hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.4i (December 2006) Copyright (C) 1992-2006 HHMI Janelia Farm Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /home/bow/db/hmmer/Pfam_fs Sequence file: mult.fasta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: random_s00 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- [no hits above thresholds] Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- [no hits above thresholds] Alignments of top-scoring domains: [no hits above thresholds] // Query sequence: gi|4885477|ref|NP_005359.1| Accession: [none] Description: myoglobin [Homo sapiens] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Globin Globin 129.8 5.8e-37 1 tRNA-synt_1b tRNA synthetases class I (W and Y) 1.8 2.2 1 Rotavirus_VP3 Rotavirus VP3 protein -1.2 7.9 1 DTHCT DTHCT (NUC029) region 1.5 9.8 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- Globin 1/1 7 143 .. 1 148 [] 129.8 5.8e-37 DTHCT 1/1 101 106 .. 101 106 .] 1.5 9.8 tRNA-synt_1b 1/1 120 137 .. 320 337 .] 1.8 2.2 Rotavirus_VP3 1/1 134 147 .. 1 15 [. -1.2 7.9 Alignments of top-scoring domains: Globin: domain 1 of 1, from 7 to 143: score 129.8, E = 5.8e-37 *->dkalvkasWgkvkgtdnreelGaealarlFkayPdtktyFpkfgdls +++lv+ Wgkv++ +++ +G+e+l rlFk +P+t ++F kf+ l+ gi|4885477 7 EWQLVLNVWGKVEA--DIPGHGQEVLIRLFKGHPETLEKFDKFKHLK 51 sadaikgspkfkaHgkkVlaalgeavkhLgnddddgnlkaalkkLaarHa s d++k s+++k+Hg++Vl alg ++k +g + a +k La +Ha gi|4885477 52 SEDEMKASEDLKKHGATVLTALGGILKK------KGHHEAEIKPLAQSHA 95 erghvdpanFkllgeallIvvLaahlggeveftpevkaAWdkaldvvada ++++++ ++ + ++e+++ +vL+++ +g +f +++++A++kal + + gi|4885477 96 TKHKIPVKYLEFISECII-QVLQSKHPG--DFGADAQGAMNKALELFRKD 142 l<-* + gi|4885477 143 M 143 DTHCT: domain 1 of 1, from 101 to 106: score 1.5, E = 9.8 *->pvKYLe<-* pvKYLe gi|4885477 101 PVKYLE 106 tRNA-synt_1b: domain 1 of 1, from 120 to 137: score 1.8, E = 2.2 *->hggelKkaaaeavnalls<-* h+g++ +a+ a+n++l+ gi|4885477 120 HPGDFGADAQGAMNKALE 137 Rotavirus_VP3: domain 1 of 1, from 134 to 147: score -1.2, E = 7.9 *->MkVLaLFrrgvalnY<-* k L LFr+++a+nY gi|4885477 134 -KALELFRKDMASNY 147 // Query sequence: gi|126362951:116-221 Accession: [none] Description: leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily B member 1 isoform 2 precursor [Homo sapiens] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Pro-NT_NN Neurotensin/neuromedin N precursor 1.9 1.9 1 ig Immunoglobulin domain 4.1 2.3 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- Pro-NT_NN 1/1 22 48 .. 1 28 [. 1.9 1.9 ig 1/1 23 84 .. 