********************** * * * Profiles Submenu * * * ********************** Vertical profiles of image intensities may be taken through any column of the primary image. In the procedures described below, a green window of width = 1 and height = image height is superimposed over the image at the column of choice. A profile graph appears to the lower right of the screen. Profiles from different columns may be graphed together, or separate graphs may be created. The graphs may be resized and moved around with the selections from the Extra (Windows) submenu. A profile tracking option allows one to move backwards and forwards along the profile graph with visual clues matching the pointer position in the profile graph with the corresponding position in the image. From the Commands menu, select "Profiles"; this pops the Profiles submenu whose choices are described below: ***************** * * * New Profile * * * ***************** If selected, one may depress MB1 anywhere in the image. When MB1 is released, a green vertical window will appear at the x-position corresponding to the pointer location when MB1 was released. A profile graph appears to the lower right of the screen. The profile graph may be moved or resized by returning to the main Commands menu, selecting Extra, then selecting the appropriate command from the Extra submenu. Additional new profiles/graphs may be added. ***************** * * * Add Profile * * * ***************** If a new profile/graph has been drawn, the Add Profile selection is like New Profile except that, instead of a new profile graph, the current profile curve is added to the the last New Profile graph. Thus, profiles are easily compared. The comparison is facilitated with different colors for the curves in the graph. If Add Profile is attempted before New Profile, nothing happens. Also, the program does not keep track of the order in which were profiles were created; thus, after a Delete Profile, the program has no record of the most recent New Profile, so an attempt to Add Profile will result in nothing UNLESS you first click inside a profile graph to designate which graph is the one to which you can Add Profile. ******************* * * * Track Profile * * * ******************* This option faciliates visual linkage of the profile graph curve with the image. When selected, move the pointer into the profile graph. Depress MB1 and leave depressed while moving the pointer horizontally back and forth. While MB1 is depressed, a "bouncing ball" will follow along the profile graph curve. Concurrently, two horizontal lines will appear to move up and down in the image. The smaller line will appear to the left of the image and move along the labeled pixel-position axis. The larger line will move along the green vertical window to mark the position in the image corresponding to the position of the bouncing ball in the profile graph curve. Note: the tracking mechanism is available only for the primary image and only after lanes have been detected. This may change. ******************** * * * Delete Profile * * * ******************** If selected, move the pointer to the profile graph which is to be deleted and click MB1. The graph will disappear as will the vertical green window(s) associated with that profile graph. **************** * * * Delete All * * * **************** If selected, all green vertical profiles and all profile graphs are removed. ********** * * * Done * * * ********** If selected, the Profiles submenu disappears, and control is returned to the main commands menu.