#!/usr/bin/env python """Tests for Genetic Algorithm mutation functionality. """ # standard library import unittest # biopython from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq from Bio.Alphabet import SingleLetterAlphabet # local stuff from Bio.GA.Organism import Organism from Bio.GA.Mutation.General import SafeFitnessMutation from Bio.GA.Mutation.Simple import ConversionMutation from Bio.GA.Mutation.Simple import SinglePositionMutation class TestAlphabet(SingleLetterAlphabet): """Simple test alphabet. """ letters = ["1", "2", "3"] def test_fitness(genome): """Simple class for calculating fitnesses. """ seq_genome = genome.toseq() return int(str(seq_genome)) class MutationHelper: """Mixin class which provides useful functions for testing mutations. """ num_trials = 1000 def _always_mutate(self, mutator, expected_percent): """Test the ability of a mutator to always mutate. Arguments: o mutator - The mutation class we're testing. o expected_percent - The minimum percent of mutations we expect to see under 'always mutate.' This will depend on how many letters are in the alphabet and other factors. """ num_mutations = 0 for trial in range(self.num_trials): new_org = mutator.mutate(self.organism) # if we see a visilble mutation, mark it down if new_org != self.organism: num_mutations += 1 percent_mutants = float(num_mutations) / float(self.num_trials) assert percent_mutants > expected_percent, \ "Did not recieve an acceptable number of mutations." def _never_mutate(self, mutator): """Test that a mutator does not cause unexpected mutations. """ for trial in range(self.num_trials): new_org = mutator.mutate(self.organism) assert new_org == self.organism, "Unexpected mutation found" class ConversionTest(unittest.TestCase, MutationHelper): """Test mutation which just converts one gene in the chromosome. """ def setUp(self): genome = MutableSeq("1111", TestAlphabet()) self.organism = Organism(genome, test_fitness) def test_always_mutate(self): """Test ability to cause mutations. """ mutator = ConversionMutation(mutation_rate = 1.0) # when we mutate randomly by chance, we expect to get 2/3 # visible mutations (there are three letters in the alphabet and # one change cannot be observed since it is a mutation back to itself) # For a four letter genome, the chance of being exactly the same # after mutations is about .01, so being better than 90% different # if a reasonable expectation. expected_percent = .9 self._always_mutate(mutator, expected_percent) def test_never_mutate(self): """Make sure we do not mutate at unexpected times. """ mutator = ConversionMutation(mutation_rate = 0.0) self._never_mutate(mutator) class SinglePositionTest(unittest.TestCase, MutationHelper): """Test mutations at a single position in a genome. """ def setUp(self): genome = MutableSeq("1111", TestAlphabet()) self.organism = Organism(genome, test_fitness) def test_always_mutate(self): """Test ability to cause mutations. """ mutator = SinglePositionMutation(mutation_rate = 1.0) # when we mutate randomly by chance, we expect to get 2/3 # visible mutations (there are three letters in the alphabet and # one change cannot be observed since it is a mutation back to itself) expected_percent = .6 self._always_mutate(mutator, expected_percent) def test_never_mutate(self): """Make sure we do not mutate at unexpected times. """ mutator = SinglePositionMutation(mutation_rate = 0.0) self._never_mutate(mutator) class TestMutator: """Provide basic mutator ability. """ def __init__(self): self.type = "lower" def mutate(self, org): org_genome_seq = org.genome.toseq() old_org_genome = str(org_genome_seq) new_org = org.copy() if self.type == "same": return new_org elif self.type == "lower": new_org.genome = MutableSeq(str(int(old_org_genome) - 1), org_genome_seq.alphabet) return new_org elif self.type == "higher": new_org.genome = MutableSeq(str(int(old_org_genome) + 1), org_genome_seq.alphabet) return new_org else: raise ValueError("Got type %s" % self.type) class SafeFitnessTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test mutation which does not allow decreases in fitness. """ def setUp(self): self.alphabet = TestAlphabet() genome = MutableSeq("2", self.alphabet) self.org = Organism(genome, test_fitness) self.test_mutator = TestMutator() def test_keep_higher(self): """Make sure we always keep the higher fitness. """ mutator = SafeFitnessMutation(self.test_mutator) self.test_mutator.type = "same" new_org = mutator.mutate(self.org) assert (new_org == self.org), \ "Did not retain organism for same fitness." self.test_mutator.type = "lower" new_org = mutator.mutate(self.org) assert (new_org == self.org), \ "Did not retain organism when crossover had lower fitness." self.test_mutator.type = "higher" new_org = mutator.mutate(self.org) assert (new_org.fitness > self.org.fitness), \ "Did not get new organism when it had higher fitness." def test_keep_new(self): """Make sure we always keep the new organism when specified. """ mutator = SafeFitnessMutation(self.test_mutator, 1.0) self.test_mutator.type = "same" new_org = mutator.mutate(self.org) assert (new_org == self.org), \ "Did not retain organism for same fitness." self.test_mutator.type = "lower" new_org = mutator.mutate(self.org) assert (new_org.fitness < self.org.fitness), \ "Did not get new organism when it had lower fitness." self.test_mutator.type = "higher" new_org = mutator.mutate(self.org) assert (new_org.fitness > self.org.fitness), \ "Did not get new organism under higher fitness conditions." if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)