1 65 [] 4.1 2.3 Alignments of top-scoring domains: Pro-NT_NN: domain 1 of 1, from 22 to 48: score 1.9, E = 1.9 *->maGmnlqLvCliLLAFssWsLCsDsEEd<-* G n+ L C +AF +sLC + E++ gi|1263629 22 -SGGNVILQCDSQVAFDGFSLCKEGEDE 48 ig: domain 1 of 1, from 23 to 84: score 4.1, E = 2.3 *-> G+ v L+C + ++++++g + ++ l + + +g+s + gi|1263629 23 GGNVILQCDS---QVAFDGFSLCKEGEdEHpQCLNSQPHARGSSRAI 66 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* +++ +v+p+ Y+C++ gi|1263629 67 --FSVGPVSPSRRWWYRCYA 84 // Query sequence: gi|22748937|ref|NP_065801.1| Accession: [none] Description: exportin-5 [Homo sapiens] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Xpo1 Exportin 1-like protein 170.1 5.1e-48 1 Ssl1 Ssl1-like 8.7 0.00012 1 IBN_N Importin-beta N-terminal domain 9.7 0.053 1 XH XH domain 4.8 0.56 1 Ni_hydr_CYTB Cytochrome b561 family 4.5 1.1 1 Mic1 Colon cancer-associated protein Mic1- 3.3 1.7 1 DNA_ligase_aden NAD-dependent DNA ligase adenylation 1.6 1.7 1 FGGY_N FGGY family of carbohydrate kinases, 2.2 1.9 1 DUF1098 Protein of unknown function (DUF1098) 3.3 2 1 Pox_L5 Poxvirus L5 protein family 3.8 2 1 Phage_holin_4 Holin family 3.0 2.3 1 PTR2 POT family 1.1 3 1 EAV_GS Equine arteritis virus small envelope 0.4 3.5 1 VIRB2 VIRB2 type IV secretion protein 1.6 3.5 1 SapB_1 Saposin-like type B, region 1 3.2 3.7 1 DUF1177 Protein of unknown function (DUF1177) 0.3 3.7 1 Trehalase Trehalase 0.4 3.8 1 DUF1019 Protein of unknown function (DUF1019) 1.4 3.9 1 Peptidase_S13 D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase 3 (S13) 0.5 4 1 LCM Leucine carboxyl methyltransferase -0.4 5.1 1 RRN3 RNA polymerase I specific transcripti -0.7 5.5 1 dNK Deoxynucleoside kinase 1.1 6.1 1 Transposase_5 Transposase 2.1 6.3 1 ATP-grasp ATP-grasp domain 0.1 6.7 1 Lys C-type lysozyme/alpha-lactalbumin fam 1.2 7.1 1 Plant_TF Plant transcription factor 0.9 7.2 1 Hydantoinase_B Hydantoinase B/oxoprolinase -1.4 7.6 1 DUF1116 Protein of unknown function (DUF1116) -1.1 7.8 1 Herpes_teg_N Herpesvirus tegument protein, N-termi 0.1 8.7 1 KE2 KE2 family protein 1.6 9.1 1 RVP_2 Retroviral aspartyl protease 0.1 9.1 1 Rad50_zn_hook Rad50 zinc hook motif 2.2 9.2 2 V-ATPase_H V-ATPase subunit H -1.3 9.6 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- DUF1116 1/1 6 15 .. 405 414 .] -1.1 7.8 SapB_1 1/1 9 27 .. 6 24 .. 3.2 3.7 Rad50_zn_hook 1/2 21 47 .. 1 28 [. 0.8 22 IBN_N 1/1 33 100 .. 1 85 [] 9.7 0.053 dNK 1/1 103 120 .. 153 170 .] 1.1 6.1 Xpo1 1/1 109 271 .. 1 178 [] 170.1 5.1e-48 Peptidase_S13 1/1 186 195 .. 390 399 .] 0.5 4 DUF1098 1/1 193 213 .. 