#!/usr/bin/env python """Display the SeqFeatures produced by the parser. This produces a ton of output so it is possible to hand check what is produced by the parser with the original GenBank file to make sure everything is being parsed and output properly. Usage: ./check_output.py """ # standard library from __future__ import print_function import sys # GenBank stuff to test from Bio import GenBank if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage ./check_output.py ") sys.exit() parser = GenBank.FeatureParser(debug_level=2) handle = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') iterator = GenBank.Iterator(handle, parser) while True: cur_record = next(iterator) if not(cur_record): break print("***Record") print("Seq: %s" % cur_record.seq) print("Id: %s" % cur_record.id) print("Name: %s" % cur_record.name) print("Description: %s" % cur_record.description) print("Annotations****") for annotation_key in cur_record.annotations: if annotation_key != 'references': print("Key: %s" % annotation_key) print("Value: %s" % cur_record.annotations[annotation_key]) else: print("References*") for reference in cur_record.annotations[annotation_key]: print(str(reference)) print("Feaures") for feature in cur_record.features: print(feature) handle.close()