#------------------- mrtrans ( 7/ 7/04) --------------------------------- item:mrtrans - protein/DNA alignment # sed edits out ":CDS" or "_CDS" that is added by FEATURES # tr gets rid of extra > and ASCII 128 added by mrtrans # sed lops off the comma and extra junk readseq adds to the name line # mrtrans has been modified to allow sequence names longer than # 9 char. Install mrtrans from mrtrans.tar. # Finally, we have to translate the protein sequence to # uppercase, which is required by mrtrans. itemmethod:(readseq -a -f=Pearson -C -pipe $PROTFILE |sed "s/[:_]CDS/_/" | sed "s/,.*//" >in1.prot; readseq -a -f=Pearson -pipe $DNAFILE |sed "s/[:_]CDS/_/" |sed "s/,.*//" | cut -f1 -d" " > in1.dna; mrtrans.csh in1.prot in1.dna; mrtrans in1.prot in1.dna.reordered | sed "s/> from >/>/" |tr -d '€' | readseq -pipe -a -f2 | tr -d '>' > in1.gen; (gde in1.gen; $RM_CMD in1.gen)& $RM_CMD in1.prot in1.dna in1.dna.reordered)& itemhelp:doc/fasta/mrtrans.txt itemopen:gde_help_viewer.csh arg:PROTFILE argtype:text arglabel:MULTIPLY-ALIGNED PROTEIN FILE argtext: arg:DNAFILE argtype:text arglabel:UNALIGNED DNA FILE argtext: # even though we don't use the in1 file, we still # need to declare it to generate the unique name in1 in:in1 informat:genbank insave: