETE FROM bioentry " + \ "WHERE biodatabase_id=%s AND bioentry_id=%s;" self.adaptor.execute(sql, (self.dbid, key)) def __len__(self): """Number of records in this namespace (sub database).""" sql = "SELECT COUNT(bioentry_id) FROM bioentry " + \ "WHERE biodatabase_id=%s;" return int(self.adaptor.execute_and_fetch_col0(sql, (self.dbid, ))[0]) def __contains__(self, value): """Check if a primary (internal) id is this namespace (sub database).""" sql = "SELECT COUNT(bioentry_id) FROM bioentry " + \ "WHERE biodatabase_id=%s AND bioentry_id=%s;" #The bioentry_id field is an integer in the schema. #PostgreSQL will throw an error if we use a non integer in the query. try: bioentry_id = int(value) except ValueError: return False return bool(self.adaptor.execute_and_fetch_col0(sql, (self.dbid, bioentry_id))[0]) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over ids (which may not be meaningful outside this database).""" #TODO - Iterate over the cursor, much more efficient return iter(self.adaptor.list_bioentry_ids(self.dbid)) if hasattr(dict, "iteritems"): #Python 2, use iteritems etc def keys(self): """List of ids which may not be meaningful outside this database.""" return self.adaptor.list_bioentry_ids(self.dbid) def values(self): """List of DBSeqRecord objects in the namespace (sub database).""" return [self[key] for key in self] def items(self): """List of (id, DBSeqRecord) for the namespace (sub database).""" return [(key, self[key]) for key in self] def iterkeys(self): """Iterate over ids (which may not be meaningful outside this database).""" return iter(self) def itervalues(self): """Iterate over DBSeqRecord objects in the namespace (sub database).""" for key in self: yield self[key] def iteritems(self): """Iterate over (id, DBSeqRecord) for the namespace (sub database).""" for key in self: yield key, self[key] else: #Python 3, items etc are all iterators def keys(self): """Iterate over ids (which may not be meaningful outside this database).""" return iter(self) def values(self): """Iterate over DBSeqRecord objects in the namespace (sub database).""" for key in self: yield self[key] def items(self): """Iterate over (id, DBSeqRecord) for the namespace (sub database).""" for key in self: yield key, self[key] def lookup(self, **kwargs): if len(kwargs) != 1: raise TypeError("single key/value parameter expected") k, v = list(kwargs.items())[0] if k not in _allowed_lookups: raise TypeError("lookup() expects one of %r, not %r" % (list(_allowed_lookups.keys()), k)) lookup_name = _allowed_lookups[k] lookup_func = getattr(self.adaptor, lookup_name) seqid = lookup_func(self.dbid, v) return BioSeq.DBSeqRecord(self.adaptor, seqid) def get_Seq_by_primary_id(self, seqid): """Get a DBSeqRecord by the primary (internal) id (OBSOLETE). Rather than db.get_Seq_by_primary_id(my_id) use db[my_id] The name of this method is misleading since it returns a DBSeqRecord rather than a DBSeq ojbect, and presumably was to mirror BioPerl. """ import warnings warnings.warn("Use bio_seq_database[my_id] instead of " "bio_seq_database.get_Seq_by_primary_id(my_id)", BiopythonDeprecationWarning) return self[seqid] def load(self, record_iterator, fetch_NCBI_taxonomy=False): """Load a set of SeqRecords into the BioSQL database. record_iterator is either a list of SeqRecord objects, or an Iterator object that returns SeqRecord objects (such as the output from the Bio.SeqIO.parse() function), which will be used to populate the database. fetch_NCBI_taxonomy is boolean flag allowing or preventing connection to the taxonomic database on the NCBI server (via Bio.Entrez) to fetch a detailed taxonomy for each SeqRecord. Example: from Bio import SeqIO count = db.load(SeqIO.parse(open(filename), format)) Returns the number of records loaded. """ db_loader = Loader.DatabaseLoader(self.adaptor, self.dbid, fetch_NCBI_taxonomy) num_records = 0 global _POSTGRES_RULES_PRESENT for cur_record in record_iterator: num_records += 1 #Hack to work arround BioSQL Bug 2839 - If using PostgreSQL and #the RULES are present check for a duplicate record before loading if _POSTGRES_RULES_PRESENT: #Recreate what the Loader's _load_bioentry_table will do: if cur_record.id.count(".") == 1: accession, version = cur_record.id.split('.') try: version = int(version) except ValueError: accession = cur_record.id version = 0 else: accession = cur_record.id version = 0 gi = cur_record.annotations.get("gi", None) sql = "SELECT bioentry_id FROM bioentry WHERE (identifier " + \ "= '%s' AND biodatabase_id = '%s') OR (accession = " + \ "'%s' AND version = '%s' AND biodatabase_id = '%s')" self.adaptor.execute(sql % (gi, self.dbid, accession, version, self.dbid)) if self.adaptor.cursor.fetchone(): raise self.adaptor.conn.IntegrityError("Duplicate record " "detected: record has not been inserted") #End of hack db_loader.load_seqrecord(cur_record) return num_records