*********************** * * * Glossary of Terms * * * *********************** Band Bar --- A colored line marking the position of a band in an image. CCD Image --- An image produced by a Photometrics CCD camera system; it has a specific kind of header. Colorbar --- A display of the range of colors for the currently installed color map. Color Map --- The directions for matching pixel values with colors. Commands Region --- Contains a Commands Menu whose buttons are used to display Submenus whose buttons are used to call forth procedures used to analyze an image. Extra Image --- An image to be displayed but not analyzed. Gel-Format File --- A file containing lane-label IDs and inheritance labels. Image Information Region --- A region of the screen in which information for the primary image may be entered. Image Region --- The region of the screen used to display the primary image and extra images. Import File --- An ascii file containing tags which point to and describe a file of binary image data. Inheritance Image --- An image whose lanes represent individuals from different generations of the same family. Normalize --- To "warp" an image to conform to a standard. Odd Image --- An imagine which has not been transformed to the import format. Primary Image --- The image to be analyzed. Profile --- An array of image values along a column of an image. Status Information Region --- A region of the screen in which messages are given and errors are reported. Template-Definition File --- A file containing standard band mobilities and fragment sizes which are used to "normalize" an image.