32 54 .. 3.3 2 KE2 1/1 198 213 .. 1 16 [. 1.6 9.1 RRN3 1/1 198 211 .. 656 669 .] -0.7 5.5 LCM 1/1 297 305 .. 322 330 .] -0.4 5.1 FGGY_N 1/1 325 338 .. 249 262 .] 2.2 1.9 Ni_hydr_CYTB 1/1 376 396 .. 197 218 .] 4.5 1.1 Ssl1 1/1 404 411 .. 257 264 .] 8.7 0.00012 DUF1177 1/1 445 465 .. 292 312 .] 0.3 3.7 V-ATPase_H 1/1 491 517 .. 144 170 .. -1.3 9.6 PTR2 1/1 497 513 .. 414 430 .] 1.1 3 Mic1 1/1 502 528 .. 1 27 [. 3.3 1.7 Hydantoinase_B 1/1 512 532 .. 308 328 .. -1.4 7.6 Transposase_5 1/1 605 617 .. 1 13 [. 2.1 6.3 Lys 1/1 641 652 .. 1 12 [. 1.2 7.1 XH 1/1 645 666 .. 133 156 .] 4.8 0.56 Trehalase 1/1 660 673 .. 1 14 [. 0.4 3.8 ATP-grasp 1/1 661 677 .. 1 18 [. 0.1 6.7 DNA_ligase_aden 1/1 767 787 .. 1 21 [. 1.6 1.7 Phage_holin_4 1/1 789 810 .. 124 146 .] 3.0 2.3 Rad50_zn_hook 2/2 790 811 .. 1 22 [. 1.3 16 RVP_2 1/1 873 894 .. 46 67 .. 0.1 9.1 VIRB2 1/1 956 991 .. 1 32 [. 1.6 3.5 DUF1019 1/1 1019 1028 .. 1 12 [. 1.4 3.9 Plant_TF 1/1 1027 1034 .. 132 139 .] 0.9 7.2 EAV_GS 1/1 1049 1071 .. 1 27 [. 0.4 3.5 Pox_L5 1/1 1110 1134 .. 1 26 [. 3.8 2 Herpes_teg_N 1/1 1125 1133 .. 1 10 [. 0.1 8.7 Alignments of top-scoring domains: DUF1116: domain 1 of 1, from 6 to 15: score -1.1, E = 7.8 *->leALAErvgv<-* + AL+E+ ++ gi|2274893 6 VNALCEQLVK 15 SapB_1: domain 1 of 1, from 9 to 27: score 3.2, E = 3.7 *->lCemvVkevenlLkdnkTq<-* lCe++Vk v + n Tq gi|2274893 9 LCEQLVKAVTVMMDPNSTQ 27 Rad50_zn_hook: domain 1 of 2, from 21 to 47: score 0.8, E = 22 *->galesekaelkkaieeleeeesscCPvC<-* + +s+ +++++a++ +ee + +CP+C gi|2274893 21 MDPNSTQRYRLEALKFCEEFKE-KCPIC 47 IBN_N: domain 1 of 1, from 33 to 100: score 9.7, E = 0.053 *->AEkqLeqlekqklPgFllaLlqIlansdtssdlqvRqlAalyLKNlI A k +e++++ k P ++++ l+++ +t+ vR++++++L++ + gi|2274893 33 ALKFCEEFKE-KCPICVPCGLRLA--EKTQ-VAIVRHFGLQILEHVV 75 trhWnshrkqggyeqrwlslpeeekeqIknnllnllgs<-* + +Wn ++ ek ++kn++ +l++ gi|2274893 76 KFRWN-------------GMSRLEKVYLKNSVMELIAN 100 dNK: domain 1 of 1, from 103 to 120: score 1.1, E = 6.1 *->lDfvedeediknkreeil<-* l++ e+e++ik+++ +i+ gi|2274893 103 LNILEEENHIKDALSRIV 120 Xpo1: domain 1 of 1, from 109 to 271: score 170.1, E = 5.1e-48 *->pkflrnKLalalaelakqewPsnWpsffpdlvsllsssssqkspnps +++++ L+++++e++k+ewP++Wp+ + +l l++++ ++ gi|2274893 109 ENHIKDALSRIVVEMIKREWPQHWPDMLIELDTLSKQG-------ET 148 vcellLriLkvLpEEvfdqdfsrtrltqdrfnnrlkdllrsqDcmpqile ++el++ iL++L E+v+ f ++l +r +++++++l+++ m++i++ gi|2274893 149 QTELVMFILLRLAEDVVT--F--QTLPPQR-RRDIQQTLTQN--MERIFS 191 lllqiLessrsthss.e.t.q.e.kAkqssellsatLkclgswlslgWip +ll+ L+ +++++++ ++++++e+kA++++++ +a+L++l+++++ W++ gi|2274893 192 FLLNTLQENVNKYQQvKtDtSqEsKAQANCRVGVAALNTLAGYID--WVS 239 iglianvnpi.llnllfslLsgpesdpdlreaAveCL<-* +++i + ++++ll++l+ lL + +l++ A+eCL gi|2274893 240 MSHITA-ENCkLLEILCLLL----NEQELQLGAAECL 271 Peptidase_S13: domain 1 of 1, from 186 to 195: score 0.5, E = 4 *->rklaFsfisN<-* ++++Fsf++N gi|2274893 186 MERIFSFLLN 195 DUF1098: domain 1 of 1, from 193 to 213: score 3.3, E = 2 *->llnsLNalLsdTvAslIlnDtSe<-* lln+L+++ ++ ++++++DtS+ gi|2274893 193 LLNTLQEN--VNKYQQVKTDTSQ 213 KE2: domain 1 of 1, from 198 to 213: score 1.6, E = 9.1 *->QelinkfqqLqqqlek<-* Qe++nk+qq + + ++ gi|2274893 198 QENVNKYQQVKTDTSQ 213 RRN3: domain 1 of 1, from 198 to 211: score -0.7, E = 5.5 *->spnyiewSevkgdy<-* ++n +++++vk+d gi|2274893 198 QENVNKYQQVKTDT 211 LCM: domain 1 of 1, from 297 to 305: score -0.4, E = 5.1 *->HYcLvhAss<-* HY+L +A++ gi|2274893 297 HYILSAAQT 305 FGGY_N: domain 1 of 1, from 325 to 338: score 2.2, E = 1.9 *->VvgGggDnaaaalG<-* V +++g++ +a+lG gi|2274893 325 VLCALGNQLCALLG 338 Ni_hydr_CYTB: domain 1 of 1, from 376 to 396: score 4.5, E = 1.1 *->aAWAlfHhfvrkDnvllrMlpg<-* +A ++H + ++D++ll+ +p+ gi|2274893 376 GA-LFRHEILSRDPLLLAIIPK 396 Ssl1: domain 1 of 1, from 404 to 411: score 8.7, E = 0.00012 *->sLIkMGFP<-* +L+kMGFP gi|2274893 404 NLVKMGFP 411 DUF1177: domain 1 of 1, from 445 to 465: score 0.3, E = 3.7 *->ElkeLeeklGPksnLqklkre<-* E ++L +l Pk++ q ++ + gi|2274893 445 EVMRLACRLDPKTSFQMAGEW 465 V-ATPase_H: domain 1 of 1, from 491 to 517: score -1.3, E = 9.6 *->AKLAcfGpelvegsdLtyylnwLkeqL<-* +++++f+p v + t++l++ ++q+ gi|2274893 491 SLCSVFSPSFVQWEAMTLFLESVITQM 517 PTR2: domain 1 of 1, from 497 to 513: score 1.1, E = 3 *->lpssmkslwtllsaaas<-* +ps++++++++l++ ++ gi|2274893 497 SPSFVQWEAMTLFLESV 513 Mic1: domain 1 of 1, from 502 to 528: score 3.3, E = 1.7 *->emiapekYviaIlmeYLRSLnkaeiaa<-* + +a ++++++++ R Ln++ei + gi|2274893 502 QWEAMTLFLESVITQMFRTLNREEIPV 528 Hydantoinase_B: domain 1 of 1, from 512 to 532: score -1.4, E = 7.6 *->savlYvlrtlvgpDiPlNdGc<-* s++ ++rtl + iP+NdG+ gi|2274893 512 SVITQMFRTLNREEIPVNDGI 532 Transposase_5: domain 1 of 1, from 605 to 617: score 2.1, E = 6.3 *->dRrIlrvvredPr<-* ++ I++++r +P+ gi|2274893 605 CSSIIKMCRDYPQ 617 Lys: domain 1 of 1, from 641 to 652: score 1.2, E = 7.1 *->KvftRCeLareL<-* +++++C+L ++L gi|2274893 641 TQMEKCALMEAL 652 XH: domain 1 of 1, from 645 to 666: score 4.8, E = 0.56 *->KATLkEvvdfllniRqlkalkRkR<-* K+ L+E ++ ++n q k+ R++ gi|2274893 645 KCALMEALVLISN--QFKNYERQK 666 Trehalase: domain 1 of 1, from 660 to 673: score 0.4, E = 3.8 *->klfpDsKtFVDmal<-* k + ++K F+++ + gi|2274893 660 KNYERQKVFLEELM 673 ATP-grasp: domain 1 of 1, from 661 to 677: score 0.1, E = 6.7 *->DRlvqkellAkelGlptp<-* + ++qk +l +el +p++ gi|2274893 661 NYERQKVFL-EELMAPVA 677 DNA_ligase_aden: domain 1 of 1, from 767 to 787: score 1.6, E = 1.7 *->eeaqqeieeLrelirkydyeY<-* e++ +++++L +lir+++ +Y gi|2274893 767 EQILKLLDNLLALIRTHNTLY 787 Phage_holin_4: domain 1 of 1, from 789 to 810: score 3.0, E = 2.3 *->PkemlldiletLknktkqlkked<-* P eml+++ e + ++++ l++e+ gi|2274893 789 P-EMLAKMAEPFTKALDMLDAEK 810 Rad50_zn_hook: domain 2 of 2, from 790 to 811: score 1.3, E = 16 *->galesekaelkkaieeleeees<-* ++l+ + + + ka+++l+ e+s gi|2274893 790 EMLAKMAEPFTKALDMLDAEKS 811 RVP_2: domain 1 of 1, from 873 to 894: score 0.1, E = 9.1 *->ISqaFVgrHglpleaLrtPllV<-* +S aFV +++p ++Lr l+V gi|2274893 873 LSSAFVNLNNIPDYRLRPMLRV 894 VIRB2: domain 1 of 1, from 956 to 991: score 1.6, E = 3.5 *->msknklrriiaivlmalataivls....efsyapaA<-* m++++l r+ +m l t+ ++s+++ + s+ap+A gi|2274893 956 MLEEQLVRMLTREVMDLITVCCVSkkgaDHSSAPPA 991 DUF1019: domain 1 of 1, from 1019 to 1028: score 1.4, E = 3.9 *->MKIkhEhIreaL<-* M khE ++ aL gi|2274893 1019 M--KHEDVCTAL 1028 Plant_TF: domain 1 of 1, from 1027 to 1034: score 0.9, E = 7.2 *->AVlvsAFn<-* A l++AFn gi|2274893 1027 ALLITAFN 1034 EAV_GS: domain 1 of 1, from 1049 to 1071: score 0.4, E = 3.5 *->FsflCylHWLLLLcfFsGsLLPsavAW<-* s lC W LL + sG LL av W gi|2274893 1049 -SQLC---WPLLKQVLSGTLLADAVTW 1071 Pox_L5: domain 1 of 1, from 1110 to 1134: score 3.8, E = 2 *->ElnmaFsptkkvpnDPIdqlvartrL<-* E+++ + + +D++dq+ + + L gi|2274893 1110 EIRAVMEQIPEIQKDSLDQF-DCKLL 1134 Herpes_teg_N: domain 1 of 1, from 1125 to 1133: score 0.1, E = 8.7 *->StnQadDckf<-* S +Q+ Dck+ gi|2274893 1125 SLDQF-DCKL 1133 // Query sequence: gi|125490392|ref|NP_038661.2| Accession: [none] Description: POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 isoform 1 [Mus musculus] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Pou Pou domain - N-terminal to homeobox d 171.2 2.4e-48 1 Homeobox Homeobox domain 86.7 6.5e-23 1 HTH_3 Helix-turn-helix 7.5 0.33 1 WSC WSC domain 2.1 1.5 1 ComC COMC family 3.4 2.3 1 CBM_1 Fungal cellulose binding domain 3.3 3.6 1 Peptidase_M29 Thermophilic metalloprotease (M29) -2.1 4.4 1 DUF1690 Protein of Unknown function (DUF1690) 1.1 4.5 1 DUF137 Protein of unknown function DUF137 1.0 4.7 1 DASH_Duo1 DASH complex subunit Duo1 2.3 5.7 1 TFIIB Transcription factor TFIIB repeat 2.6 6.1 1 DUF1392 Protein of unknown function (DUF1392) 0.8 6.7 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- WSC 1/1 59 67 .. 