BLASTN 2.0.14 [Jun-29-2000] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= gi|1348916|gb|G26684|G26684 human STS|1375195|gb|G26945|G26945 human STS SHGC-32699. (285 letters) Database: data/sts 87,792 sequences; 31,998,854 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gi|1348916|gb|G26684|G26684 human STS STS_D11570. >gi|1375195|g... 517 e-146 gi|4516686|dbj|AU026763.1|AU026763 Rattus norvegicus, OTSUKA cl... 32 1.6 gi|6120827|gb|G55508.1|G55508 SHGC-100856 Human Homo sapiens ST... 32 1.6 gi|720683|gb|G03725|G03725 human STS WI-344. 32 1.6 gi|5690111|gb|G54226.1|G54226 B124N23/SP6 Human Chromosome 12 H... 30 6.5 gi|4493307|gb|G47007.1|G47007 Z15259_1 Zebrafish AB Danio rerio... 30 6.5 gi|4491799|gb|G45508.1|G45508 Z24506_1 Zebrafish AB Danio rerio... 30 6.5 gi|6121596|gb|G56277.1|G56277 SHGC-101791 Human Homo sapiens ST... 30 6.5 gi|5222417|gb|G51240.1|G51240 SHGC-80720 Human Homo sapiens STS... 30 6.5 gi|5221977|gb|G50800.1|G50800 SHGC-83850 Human Homo sapiens STS... 30 6.5 gi|5224501|gb|G53324.1|G53324 SHGC-82315 Human Homo sapiens STS... 30 6.5 gi|4529247|gb|G48587.1|G48587 SHGC-82546 Human Homo sapiens STS... 30 6.5 gi|3359917|gb|G40708|G40708 Z8947 Zebrafish AB Danio rerio STS ... 30 6.5 gi|3359244|gb|G40035|G40035 Z13538 Zebrafish AB Danio rerio STS... 30 6.5 gi|1347715|gb|G25483|G25483 human STS EST334642. 30 6.5 gi|1244262|gb|G19475|G19475 human STS SHGC-18755. 30 6.5 gi|1232611|emb|Z51311|HS302WC9 H.sapiens (D5S2069) DNA segment ... 30 6.5 gi|1223022|gb|G18565|G18565 BMS485 cow Bos taurus STS genomic, ... 30 6.5 gi|1161779|gb|G15890|G15890 human STS CHLC.UTR_01448_M84721.P56... 30 6.5 gi|858803|gb|G05558|G05558 human STS WI-7105. 30 6.5 gi|1342455|gb|G22129|G22129 human STS WI-14200. 30 6.5 gi|1347001|gb|G24769|G24769 human STS EST129834. 30 6.5 gi|605469|gb|L31223|HUMUT821B Human STS UT821, 3' primer bind. 30 6.5 >gi|1348916|gb|G26684|G26684 human STS STS_D11570. gb|G26945|G26945 human STS SHGC-32699. Length = 285 Score = 517 bits (261), Expect = e-146 Identities = 285/285 (100%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 1 gatccctacccttnccgttggtctctntcgctgactcgaggcacctaacatccattcaca 60 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 1 gatccctacccttnccgttggtctctntcgctgactcgaggcacctaacatccattcaca 60 Query: 61 cccaacacaggccagcgacttctggggctcagccacagacatggtttgtnactnttgagc 120 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 61 cccaacacaggccagcgacttctggggctcagccacagacatggtttgtnactnttgagc 120 Query: 121 ttctgttcctagagaatcctagaggcttgattggcccaggctgctgtntgtnctggaggc 180 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 121 ttctgttcctagagaatcctagaggcttgattggcccaggctgctgtntgtnctggaggc 180 Query: 181 aaagaatccctacctcctaggggtgaaaggaaatnaaaatggaaagttcttgtagcgcaa 240 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 181 aaagaatccctacctcctaggggtgaaaggaaatnaaaatggaaagttcttgtagcgcaa 240 Query: 241 ggcctgacatgggtagctgctcaataaatgctagtntgttatttc 285 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 241 ggcctgacatgggtagctgctcaataaatgctagtntgttatttc 285 >gi|4516686|dbj|AU026763.1|AU026763 Rattus norvegicus, OTSUKA clone, OT33.16/752f07, microsatellite sequence, sequence tagged site Length = 307 Score = 32.2 bits (16), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 16/16 (100%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 221 ggaaagttcttgtagc 236 |||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 32 ggaaagttcttgtagc 47 >gi|6120827|gb|G55508.1|G55508 SHGC-100856 Human Homo sapiens STS genomic, sequence tagged site Length = 711 Score = 32.2 bits (16), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 18/19 (94%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 210 gaaatnaaaatggaaagtt 228 ||||| ||||||||||||| Sbjct: 588 gaaataaaaatggaaagtt 606 >gi|720683|gb|G03725|G03725 human STS WI-344. Length = 246 Score = 32.2 bits (16), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 16/16 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 260 ctcaataaatgctagt 275 |||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 178 ctcaataaatgctagt 163 >gi|5690111|gb|G54226.1|G54226 B124N23/SP6 Human Chromosome 12 Homo sapiens STS genomic clone RPCI-11-B124N23 SP6, sequence tagged site Length = 550 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 216 aaaatggaaagttct 230 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 330 aaaatggaaagttct 344 >gi|4493307|gb|G47007.1|G47007 Z15259_1 Zebrafish AB Danio rerio STS genomic clone Z15259 5', sequence tagged site Length = 442 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 121 ttctgttcctagaga 135 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 384 ttctgttcctagaga 370 >gi|4491799|gb|G45508.1|G45508 Z24506_1 Zebrafish AB Danio rerio STS genomic clone Z24506 5', sequence tagged site Length = 272 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 221 ggaaagttcttgtag 235 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 138 