#!/usr/bin/env python # Created: Thu Feb 15 14:22:12 2001 # Last changed: Time-stamp: <01/02/18 11:16:42 thomas> # Copyright 2000 by Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # Authors: Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten and Jan O. Andersson # thomas@cbs.dtu.dk, http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/thomas # Jan.O.Andersson@home.se # File: nextorf.py from __future__ import print_function import re import sys import os import getopt from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio import Alphabet from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC from Bio.Data import IUPACData, CodonTable class ProteinX(Alphabet.ProteinAlphabet): letters = IUPACData.extended_protein_letters + "X" proteinX = ProteinX() class MissingTable: def __init__(self, table): self._table = table def get(self, codon, stop_symbol): try: return self._table.get(codon, stop_symbol) except CodonTable.TranslationError: return 'X' # Make the codon table given an existing table def makeTableX(table): assert table.protein_alphabet == IUPAC.extended_protein return CodonTable.CodonTable(table.nucleotide_alphabet, proteinX, MissingTable(table.forward_table), table.back_table, table.start_codons, table.stop_codons) class NextOrf: def __init__(self, file, options): self.options = options self.file = file self.genetic_code = int(self.options['table']) self.table = makeTableX(CodonTable.ambiguous_dna_by_id[self.genetic_code]) self.counter = 0 self.ReadFile() def ReadFile(self): handle = open(self.file) for record in SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta"): self.header = record.id frame_coordinates = '' dir = self.options['strand'] plus = dir in ['both', 'plus'] minus = dir in ['both', 'minus'] start, stop = int(self.options['start']), int(self.options['stop']) s = str(record.seq).upper() if stop > 0: s = s[start:stop] else: s = s[start:] self.seq = Seq(s, IUPAC.ambiguous_dna) self.length = len(self.seq) self.rseq = None CDS = [] if plus: CDS.extend(self.GetCDS(self.seq)) if minus: self.rseq = self.seq.reverse_complement() CDS.extend(self.GetCDS(self.rseq, strand=-1)) self.Output(CDS) def ToFasta(self, header, seq): seq = re.sub('(............................................................)', '\\1\n', seq) return '>%s\n%s' % (header, seq) def Gc(self, seq): d = {} for nt in 'ATGC': d[nt] = seq.count(nt) gc = d['G'] + d['C'] if gc == 0: return 0 return round(gc * 100.0 / (d['A'] + d['T'] + gc), 1) def Gc2(self, seq): l = len(seq) d = {} for nt in ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C']: d[nt] = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(0, l, 3): codon = seq[i:i+3] if len(codon) < 3: codon = codon + ' ' for pos in range(0, 3): for nt in ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C']: if codon[pos] == nt: d[nt][pos] = d[nt][pos] + 1 gc = {} gcall = 0 nall = 0 for i in range(0, 3): try: n = d['G'][i] + d['C'][i] + d['T'][i] + d['A'][i] gc[i] = (d['G'][i] + d['C'][i]) * 100.0 / n except: gc[i] = 0 gcall = gcall + d['G'][i] + d['C'][i] nall = nall + n gcall = 100.0 * gcall / nall res = '%.1f%%, %.1f%%, %.1f%%, %.1f%%' % (gcall, gc[0], gc[1], gc[2]) return res def GetOrfCoordinates(self, seq): s = seq.data letters = [] table = self.table get = self.table.forward_table.get n = len(seq) start_codons = self.table.start_codons stop_codons = self.table.stop_codons # print('Start codons %s' % start_codons) # print('Stop codons %s' % stop_codons) frame_coordinates = [] for frame in range(0, 3): coordinates = [] for i in range(0 + frame, n - n % 3, 3): codon = s[i:i+3] if codon in start_codons: coordinates.append((i + 1, 1, codon)) elif codon in stop_codons: coordinates.append((i + 1, 0, codon)) frame_coordinates.append(coordinates) return frame_coordinates def GetCDS(self, seq, strand=1): frame_coordinates = self.GetOrfCoordinates(seq) START, STOP = 1, 0 so = self.options nostart = so['nostart'] minlength, maxlength = int(so['minlength']), int(so['maxlength']) CDS = [] f = 0 for frame in frame_coordinates: f+=1 start_site = 0 if nostart == '1': start_site = 1 frame.append((self.length, 0, 'XXX')) for pos, codon_type, codon in frame: if codon_type == START: if start_site == 0: start_site = pos elif codon_type == STOP: if start_site == 0: continue # if codon == 'XXX': print('do something') stop = pos + 2 # print("stop") length = stop - start_site + 1 if length >= minlength and length <= maxlength: if nostart == '1' and start_site == 1: start_site = start_site + f - 1 if codon == 'XXX': stop = start_site + 3*((int((stop-1)-start_site)/3)) s = seq[start_site-1:stop] CDS.append((start_site, stop, length, s, strand*f)) start_site = 0 if nostart == '1': start_site = stop + 1 elif length < minlength or length > maxlength: start_site = 0 if nostart == '1': start_site = stop + 1 del stop return CDS def Output(self, CDS): out = self.options['output'] seqs = (self.seq, self.rseq) n = len(self.seq) for start, stop, length, subs, strand in CDS: self.counter += 1 if strand > 0: head = 'orf_%s:%s:%d:%d:%d' % (self.counter, self.header, strand, start, stop) if strand < 0: head = 'orf_%s:%s:%d:%d:%d' % (self.counter, self.header, strand, n-stop+1, n-start+1) if self.options['gc']: head = '%s:%s' % (head, self.Gc2(subs.data)) if out == 'aa': orf = subs.translate(table=self.genetic_code) print(self.ToFasta(head, orf.data)) elif out == 'nt': print(self.ToFasta(head, subs.data)) elif out == 'pos': print(head) def help(): global options print('Usage: %s () ' % sys.argv[0]) print("") print('Options: default') print('--start Start position in sequence 0') print('--stop Stop position in sequence (end of seqence)') print('--minlength Minimum length of orf in bp 100') print('--maxlength Maximum length of orf in bp, default 100000000') print('--strand Strand to analyse [both, plus, minus] both') print('--frame Frame to analyse [1 2 3] all') print('--noframe Ignore start codons [0 1] 0') print('--output Output to generate [aa nt pos] aa') print('--gc Creates GC statistics of ORF [0 1] 0') print('--table Genetic code to use (see below) 1') # for a,b in options.items(): # print("\t%s %s" % (a, b) # print("") print("\nNCBI's Codon Tables:") for key, table in CodonTable.ambiguous_dna_by_id.items(): print('\t%s %s' % (key, table._codon_table.names[0])) print('\ne.g.\n./nextorf.py --minlength 5 --strand plus --output nt --gc 1 testjan.fas') sys.exit(0) options = { 'start': 0, 'stop': 0, 'minlength': 100, 'maxlength': 100000000, 'strand': 'both', 'output': 'aa', 'frames': [1, 2, 3], 'gc': 0, 'nostart': 0, 'table': 1, } if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv[1:] show_help = len(sys.argv) <= 1 shorts = 'hv' longs = [x + '=' for x in options] + ['help'] optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, shorts, longs) if show_help: help() for arg in optlist: if arg[0] == '-h' or arg[0] == '--help': help() sys.exit(0) for key in options: if arg[1].lower() == 'no': arg[1] = 0 elif arg[1].lower() == 'yes': arg[1] = 1 if arg[0][2:] == key: options[key] = arg[1] if arg[0] == '-v': print('OPTIONS %s' % options) file = args[0] nextorf = NextOrf(file, options)