********************* * * * Options Submenu * * * ********************* ************** * * * Colormap * * * ************** This button pops up a file browser for selecting an alternate color table. The file names are somewhat cryptic, so trial-and-error may be the best approach for finding the color table which suits the user and the application. If the colorbar is displayed, the spectrum of colors given by the selected file appears in the colorbar. Any image currently displayed will immediately be recolored. ************** * * * Colorbar * * * ************** This is a toggle button to display or not display the colorbar. The default is ON. ************** * * * Tracking * * * ************** This is a toggle button to display or not display the Tracking Box to the upper right of the image. The default is ON. *************** * * * Image Box * * * *************** This is a toggle button to display or not display an Image Box of size 100x100 surrounding the pointer while the pointer moves about in the primary image space. The box represents that portion of the primary image which is magnified in the Tracking Box. If the Tracking Box is toggled OFF, this Image Box will not appear. The default is OFF. ****************** * * * Image Bounds * * * ****************** This is a toggle button to display or not display the crop box in the primary image. The default is ON. ***************** * * * Coordinates * * * ***************** This is a toggle button to display or not display the x,y coordinates of the pointer when it is in the primary image space. The coordinates will appear to the upper left of the image. The default is OFF. ************** * * * Overlays * * * ************** This is toggle button to display or not display the lane and band markers in the primary image. The default is ON. ****************** * * * Color Adjust * * * ****************** This is a toggle button to display or not display the Color Adjustments Menu. The default is ON. ******************* * * * Template Edit * * * ******************* Ordinarily, the image's template is displayed just after the "Std Bands" button is selected in the Operations submenu. At that time, the template is popped up; template bands may be excluded from further analysis. If this choice is selected in the Options submenu, the template may be edited at this time. See the help selection for Template Edit. ************** * * * CCD Mode * * * ************** If the primary image is a CCD image with a genuine Photometrics CCD header, then one may decide whether or not the image should be: (1) converted to an import file and saved, (2) converted to an import file, downsampled and saved. (3) left alone, The choice must be made before the image is called up. It is reset to default (-- option (2), above --) after the primary image is closed. ***************** * * * Band Thresh * * * ***************** A popup menu appears and remains until its "OK" button is pressed. A slider bar may be adjusted with MB2. Moving to the left should result in the detection of more bands; moving to the right should result in the detection of fewer bands. The current value appears in the middle, below the slider. Values range from 0.5 to 1.5 (default = 1.0). The value is a weight affecting band-detection thresholds. The currently selected remains in effect until changed regardless of whether or not a new image is selected. The "Reset" button resets the slider to the middle and the value to 1.0. *************** * * * Lane Save * * * *************** A toggle button. If ON, when results are saved, lane images and lane profiles are saved. Default is OFF. ***************** * * * Reset Bands * * * ***************** If the primary image is not normalized, clears the standard bands. If the primary image is normalized, clears the experimental bands. ********** * * * Done * * * ********** If selected, the Options submenu disappears, and control is returned to the main commands menu.