#!/usr/bin/env python """Test out HMMs using the Occasionally Dishonest Casino. This uses the ocassionally dishonest casino example from Biological Sequence Analysis by Durbin et al. In this example, we are dealing with a casino that has two types of dice, a fair dice that has 1/6 probability of rolling any number and a loaded dice that has 1/2 probability to roll a 6, and 1/10 probability to roll any other number. The probability of switching from the fair to loaded dice is .05 and the probability of switching from loaded to fair is .1. """ from __future__ import print_function import os if os.name == 'java': from Bio import MissingExternalDependencyError #This is a slight miss-use of MissingExternalDependencyError, #but it will do in the short term to skip this unit test on Jython raise MissingExternalDependencyError("This test can cause a fatal error " "on Jython with some versions of Java") # standard modules import random # biopython from Bio import Alphabet from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq from Bio.Seq import Seq # HMM stuff we are testing from Bio.HMM import MarkovModel from Bio.HMM import Trainer from Bio.HMM import Utilities # whether we should print everything out. Set this to zero for # regression testing VERBOSE = 0 # -- set up our alphabets class DiceRollAlphabet(Alphabet.Alphabet): letters = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'] class DiceTypeAlphabet(Alphabet.Alphabet): letters = ['F', 'L'] # -- useful functions def _loaded_dice_roll(chance_num, cur_state): """Generate a loaded dice roll based on the state and a random number """ if cur_state == 'F': if chance_num <= (float(1) / float(6)): return '1' elif chance_num <= (float(2) / float(6)): return '2' elif chance_num <= (float(3) / float(6)): return '3' elif chance_num <= (float(4) / float(6)): return '4' elif chance_num <= (float(5) / float(6)): return '5' else: return '6' elif cur_state == 'L': if chance_num <= (float(1) / float(10)): return '1' elif chance_num <= (float(2) / float(10)): return '2' elif chance_num <= (float(3) / float(10)): return '3' elif chance_num <= (float(4) / float(10)): return '4' elif chance_num <= (float(5) / float(10)): return '5' else: return '6' else: raise ValueError("Unexpected cur_state %s" % cur_state) def generate_rolls(num_rolls): """Generate a bunch of rolls corresponding to the casino probabilities. Returns: o The generate roll sequence o The state sequence that generated the roll. """ # start off in the fair state cur_state = 'F' roll_seq = MutableSeq('', DiceRollAlphabet()) state_seq = MutableSeq('', DiceTypeAlphabet()) # generate the sequence for roll in range(num_rolls): state_seq.append(cur_state) # generate a random number chance_num = random.random() # add on a new roll to the sequence new_roll = _loaded_dice_roll(chance_num, cur_state) roll_seq.append(new_roll) # now give us a chance to switch to a new state chance_num = random.random() if cur_state == 'F': if chance_num <= .05: cur_state = 'L' elif cur_state == 'L': if chance_num <= .1: cur_state = 'F' return roll_seq.toseq(), state_seq.toseq() # -- build a MarkovModel mm_builder = MarkovModel.MarkovModelBuilder(DiceTypeAlphabet(), DiceRollAlphabet()) mm_builder.allow_all_transitions() mm_builder.set_random_probabilities() """ mm_builder.set_transition_score('F', 'L', .05) mm_builder.set_transition_score('F', 'F', .95) mm_builder.set_transition_score('L', 'F', .10) mm_builder.set_transition_score('L', 'L', .9) mm_builder.set_emission_score('F', '1', .17) mm_builder.set_emission_score('F', '2', .17) mm_builder.set_emission_score('F', '3', .17) mm_builder.set_emission_score('F', '4', .17) mm_builder.set_emission_score('F', '5', .17) mm_builder.set_emission_score('F', '6', .17) mm_builder.set_emission_score('L', '1', .1) mm_builder.set_emission_score('L', '2', .1) mm_builder.set_emission_score('L', '3', .1) mm_builder.set_emission_score('L', '4', .1) mm_builder.set_emission_score('L', '5', .1) mm_builder.set_emission_score('L', '6', .5) """ # just get two different Markov Models -- we'll train one using # Baum Welch, and one using the Standard trainer baum_welch_mm = mm_builder.get_markov_model() standard_mm = mm_builder.get_markov_model() # get a sequence of rolls to train the markov model with rolls, states = generate_rolls(3000) # predicted_states, prob = my_mm.viterbi(rolls, DiceTypeAlphabet()) # print("prob: %f" % prob) # Utilities.pretty_print_prediction(rolls, states, predicted_states) # -- now train the model def stop_training(log_likelihood_change, num_iterations): """Tell the training model when to stop. """ if VERBOSE: print("ll change: %f" % log_likelihood_change) if log_likelihood_change < 0.01: return 1 elif num_iterations >= 10: return 1 else: return 0 # -- Standard Training with known states print("Training with the Standard Trainer...") known_training_seq = Trainer.TrainingSequence(rolls, states) trainer = Trainer.KnownStateTrainer(standard_mm) trained_mm = trainer.train([known_training_seq]) if VERBOSE: print(trained_mm.transition_prob) print(trained_mm.emission_prob) test_rolls, test_states = generate_rolls(300) predicted_states, prob = trained_mm.viterbi(test_rolls, DiceTypeAlphabet()) if VERBOSE: print("Prediction probability: %f" % prob) Utilities.pretty_print_prediction(test_rolls, test_states, predicted_states) # -- Baum-Welch training without known state sequences print("Training with Baum-Welch...") training_seq = Trainer.TrainingSequence(rolls, Seq("", DiceTypeAlphabet())) trainer = Trainer.BaumWelchTrainer(baum_welch_mm) trained_mm = trainer.train([training_seq], stop_training) if VERBOSE: print(trained_mm.transition_prob) print(trained_mm.emission_prob) test_rolls, test_states = generate_rolls(300) predicted_states, prob = trained_mm.viterbi(test_rolls, DiceTypeAlphabet()) if VERBOSE: print("Prediction probability: %f" % prob) Utilities.pretty_print_prediction(test_rolls, test_states, predicted_states)