# Copyright 2007 by Tiago Antao . All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. import os import unittest from Bio.PopGen import GenePop from Bio.PopGen.GenePop import FileParser class RecordTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_record_basic(self): """Basic test on Record """ r = GenePop.Record() assert isinstance(r.marker_len, int) assert isinstance(r.comment_line, str) assert isinstance(r.loci_list, list) assert isinstance(r.populations, list) class ParserTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): files = ["c2line.gen", "c3line.gen", "c2space.gen", "c3space.gen", "haplo3.gen", "haplo2.gen"] self.handles = [] for filename in files: self.handles.append(open(os.path.join("PopGen", filename))) self.pops_indivs = [ (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]) ] self.num_loci = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] self.marker_len = [2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2] self.pop_names = ["4", "b3", "5"] def tearDown(self): for handle in self.handles: handle.close() def test_record_parser(self): """Basic operation of the Record Parser. """ for index in range(len(self.handles)): handle = self.handles[index] rec = GenePop.read(handle) assert isinstance(rec, GenePop.Record) assert len(rec.loci_list) == self.num_loci[index] assert rec.marker_len == self.marker_len[index] assert len(rec.populations) == self.pops_indivs[index][0] assert rec.pop_list == self.pop_names for i in range(self.pops_indivs[index][0]): assert len(rec.populations[i]) == \ self.pops_indivs[index][1][i] def test_wrong_file_parser(self): """Testing the ability to deal with wrongly formatted files """ f = open(os.path.join("PopGen", "fdist1")) try: rec = GenePop.read(f) raise Error("Should have raised exception") except ValueError: pass f.close() class FileParserTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.files = [os.path.join("PopGen", x) for x in ["c2line.gen", "c3line.gen", "c2space.gen", "c3space.gen", "haplo3.gen", "haplo2.gen"]] self.pops_indivs = [ (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]), (3, [4, 3, 5]) ] self.num_loci = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] def test_file_record_parser(self): """Basic operation of the File Record Parser. """ for index in range(len(self.files)): fname = self.files[index] rec = FileParser.read(fname) assert isinstance(rec, FileParser.FileRecord) assert len(rec.loci_list) == self.num_loci[index] for skip in range(self.pops_indivs[index][0]): if rec.skip_population() is False: raise Error("Not enough populations") if rec.skip_population() is True: raise Error("Too much populations") for i in range(self.pops_indivs[index][0]): continue assert len(rec.populations[i]) == \ self.pops_indivs[index][1][i] rec._handle.close() # TODO - Needs a proper fix def test_wrong_file_parser(self): """Testing the ability to deal with wrongly formatted files """ f = open(os.path.join("PopGen", "fdist1")) try: rec = GenePop.read(f) raise Error("Should have raised exception") except ValueError: pass f.close() class UtilsTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): #All files have to have at least 3 loci and 2 pops files = ["c2line.gen"] self.handles = [] for filename in files: self.handles.append(open(os.path.join("PopGen", filename))) def tearDown(self): for handle in self.handles: handle.close() def test_utils(self): """Basic operation of GenePop Utils. """ for index in range(len(self.handles)): handle = self.handles[index] rec = GenePop.read(handle) initial_pops = len(rec.populations) initial_loci = len(rec.loci_list) first_loci = rec.loci_list[0] rec.remove_population(0) assert len(rec.populations) == initial_pops - 1 rec.remove_locus_by_name(first_loci) assert len(rec.loci_list) == initial_loci - 1 assert rec.loci_list[0] != first_loci rec.remove_locus_by_position(0) assert len(rec.loci_list) == initial_loci - 2 if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)