---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UniProt Knowledgebase: Swiss-Prot Protein Knowledgebase TrEMBL Protein Database Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB); Geneva, Switzerland European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI); Hinxton, United Kingdom Protein Information Resource (PIR); Washington DC, USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Controlled vocabulary of keywords Name: keywlist.txt Release: 55.5 of 10-Jun-2008; EDITED TO REDUCE ITS FILE FOR BIOPYTHON ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document lists the keywords and categories used in the UniProt knowledgebase (Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL). The keywords are classified into the following 10 categories: * Biological process * Cellular component * Coding sequence diversity * Developmental stage * Disease * Domain * Ligand * Molecular function * PTM * Technical term The definition of the keywords and categories usage as well as other information is provided in the following format: --------- --------------------------- ---------------------- Line code Content Occurrence in an entry --------- --------------------------- ---------------------- ID Identifier (keyword) Once; starts a keyword entry IC Identifier (category) Once; starts a category entry AC Accession (KW-xxxx) Once DE Definition Once or more SY Synonyms Optional; once or more GO Gene ontology (GO) mapping Optional; once or more HI Hierarchy Optional; once or more WW Relevant WWW site Optional; once or more CA Category Once per keyword entry; absent in category entries // Terminator Once; ends an entry __________________________________________________________________________ ID 2Fe-2S. AC KW-0001 DE Protein which contains at least one 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster: 2 iron DE atoms complexed to 2 inorganic sulfides and 4 sulfur atoms of DE cysteines from the protein. SY Fe2S2; [2Fe-2S] cluster; [Fe2S2] cluster; Fe2/S2 (inorganic) cluster; SY Di-mu-sulfido-diiron; 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding. GO GO:0051537; 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding HI Ligand: Iron; Iron-sulfur; 2Fe-2S. HI Ligand: Metal-binding; 2Fe-2S. CA Ligand. // IC Molecular function. AC KW-9992 DE Keywords assigned to proteins due to their particular molecular DE function. // ID Zymogen. AC KW-0865 DE The enzymatically inactive precursor of mostly proteolytic enzymes. SY Proenzyme. HI PTM: Zymogen. CA PTM. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see http://www.uniprot.org/terms Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License -----------------------------------------------------------------------