*********************************************** * * * About Odd Image Types, Sizes, and Headers * * * *********************************************** ***************** * * * Header size * * * ***************** May be any size, although the program is not equipped to handle images larger than 1024 in either dimension. A blank field is treated as 0 header bytes. If specified, field must contain non-negative decimal digits. **************** * * * Image Type * * * **************** Currently supported: byte, short integer. Currently not supported: long integer, float, double. ************* * * * Columns * * * ************* Field must be non-blank and contain non-negative decimal digits. Nuumber must be > 0. ********** * * * Rows * * * ********** Field must be non-blank and contain non-negative decimal digits. Nuumber must be > 0. ***************** * * * Bytes/Pixel * * * ***************** Field must be non-blank and contain non-negative decimal digits. Nuumber must be > 0. **************** * * * Image Size * * * **************** Specified image size is computed as header bytes + (columns * rows * bytes/pixel). This number is compared to the size of the image requested; if they match, the program proceeds; if not, a message is produced.