******************* * * * Template Edit * * * ******************* After lanes have been identified, the user presses the Std Bands button to begin detection of the bands in the marker lanes. The positions of the bands in the marker lanes will be checked against a "template" of marker bands as part of the normalize procedure, which follows detection of these marker-lane bands. Before an image can be normalized, however, the number of detected bands in the marker lanes must equal the number of template bands. Because some images may be problematic, one might decide to exclude some of the template bands from the analysis. If this is the case, the user needs a way to specify the exclusions. Thus before the bands in the marker lanes are detected, a popup dialog appears asking the user if the template should be edited. If not, the program begins automatic detection. If so, a "template edit" popup appears. The template edit popup shows the relative positions of the template bands and a string showing the band's fragment size. A line connects each band and string. A band is deleted by moving the pointer to the band or it's string and clicking MB2. For a deleted band, the template edit no longer shows the band nor string but retains the line between as a record and indication of deletion. Clicking MB1 restores the entire template. Clicking MB3 accepts the template as edited; the popup disappears, and the program begins detection. While the template may be edited in the normal course of events (after lane detection), one may elect to perform the editing via the Options submenu, TemplateEdit button. Caution should be used deleting template bands from two viewpoints. (1) At least 4 bands are required for normalization and (2) the upper and lower bands "crop" the area of normalization and limit the area in which automatic experimental band detection takes place.