#!/usr/bin/env python """Test function to teach the neural network an XOR function. This is a very basic test of Neural Network functionality. """ # Neural Network code we'll be using from __future__ import print_function from Bio.NeuralNetwork.Training import TrainingExample from Bio.NeuralNetwork.BackPropagation import Layer from Bio.NeuralNetwork.BackPropagation.Network import BasicNetwork VERBOSE = 0 def main(): """Train a neural network, and then test it to see how it does. Since we have so few examples, we use all of them for training, validation and testing. """ print("Setting up training examples...") # set up the training examples examples = [] examples.append(TrainingExample([0, 0], [0])) examples.append(TrainingExample([0, 1], [1])) examples.append(TrainingExample([1, 0], [1])) examples.append(TrainingExample([1, 1], [0])) # create the network output = Layer.OutputLayer(1) hidden = Layer.HiddenLayer(3, output) input = Layer.InputLayer(2, hidden) network = BasicNetwork(input, hidden, output) print("Training the network...") # train it learning_rate = .5 momentum = .1 network.train(examples, examples, stopping_criteria, learning_rate, momentum) print("Predicting...") # try predicting for example in examples: prediction = network.predict(example.inputs) if VERBOSE: print("%s;%s=> %s" % (example.inputs, example.outputs, prediction)) def stopping_criteria(num_iterations, validation_error, training_error): """Define when to stop iterating. """ if num_iterations % 100 == 0: if VERBOSE: print("error: %s" % validation_error) if num_iterations >= 2000: return True return False main()