# Copyright 2009-2013 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. from __future__ import print_function from Bio._py3k import _universal_read_mode import os import sys import subprocess import unittest from Bio.Application import _escape_filename from Bio import MissingExternalDependencyError from Bio.Align.Applications import MuscleCommandline from Bio import SeqIO from Bio import AlignIO ################################################################# #Try to avoid problems when the OS is in another language os.environ['LANG'] = 'C' muscle_exe = None if sys.platform=="win32": try: #This can vary depending on the Windows language. prog_files = os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"] except KeyError: prog_files = r"C:\Program Files" #For Windows, MUSCLE just comes as a zip file which contains the #a Muscle directory with the muscle.exe file plus a readme etc, #which the user could put anywhere. We'll try a few sensible #locations under Program Files... and then the full path. likely_dirs = ["", # Current dir prog_files, os.path.join(prog_files, "Muscle3.6"), os.path.join(prog_files, "Muscle3.7"), os.path.join(prog_files, "Muscle3.8"), os.path.join(prog_files, "Muscle3.9"), os.path.join(prog_files, "Muscle")] + sys.path for folder in likely_dirs: if os.path.isdir(folder): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, "muscle.exe")): muscle_exe = os.path.join(folder, "muscle.exe") break if muscle_exe: break else: from Bio._py3k import getoutput output = getoutput("muscle -version") #Since "not found" may be in another language, try and be sure this is #really the MUSCLE tool's output if "not found" not in output and "MUSCLE" in output \ and "Edgar" in output: muscle_exe = "muscle" if not muscle_exe: raise MissingExternalDependencyError( "Install MUSCLE if you want to use the Bio.Align.Applications wrapper.") ################################################################# class MuscleApplication(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.infile1 = "Fasta/f002" self.infile2 = "Fasta/fa01" self.infile3 = "Fasta/f001" self.outfile1 = "Fasta/temp align out1.fa" # with spaces! self.outfile2 = "Fasta/temp_align_out2.fa" self.outfile3 = "Fasta/temp_align_out3.fa" self.outfile4 = "Fasta/temp_align_out4.fa" def tearDown(self): if os.path.isfile(self.outfile1): os.remove(self.outfile1) if os.path.isfile(self.outfile2): os.remove(self.outfile2) if os.path.isfile(self.outfile3): os.remove(self.outfile3) if os.path.isfile(self.outfile4): os.remove(self.outfile4) def test_Muscle_simple(self): """Simple round-trip through app just infile and outfile""" cmdline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe, input=self.infile1, out=self.outfile1) self.assertEqual(str(cmdline), _escape_filename(muscle_exe) + ' -in Fasta/f002 -out "Fasta/temp align out1.fa"') self.assertEqual(str(eval(repr(cmdline))), str(cmdline)) output, error = cmdline() self.assertEqual(output, "") self.assertTrue("ERROR" not in error) def test_Muscle_with_options(self): """Round-trip through app with a switch and valued option""" cmdline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe) cmdline.set_parameter("input", self.infile1) # "input" is alias for "in" cmdline.set_parameter("out", self.outfile2) #Use property: cmdline.objscore = "sp" cmdline.noanchors = True self.assertEqual(str(cmdline), _escape_filename(muscle_exe) + " -in Fasta/f002" + " -out Fasta/temp_align_out2.fa" + " -objscore sp -noanchors") self.assertEqual(str(eval(repr(cmdline))), str(cmdline)) output, error = cmdline() self.assertEqual(output, "") self.assertTrue("ERROR" not in error) self.assertTrue(error.strip().startswith("MUSCLE"), output) def test_Muscle_profile_simple(self): """Simple round-trip through app doing a profile alignment""" cmdline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe) cmdline.set_parameter("out", self.outfile3) cmdline.set_parameter("profile", True) cmdline.set_parameter("in1", self.infile2) cmdline.set_parameter("in2", self.infile3) self.assertEqual(str(cmdline), _escape_filename(muscle_exe) + " -out Fasta/temp_align_out3.fa" + " -profile -in1 Fasta/fa01 -in2 Fasta/f001") self.assertEqual(str(eval(repr(cmdline))), str(cmdline)) output, error = cmdline() self.assertEqual(output, "") self.assertTrue("ERROR" not in error) self.assertTrue(error.strip().startswith("MUSCLE"), output) def test_Muscle_profile_with_options(self): """Profile alignment, and switch and valued