#!/usr/bin/env python # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Tests for Genetic Algorithm classes that provide selection capabilities. """ # standard library import random import unittest # biopython from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq from Bio.Alphabet import SingleLetterAlphabet # local stuff from Bio.GA.Organism import Organism from Bio.GA.Selection.Diversity import DiversitySelection from Bio.GA.Selection.Tournament import TournamentSelection from Bio.GA.Selection.RouletteWheel import RouletteWheelSelection # --- helper classes and functions class TestAlphabet(SingleLetterAlphabet): """Simple test alphabet. """ letters = ["0", "1", "2", "3"] def test_fitness(genome): """Simple class for calculating fitnesses. """ genome_seq = genome.toseq() return int(str(genome_seq)) class NoSelection: """A simple 'selection' class that just returns the generated population. """ def select(self, population): return population class NoMutation: """Simple 'mutation' class that doesn't do anything. """ def mutate(self, org): return org.copy() class NoCrossover: """Simple 'crossover' class that doesn't do anything. """ def do_crossover(self, org_1, org_2): return org_1.copy(), org_2.copy() class NoRepair: """Simple 'repair' class that doesn't do anything. """ def repair(self, org): return org.copy() def random_genome(): """Return a random genome string. """ alphabet = TestAlphabet() new_genome = "" for letter in range(3): new_genome += random.choice(alphabet.letters) return MutableSeq(new_genome, alphabet) def random_organism(): """Generate a random organism. """ genome = random_genome() return Organism(genome, test_fitness) # --- the actual test classes class DiversitySelectionTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test selection trying to maximize diversity. """ def setUp(self): self.selector = DiversitySelection(NoSelection(), random_genome) def test_get_new_organism(self): """Getting a new organism not in the new population. """ org = random_organism() old_pop = [org] new_pop = [] new_org = self.selector._get_new_organism(new_pop, old_pop) self.assertEqual(new_org, org, "Got an unexpected organism %s" % new_org) def test_no_retrieve_organism(self): """Test not getting an organism already in the new population. """ org = random_organism() old_pop = [org] new_pop = [org] new_org = self.selector._get_new_organism(new_pop, old_pop) #assert new_org != org, "Got organism already in the new population." #TODO - Why was the above commented out? def test_selection(self): """Test basic selection on a small population. """ pop = [random_organism() for org_num in range(50)] new_pop = self.selector.select(pop) self.assertEqual(len(new_pop), len(pop), "Did not maintain population size.") class TournamentSelectionTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test selection based on a tournament style scheme. """ def setUp(self): self.selector = TournamentSelection(NoMutation(), NoCrossover(), NoRepair(), 2) def test_select_best(self): """Ensure selection of the best organism in a population of 2. """ #Create any two non equal organisms org_1 = random_organism() while True: org_2 = random_organism() if org_2.fitness != org_1.fitness: break #Sort them so org_1 is most fit if org_2.fitness > org_1.fitness: org_1, org_2 = org_2, org_1 self.assertTrue(org_1.fitness > org_2.fitness) pop = [org_1, org_2] new_pop = self.selector.select(pop) for org in new_pop: self.assertEqual(org, org_1, "Got a worse organism selected.") #Just to make sure the selector isn't doing something #silly with the order, try this with the input reserved: pop = [org_2, org_1] new_pop = self.selector.select(pop) for org in new_pop: self.assertEqual(org, org_1, "Got a worse organism selected.") def test_selection(self): """Test basic selection on a small population. """ pop = [random_organism() for org_num in range(50)] new_pop = self.selector.select(pop) self.assertEqual(len(new_pop), len(pop), "Did not maintain population size.") class RouletteWheelSelectionTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test selection using a roulette wheel selection scheme. """ def setUp(self): self.selector = RouletteWheelSelection(NoMutation(), NoCrossover(), NoRepair()) def test_select_best(self): """Ensure selection of a best organism in a population of 2. """ worst_genome = MutableSeq("0", TestAlphabet()) worst_org = Organism(worst_genome, test_fitness) better_genome = MutableSeq("1", TestAlphabet()) better_org = Organism(better_genome, test_fitness) new_pop = self.selector.select([worst_org, better_org]) for org in new_pop: self.assertEqual(org, better_org, "Worse organism unexpectly selected.") def test_selection(self): """Test basic selection on a small population. """ pop = [random_organism() for org_num in range(50)] new_pop = self.selector.select(pop) self.assertEqual(len(new_pop), len(pop), "Did not maintain population size.") if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)