ggaaagttcttgtag 124 >gi|6121596|gb|G56277.1|G56277 SHGC-101791 Human Homo sapiens STS genomic, sequence tagged site Length = 641 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 258 tgctcaataaatgct 272 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 216 tgctcaataaatgct 202 >gi|5222417|gb|G51240.1|G51240 SHGC-80720 Human Homo sapiens STS genomic, sequence tagged site Length = 712 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 17/18 (94%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 265 taaatgctagtntgttat 282 ||||||||||| |||||| Sbjct: 293 taaatgctagtttgttat 310 >gi|5221977|gb|G50800.1|G50800 SHGC-83850 Human Homo sapiens STS genomic, sequence tagged site Length = 422 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 258 tgctcaataaatgct 272 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 32 tgctcaataaatgct 18 >gi|5224501|gb|G53324.1|G53324 SHGC-82315 Human Homo sapiens STS genomic, sequence tagged site Length = 428 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 258 tgctcaataaatgct 272 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 47 tgctcaataaatgct 33 >gi|4529247|gb|G48587.1|G48587 SHGC-82546 Human Homo sapiens STS genomic, sequence tagged site Length = 694 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 17/18 (94%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 265 taaatgctagtntgttat 282 ||||||||||| |||||| Sbjct: 292 taaatgctagtttgttat 309 >gi|3359917|gb|G40708|G40708 Z8947 Zebrafish AB Danio rerio STS genomic Length = 549 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 47 aacatccattcacac 61 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 479 aacatccattcacac 465 >gi|3359244|gb|G40035|G40035 Z13538 Zebrafish AB Danio rerio STS genomic Length = 536 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 121 ttctgttcctagaga 135 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 433 ttctgttcctagaga 419 >gi|1347715|gb|G25483|G25483 human STS EST334642. Length = 407 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 45 ctaacatccattcac 59 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 389 ctaacatccattcac 403 >gi|1244262|gb|G19475|G19475 human STS SHGC-18755. Length = 400 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 258 tgctcaataaatgct 272 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 324 tgctcaataaatgct 310 >gi|1232611|emb|Z51311|HS302WC9 H.sapiens (D5S2069) DNA segment containing (CA) repeat; clone AFM302wc9; single read, sequence tagged site [Homo sapiens] Length = 374 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 95 acagacatggtttgt 109 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 246 acagacatggtttgt 260 >gi|1223022|gb|G18565|G18565 BMS485 cow Bos taurus STS genomic, sequence tagged site [Bos taurus] Length = 181 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 260 ctcaataaatgctag 274 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 145 ctcaataaatgctag 159 >gi|1161779|gb|G15890|G15890 human STS CHLC.UTR_01448_M84721.P56085 clone UTR_01448_M84721. Length = 729 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 18/19 (94%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 253 gtagctgctcaataaatgc 271 |||| |||||||||||||| Sbjct: 698 gtaggtgctcaataaatgc 716 >gi|858803|gb|G05558|G05558 human STS WI-7105. Length = 735 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 222 gaaagttcttgtagc 236 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 543 gaaagttcttgtagc 529 >gi|1342455|gb|G22129|G22129 human STS WI-14200. Length = 373 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 258 tgctcaataaatgct 272 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 33 tgctcaataaatgct 19 >gi|1347001|gb|G24769|G24769 human STS EST129834. Length = 306 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Plus Query: 220 tggaaagttcttgta 234 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 144 tggaaagttcttgta 158 >gi|605469|gb|L31223|HUMUT821B Human STS UT821, 3' primer bind. Length = 127 Score = 30.2 bits (15), Expect = 6.5 Identities = 15/15 (100%) Strand = Plus / Minus Query: 95 acagacatggtttgt 109 ||||||||||||||| Sbjct: 106 acagacatggtttgt 92 Database: data/sts Posted date: Feb 11, 2000 2:37 PM Number of letters in database: 31,998,854 Number of sequences in database: 87,792 Lambda K H 1.37 0.711 1.31 Gapped Lambda K H 1.37 0.711 1.31 Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3 Gap Penalties: Existence: 5, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 3835 Number of Sequences: 87792 Number of extensions: 3835 Number of successful extensions: 301 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 24 length of query: 285 length of database: 31,998,854 effective HSP length: 17 effective length of query: 268 effective length of database: 30,506,390 effective search space: 8175712520 effective search space used: 8175712520 T: 0 A: 0 X1: 6 (11.9 bits) X2: 10 (19.8 bits) S1: 12 (24.3 bits) S2: 15 (30.2 bits)