#!/usr/bin/env python """Tests for Genetic Algorithm Repair code. This tests classes which are designed for repairing organisms after mutation and crossover. """ # standard library import unittest # biopython from Bio.Alphabet import Alphabet from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq # local stuff from Bio.NeuralNetwork.Gene.Schema import Schema from Bio.GA.Organism import Organism from Bio.GA.Repair.Stabilizing import AmbiguousRepair class TestAlphabet(Alphabet): """Simple test alphabet. """ alphabet_matches = {"1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "3", "*": "123"} letters = ["1", "2", "3", "*"] def test_fitness(genome): """Simple class for calculating fitnesses. """ return 1 class AmbiguousRepairTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test for the ability to repair too many ambiguous genes in a genome. """ def setUp(self): alphabet = TestAlphabet() test_genome = MutableSeq("11*22*33*", alphabet) self.organism = Organism(test_genome, test_fitness) self.ambig_info = Schema(alphabet.alphabet_matches) def test_single_repair(self): """Test repair of a single ambiguous position in a genome. """ repairer = AmbiguousRepair(self.ambig_info, 2) for repair_attempt in range(5): new_org = repairer.repair(self.organism) new_genome_seq = new_org.genome.toseq() assert new_genome_seq.count("*") == 2, \ "Did not repair genome, got %s" % str(new_genome_seq) def test_multiple_repair(self): """Test repair of multiple ambiguous positions in a genome. """ repairer = AmbiguousRepair(self.ambig_info, 0) for repair_attempt in range(5): new_org = repairer.repair(self.organism) new_genome_seq = new_org.genome.toseq() assert new_genome_seq.count("*") == 0, \ "Did not repair genome, got %s" % str(new_genome_seq) if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)