#------------------------- TESTCODE ( 2/ 8/05) -------------------------- item:Testcode - find protein coding sequences # The directory fsapdoc must be available in the $GDE_HELP_DIR, # containing the file testcode.asc from the FSAP package. Again, this # directory can be implemented as a symbolic link. itemmethod:testcode.csh in1 in1.out $START $FINISH $WHICH $FORMAT $WINDOW $SKIP;($GDE_TEXTEDIT in1.out; $RM_CMD in1*) & itemhelp:doc/fsap/testcode.txt itemopen:gde_help_viewer.csh arg:START argtype:slider arglabel:START argmin:1 argmax:500000 argvalue:1 arg:FINISH argtype:slider arglabel:FINISH argmin:1 argmax:500000 argvalue:500000 arg:WHICH arglabel:Which strand? argtype:chooser argchoice:original:i argchoice:opposite:o argvalue:0 arg:FORMAT arglabel:Output format argtype:chooser argchoice:Histogram:g argchoice:Table:t argvalue:0 arg:WINDOW argtype:slider arglabel:# codons in search window argmin:10 argmax:200 argvalue:67 arg:SKIP argtype:slider arglabel:# to skip for each window argmin:1 argmax:200 argvalue:10 in:in1 informat:genbank insave: