# Copyright 2009-2013 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # Parts copyright 1999 by Jeffrey Chang. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. from __future__ import print_function import unittest from Bio._py3k import StringIO from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.SeqIO.FastaIO import FastaIterator from Bio.Alphabet import generic_protein, generic_nucleotide, generic_dna def title_to_ids(title): """Function to convert a title into the id, name, and description. This is just a quick-n-dirty implementation, and is definetely not meant to handle every FASTA title line case. """ # first split the id information from the description # the first item is the id info block, the rest is the description all_info = title.split(" ") id_info = all_info[0] rest = all_info[1:] descr = " ".join(rest) # now extract the ids from the id block # gi|5690369|gb|AF158246.1|AF158246 id_info_items = id_info.split("|") if len(id_info_items) >=4: assert id_info_items[2] in ["gb", "emb", "dbj", "pdb"], title id = id_info_items[3] # the id with version info name = id_info_items[4] # the id without version info else: #Fallback: id = id_info_items[0] name = id_info_items[0] return id, name, descr def read_single_with_titles(filename, alphabet): global title_to_ids handle = open(filename) iterator = FastaIterator(handle, alphabet, title_to_ids) record = next(iterator) try: second = next(iterator) except StopIteration: second = None handle.close() assert record is not None and second is None return record def read_title_and_seq(filename): """Crude parser that gets the first record from a FASTA file.""" handle = open(filename) title = handle.readline().rstrip() assert title.startswith(">") seq = "" for line in handle: if line.startswith(">"): break seq += line.strip() handle.close() return title[1:], seq class TitleFunctions(unittest.TestCase): """Cunning unit test where methods are added at run time.""" def simple_check(self, filename, alphabet): """Basic test for parsing single record FASTA files.""" title, seq = read_title_and_seq(filename) # crude parser #First check using Bio.SeqIO.FastaIO directly with title function, record = read_single_with_titles(filename, alphabet) idn, name, descr = title_to_ids(title) self.assertEqual(record.id, idn) self.assertEqual(record.name, name) self.assertEqual(record.description, descr) self.assertEqual(str(record.seq), seq) self.assertEqual(record.seq.alphabet, alphabet) #Now check using Bio.SeqIO (default settings) record = SeqIO.read(filename, "fasta", alphabet) self.assertEqual(record.id, title.split()[0]) self.assertEqual(record.name, title.split()[0]) self.assertEqual(record.description, title) self.assertEqual(str(record.seq), seq) self.assertEqual(record.seq.alphabet, alphabet) #Uncomment this for testing the methods are calling the right files: #print("{%s done}" % filename) def multi_check(self, filename, alphabet): """Basic test for parsing multi-record FASTA files.""" with open(filename) as handle: re_titled = list(FastaIterator(handle, alphabet, title_to_ids)) default = list(SeqIO.parse(filename, "fasta", alphabet)) self.assertEqual(len(re_titled), len(default)) for old, new in zip(default, re_titled): idn, name, descr = title_to_ids(old.description) self.assertEqual(new.id, idn) self.assertEqual(new.name, name) self.assertEqual(new.description, descr) self.assertEqual(str(new.seq), str(old.seq)) self.assertEqual(new.seq.alphabet, old.seq.alphabet) #Uncomment this for testing the methods are calling the right files: #print("{%s done}" % filename) def test_no_name(self): """Test FASTA record with no identifier.""" handle = StringIO(">\nACGT") record = SeqIO.read(handle, "fasta") handle.close() self.assertEqual(str(record.seq), "ACGT") self.assertEqual("", record.id) self.assertEqual("", record.name) self.assertEqual("", record.description) single_nucleic_files = ['Fasta/lupine.nu', 'Fasta/elderberry.nu', 'Fasta/phlox.nu', 'Fasta/centaurea.nu', 'Fasta/wisteria.nu', 'Fasta/sweetpea.nu', 'Fasta/lavender.nu', 'Fasta/f001'] multi_dna_files = ['Quality/example.fasta'] single_amino_files = ['Fasta/aster.pro', 'Fasta/rosemary.pro', 'Fasta/rose.pro', 'Fasta/loveliesbleeding.pro'] multi_amino_files = ['Fasta/f002', 'Fasta/fa01'] for filename in single_nucleic_files: name = filename.split(".")[0] def funct(fn): f = lambda x : x.simple_check(fn, generic_nucleotide) f.__doc__ = "Checking nucleotide file %s" % fn return f setattr(TitleFunctions, "test_nuc_%s"%name, funct(filename)) del funct for filename in multi_dna_files: name = filename.split(".")[0] def funct(fn): f = lambda x : x.multi_check(fn, generic_dna) f.__doc__ = "Checking multi DNA file %s" % fn return f setattr(TitleFunctions, "test_mutli_dna_%s"%name, funct(filename)) del funct for filename in single_amino_files: name = filename.split(".")[0] def funct(fn): f = lambda x : x.simple_check(fn, generic_nucleotide) f.__doc__ = "Checking protein file %s" % fn return f setattr(TitleFunctions, "test_pro_%s"%name, funct(filename)) del funct for filename in multi_amino_files: name = filename.split(".")[0] def funct(fn): f = lambda x : x.multi_check(fn, generic_dna) f.__doc__ = "Checking multi protein file %s" % fn return f setattr(TitleFunctions, "test_mutli_pro_%s"%name, funct(filename)) del funct if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)