options""" #Using some keyword arguments, note -stable isn't supported in v3.8 cmdline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe, out=self.outfile4, in1=self.infile2, in2=self.infile3, profile=True, stable=True, cluster1="neighborjoining") self.assertEqual(str(cmdline), _escape_filename(muscle_exe) + " -out Fasta/temp_align_out4.fa" + " -profile -in1 Fasta/fa01 -in2 Fasta/f001" + " -cluster1 neighborjoining -stable") self.assertEqual(str(eval(repr(cmdline))), str(cmdline)) """ #TODO - Why doesn't this work with MUSCLE 3.6 on the Mac? #It may be another bug fixed in MUSCLE 3.7 ... result, stdout, stderr = generic_run(cmdline) #NOTE: generic_run has been removed from Biopython self.assertEqual(result.return_code, 0) self.assertEqual(stdout.read(), "") self.assertTrue("ERROR" not in stderr.read()) self.assertEqual(str(result._cl), str(cmdline)) """ class SimpleAlignTest(unittest.TestCase): """Simple MUSCLE tests""" """ #FASTA output seems broken on Muscle 3.6 (on the Mac). def test_simple_fasta(self): input_file = "Fasta/f002" self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(input_file)) records = list(SeqIO.parse(input_file,"fasta")) #Prepare the command... cmdline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe) cmdline.set_parameter("in", input_file) #Preserve input record order (makes checking output easier) cmdline.set_parameter("stable") #Set some others options just to test them cmdline.set_parameter("maxiters", 2) self.assertEqual(str(cmdline).rstrip(), "muscle -in Fasta/f002 -maxiters 2 -stable") result, out_handle, err_handle = generic_run(cmdline) #NOTE: generic_run has been removed from Biopython print(err_handle.read()) print(out_handle.read()) align = AlignIO.read(out_handle, "fasta") self.assertEqual(len(records),len(align)) for old, new in zip(records, align): self.assertEqual(old.id, new.id) self.assertEqual(str(new.seq).replace("-",""), str(old.seq)) """ def test_simple_clustal(self): """Simple muscle call using Clustal output with a MUSCLE header""" input_file = "Fasta/f002" self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(input_file)) records = list(SeqIO.parse(input_file, "fasta")) records.sort(key = lambda rec: rec.id) #Prepare the command... use Clustal output (with a MUSCLE header) cmdline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe, input=input_file, clw = True) self.assertEqual(str(cmdline).rstrip(), _escape_filename(muscle_exe) + " -in Fasta/f002 -clw") self.assertEqual(str(eval(repr(cmdline))), str(cmdline)) child = subprocess.Popen(str(cmdline), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=(sys.platform!="win32")) #Didn't use -quiet so there should be progress reports on stderr, align = AlignIO.read(child.stdout, "clustal") align.sort() # by record.id self.assertTrue(child.stderr.read().strip().startswith("MUSCLE")) return_code = child.wait() self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) child.stdout.close() child.stderr.close() del child self.assertEqual(len(records), len(align)) for old, new in zip(records, align): self.assertEqual(old.id, new.id) self.assertEqual(str(new.seq).replace("-", ""), str(old.seq)) def test_simple_clustal_strict(self): """Simple muscle call using strict Clustal output""" input_file = "Fasta/f002" self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(input_file)) records = list(SeqIO.parse(input_file, "fasta")) records.sort(key = lambda rec: rec.id) #Prepare the command... cmdline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe) cmdline.set_parameter("in", input_file) #Use clustal output (with a CLUSTAL header) cmdline.set_parameter("clwstrict", True) # Default None treated as False! self.assertEqual(str(cmdline).rstrip(), _escape_filename(muscle_exe) + " -in Fasta/f002 -clwstrict") self.assertEqual(str(eval(repr(cmdline))), str(cmdline)) child = subprocess.Popen(str(cmdline), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=(sys.platform!="win32")) #Didn't use -quiet so there should be progress reports on stderr, align = AlignIO.read(child.stdout, "clustal") align.sort() self.assertTrue(child.stderr.read().strip().startswith("MUSCLE")) self.assertEqual(len(records), len(align)) for old, new in zip(records, align): self.assertEqual(old.id, new.id) self.assertEqual(str(new.seq).replace("-", ""), str(old.seq)) return_code = child.wait() self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) child.stdout.close() child.stderr.close() del child def test_long(self): """Simple muscle call using long file""" #Create a large input file by converting some of another example file temp_large_fasta_file = "temp_cw_prot.fasta" records = list(SeqIO.parse("NBRF/Cw_prot.pir", "pir"))[:40] SeqIO.write(records, temp_large_fasta_file, "fasta") #Prepare the command... cmdline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe) cmdline.set_parameter("in", temp_large_fasta_file) #Use fast options cmdline.set_parameter("maxiters", 1) cmdline.set_parameter("diags", True) # Default None treated as False! #Use clustal output cmdline.set_parameter("clwstrict", True) # Default None treated as False! #Shoudn't need this, but just to make sure it is accepted cmdline.set_parameter("maxhours", 0.1) #No progress reports to stderr cmdline.set_parameter("quiet", True) # Default None treated as False! self.assertEqual(str(cmdline).rstrip(), _escape_filename(muscle_exe) + " -in temp_cw_prot.fasta -diags -maxhours 0.1" + " -maxiters 1 -clwstrict -quiet") self.assertEqual(str(eval(repr(cmdline))), str(cmdline)) child = subprocess.Popen(str(cmdline), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=(sys.platform!="win32")) align = AlignIO.read(child.stdout, "clustal") align.sort() records.sort(key = lambda rec: rec.id) self.assertEqual(len(records), len(align)) for old, new in zip(records, align): self.assertEqual(old.id, new.id) self.assertEqual(str(new.seq).replace("-", ""), str(old.seq)) #See if quiet worked: self.assertEqual("", child.stderr.read().strip()) return_code = child.wait() self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) child.stdout.close() child.stderr.close() del child os.remove(temp_large_fasta_file) def test_using_stdin(self): """Simple alignment using stdin""" input_file = "Fasta/f002" self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(input_file)) records = list(SeqIO.parse(input_file, "fasta")) #Prepare the command... use Clustal output (with a MUSCLE header) cline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe, clw=True) self.assertEqual(str(cline).rstrip(), _escape_filename(muscle_exe) + " -clw") self.assertEqual(str(eval(repr(cline))), str(cline)) child = subprocess.Popen(str(cline), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=(sys.platform!="win32")) SeqIO.write(records, child.stdin, "fasta") child.stdin.close() #Alignment will now run... align = AlignIO.read(child.stdout, "clustal") align.sort() records.sort(key = lambda rec: rec.id) self.assertEqual(len(records), len(align)) for old, new in zip(records, align): self.assertEqual(old.id, new.id) self.assertEqual(str(new.seq).replace("-", ""), str(old.seq)) self.assertEqual(0, child.wait()) child.stdout.close() child.stderr.close() del child def test_with_multiple_output_formats(self): """Simple muscle call with multiple output formats""" input_file = "Fasta/f002" output_html = "temp_f002.html" output_clwstrict = "temp_f002.clw" self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(input_file)) records = list(SeqIO.parse(input_file, "fasta")) records.sort(key = lambda rec: rec.id) #Prepare the command... use Clustal output (with a MUSCLE header) cmdline = MuscleCommandline(muscle_exe, input=input_file, clw=True, htmlout = output_html, clwstrictout = output_clwstrict) self.assertEqual(str(cmdline).rstrip(), _escape_filename(muscle_exe) + " -in Fasta/f002 -clw -htmlout temp_f002.html" + " -clwstrictout temp_f002.clw") self.assertEqual(str(eval(repr(cmdline))), str(cmdline)) child = subprocess.Popen(str(cmdline), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=(sys.platform!="win32")) #Clustalw on stdout: align = AlignIO.read(child.stdout, "clustal") align.sort() #Didn't use -quiet so there should be progress reports on stderr, self.assertTrue(child.stderr.read().strip().startswith("MUSCLE")) return_code = child.wait() self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) self.assertEqual(len(records), len(align)) for old, new in zip(records, align): self.assertEqual(old.id, new.id) child.stdout.close() child.stderr.close() del child handle = open(output_html, _universal_read_mode) html = handle.read().strip().upper() handle.close() self.assertTrue(html.startswith("")) #ClustalW strict: align = AlignIO.read(output_clwstrict, "clustal") align.sort() self.assertEqual(len(records), len(align)) for old, new in zip(records, align): self.assertEqual(old.id, new.id) os.remove(output_html) os.remove(output_clwstrict) if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)