80 87 .] 2.1 1.5 CBM_1 1/1 61 73 .. 1 13 [. 3.3 3.6 Pou 1/1 131 205 .. 1 78 [] 171.2 2.4e-48 ComC 1/1 132 145 .. 1 20 [. 3.4 2.3 Peptidase_M29 1/1 132 145 .. 1 14 [. -2.1 4.4 DASH_Duo1 1/1 133 141 .. 1 9 [. 2.3 5.7 DUF1690 1/1 137 147 .. 151 161 .] 1.1 4.5 HTH_3 1/1 146 166 .. 1 25 [. 7.5 0.33 DUF137 1/1 197 213 .. 164 180 .. 1.0 4.7 Homeobox 1/1 224 280 .. 1 57 [] 86.7 6.5e-23 DUF1392 1/1 248 269 .. 127 164 .] 0.8 6.7 TFIIB 1/1 253 268 .. 1 19 [. 2.6 6.1 Alignments of top-scoring domains: WSC: domain 1 of 1, from 59 to 67: score 2.1, E = 1.5 *->p.pseiCGG<-* p+++e CGG gi|1254903 59 PpAYEFCGG 67 CBM_1: domain 1 of 1, from 61 to 73: score 3.3, E = 3.6 *->vygQCGGigysGp<-* +y+ CGG+ y Gp gi|1254903 61 AYEFCGGMAYCGP 73 Pou: domain 1 of 1, from 131 to 205: score 171.2, E = 2.4e-48 *->deatdleeLEkFAkeFKqRRIkLGyTQadVGlALgalygPGvnafSQ d+++ ++eLE+FAk +Kq+RI+LGyTQadVGl+Lg l+g ++fSQ gi|1254903 131 DMKALQKELEQFAKLLKQKRITLGYTQADVGLTLGVLFG---KVFSQ 174 tTICRFEaLqLSfKNmcKLKPlLekWLeeAE<-* tTICRFEaLqLS KNmcKL+PlLekW+eeA+ gi|1254903 175 TTICRFEALQLSLKNMCKLRPLLEKWVEEAD 205 ComC: domain 1 of 1, from 132 to 145: score 3.4, E = 2.3 *->MKntvkkkllkkeLeqFkeL<-* MK ++k eLeqF L gi|1254903 132 MKALQK------ELEQFAKL 145 Peptidase_M29: domain 1 of 1, from 132 to 145: score -2.1, E = 4.4 *->MdaFkkeLekyAeL<-* M a +keLe +A L gi|1254903 132 MKALQKELEQFAKL 145 DASH_Duo1: domain 1 of 1, from 133 to 141: score 2.3, E = 5.7 *->aaLqkELeq<-* +aLqkELeq gi|1254903 133 KALQKELEQ 141 DUF1690: domain 1 of 1, from 137 to 147: score 1.1, E = 4.5 *->eEvEqFKklvr<-* +E EqF+kl++ gi|1254903 137 KELEQFAKLLK 147 HTH_3: domain 1 of 1, from 146 to 166: score 7.5, E = 0.33 *->lkelRkkkelglsqeeLAeklGskv<-* lk++R lg++q+++ lG v gi|1254903 146 LKQKRI--TLGYTQADVGLTLG--V 166 DUF137: domain 1 of 1, from 197 to 213: score 1.0, E = 4.7 *->LeeIVEnyDNkKnLkEv<-* Le+ VE+ DN++nL+E+ gi|1254903 197 LEKWVEEADNNENLQEI 213 Homeobox: domain 1 of 1, from 224 to 280: score 86.7, E = 6.5e-23 *->rrkRTtftpeQleeLEkeFqknrYPsreeReeLAkkLgLterqVkvW +rkRT++ + + LE +F k+++Ps +++ ++A++LgL++++V+vW gi|1254903 224 KRKRTSIENRVRWSLETMFLKCPKPSLQQITHIANQLGLEKDVVRVW 270 FQNRRaKwKk<-* F+NRR+K K+ gi|1254903 271 FCNRRQKGKR 280 DUF1392: domain 1 of 1, from 248 to 269: score 0.8, E = 6.7 *->PtLsqtttEGlCIFPrssqGnkmpnRfsLvrerDLVrV<-* P+L q+t +n++ L e+D VrV gi|1254903 248 PSLQQITH--------------IANQLGL--EKDVVRV 269 TFIIB: domain 1 of 1, from 253 to 268: score 2.6, E = 6.1 *->ikrfadaLeLpeKkikVad<-* i+++a +L+L + V++ gi|1254903 253 ITHIANQLGLEK---DVVR 268 //